Case Management
Recent papers in Case Management
Boa prática aprovada pelo Fórum Permanente de Processualistas Civis (Brasília, 2022): Acordo de cooperação entre a advocacia pública e tribunal com o objetivo de simplificar a análise de eventuais prescrições intercorrentes em execuções... more
El Código General del Proceso es la reforma procesal más importante en materia procesal civil de las últimas décadas en Colombia. Esta norma ha sido expedida en el contexto del movimiento de reforma judicial que tiene lugar en... more
Objective: The Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea) initiated a programme in 2012 for enhancing interprofessional networking in the medication management of the aged. The goal is to develop national guidelines for interprofessional... more
OBJECTIVES The goals of this study were to: (1) determine if management according to a standardized clinical management pathway/algorithm (compared with usual treatment) improves clinical outcomes by 6 weeks; and (2) assess the... more
Data on presentation, aetiology, and prognostic indicators of childhood pneumonia, which can help design strategies for controlling the disease, are generally scarce in developing countries. In this paper, the distribution of aetiologic... more
The purpose behind this article is to describe the features of Ftklipse, an extendable platform for computer forensics. This document designed to provide a detailed specification for the developers of Ftklipse. Ftklipse is a thick-client... more
The complex formed by chronic illness, episodes of acute illness, physiological disabilities, functional limitations, and cognitive problems is prevalent among frail elderly persons. These individuals rely on assistance from social and... more
Aim. This paper presents the findings of a review and appraisal of the evidence for the effectiveness of nurse case management in improving health outcomes for patients living either with Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or... more
As part of the Closing the Quality Gap: Revisiting the State of the Science series of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), this systematic review sought to identify completed and ongoing evaluations of the comprehensive... more
Objective To assess the quality of care provided by Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs)—a cadre of community-based health workers—as part of a national scale-up of community case management of childhood illness (CCM) in Malawi. Methods... more
A randomized experiment was conducted to test the effects of the Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP), a two-generation program that employed case management and home visiting to ensure multi-risk, low-income children and their... more
Compliance with antipsychotic treatment is a well-recognized concern in the ongoing management of individuals with schizophrenia. The present investigation incorporated the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS®) to evaluate compliance... more
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Background The effectiveness of heart failure(HF) disease management programs(DMP) in patients under cardiologists´care over long-term follow-up is not established.
Background Effective case management is central to reducing malaria mortality and morbidity worldwide, but only a minority of those affected by malaria, have access to prompt effective treatment. In Kenya, the Division of Malaria Control... more
Background: Case management (CM) is a systematic approach to supplement physician-centered efforts to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD). Research is limited on its implementation and efficacy in low-income, ethnic minority populations.
MORE was a mobile outreach drug abuse prevention and HIV harm reduction program primarily for ex-offenders who are active drug users. Through case management, clients were provided substance abuse education, counseling and referral. A... more
The choice of palliative treatment and the prognostic factors in unresectable head and neck cancer cases continue to be controversial. In the present study we compared the survival rates of untreated stage IV head and neck cancer patients... more
To review a series of tears of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in order to understand its healing process, as well as to identify prognostic factors. Type of Study: Prospective study. Methods: Eighteen patients with isolated or... more
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the need for incorporating perceived importance of service elements into client satisfaction measures. Method: A secondary analysis of client satisfaction data from 112 clients of an... more
Background: Using data from a national survey, this study aimed to address whether the current model for multidisciplinary team (MDT) working is appropriate for all tumour types.
A life care plan sets out the full extent of the acquired impairments, likely complications, implications for independence, quality of life, and long-term care needs and then informs the parties about the rationale, including nature,... more
Suicide is a leading cause of deaths in the United States. Although the emergency department (ED) is an opportune setting for initiating suicide prevention efforts, ED-initiated suicide prevention interventions remain underdeveloped. To... more
At present, cloud computing extremely popular subject, which allows a service provider to provide seamless service/information over internet. Therefore, it eliminates the necessity for maintaining expensive computing resources. Testing... more
Guidelines for treating various conditions can be helpful in setting practice standards, but the presence of several sets of guidelines from different countries, experts, and settings, written at different times, can also create... more
An essential component of integrated schistosomiasis control as promoted by WHO is adequate clinical care for patients presenting at health care facilities. We evaluated the functioning of the Ghanaian health system for diagnosis and... more
Study outcomes were enrollment into CITI and initiating antiretroviral treatment (ART). Factors associated with outcomes were estimated by logistic regressions with random effects. Results: Among the study participants, 54% enrolled into... more
One province in Canada, Ontario, is considering the use of drug tests for welfare recipients. Those with positive tests could be required to receive treatment and abstain from drug use or risk losing their benefits. Several experts from... more
The rationale for the development of effective programs for parents with serious mental illness and their children is compelling. Using qualitative methods and a grounded theory approach with data obtained in site visits, seven existing... more
N No on n--P Pu ub bl li ic c S Sp pe ec ci ia al l E Ed du uc ca at ti io on n P Pr ro og gr ra am ms s: : E Ev va al lu ua at ti in ng g t th he e C Co os st ts s o of f W Wi it th hi in n S Sc ch ho oo ol l A Al lt te er rn na at ti iv... more
In the context of international debates about ways to reduce the harms related to the use of illicit drugs and their control, this article explores the specific issue of coerced treatment of people who use drugs. It uses established... more
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
Background: Continuity of care is widely acknowledged as a core value in family medicine. In this systematic review, we aimed to identify the instruments measuring continuity of care and to assess the quality of their measurement... more
This article describes a randomized study to determine the effectiveness of a reentry modified therapeutic community (RMTC) for offenders with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (co-occurring disorders or COD). Men with COD,... more
Background: Triply diagnosed patients, who live with HIV and diagnosed mental health and substance abuse disorders, account for at least 13% of all HIV patients. This vulnerable population has substantial gaps in their care, attributable... more
Housing problems present barriers to family unity and reunification among families in the child welfare system, yet few programs address both child welfare and housing needs. To date, the field lacks data for understanding families with... more
This project evaluated whether clinical case managers (CCMs) could increase access and utilization of social services in the community; and thereby improve outcomes of addiction treatment. No case management (NoCM) -patients received... more
Background: There are high rates of co-occurring depression among young people with substance use disorders. While there is preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of integrated cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) in combination with... more
OBJECTIVES: To study the feasibility and effectiveness of a discharge planning intervention.DESIGN: Quasi-experimental pre–post study design.SETTING: General medicine wards at three hospitals: an academic medical center, a community... more
Objective: To write a narrative review of the role of primary care physicians in the long-term care of people with dementia living at home, with a focus on psychosocial interventions, the provision of information and carer support,... more