Recent papers in Casamance
La Casamance, région située au Sénégal, au sud de la Gambie et au nord de la Guinée Bissau, occupe une place singulière dans l'histoire et l' espace colonial et post-colonial sénégalais. La région de Ziguinchor, partie occidentale de la... more
"Ciò che sin da subito si è delineato è stato un problema di integrazione all’interno della colonia senegalese; problema che ha accompagnato la regione nel periodo successivo, quello dell’indipendenza. Nell’ultima parte infatti, La... more
The first part of this article provides an overview of the development of entrenched armed conflicts in Sub Saharan Africa which continue or have resurfaced in 2016. The author (JVdB) aims to expose the underlying causes and nature of the... more
Como os vários intelectuais, governantes, deputados e historiadores reagiram à questão diplomática e científica do território de Casamansa, na Guiné Portuguesa
El siglo XIX africano ha sido objeto de grandes debates historiográficos. Entre ellos destacan los referidos al final de la trata de esclavos atlántica, el desarrollo del llamado comercio “legítimo”, las revoluciones musulmanas y la... more
This article takes micro and macro perspectives on language policies and practices in Senegal. It explores how colonial relations, develop ment agenda and current language policies in the country are connected. The article consists of... more
La section Style et identité s'ouvre sur deux thématiques importantes dans l'oeuvre et le questionnement de Balfet, le style et l'identité des objets. On y voit notamment comment style et technique sont liés dans l'exemple de la croix... more
Casamance is an area in southern Senegal. Since 1982, the region has been hit by a conflict between the Senegalese government and separatist groups which are the main actors. Casamance has natural wealth which then makes the central... more
Landscape formation processes and archaeological preservation in the Ethiopian Highlands: a case study from the Lalibela region, Rice University, 2016.
This paper presents an account of number marking in two Baïnounk languages, Gubëeher and Gujaher, also taking data from the Baïnounk language Guñaamolo into account. Number distinctions in these languages are coded epiphenominally through... more
Moving Spaces: Creolisation and Mobility in Africa, the Atlantic and Indian Ocean addresses issues of creolisation, mobility, and migration of ideas, songs, stories, and people, as well as plants, in various parts of Africa, the Atlantic... more
Quelques pistes pour améliorer la gouvernance des interventions au profit du développement durable et d'une meilleure résilience des territoires vulnérables. Contribution au thème : Améliorer la gouvernance comme outil de résilience des... more
The Upper Casamance, in southern Senegal, is a region that has wit- nessed dramatic socio-political changes in the last millennium, including a conquest by the Mali Empire and a prominent role in the Atlantic trade. Yet, until now, it had... more
This paper proposes an engendered picture of one of the oldest low intensity conflicts in Africa, the conflict in Casamance. Reflecting on how gender affects the conflict and how gender has been affected by the conflict this paper search... more
This paper underlines the interlinkages between Senegalese and Bissau Guineans populations in the Casamance borderland and the interest to secure the national and international efforts to install peace and stability in Guinea Bissau... more
Senegal, Atlas Okyanusu ve Sahra bölgesindeki stratejik konumu sebebiyle birçok ülke için kilit müttefiklerden bir tanesidir. Ayrıca nüfusun %94’ü Müslüman olan ülkede, hâkim olan Sûfî anlayışın da etkisiyle aşırılık yanlısı terör... more
Casamance 1 occupies a unique place in Senegal's school history 2. Its western part, the Ziguinchor region, is the region with the highest schooling in Senegal, with a net enrolment ratio of 77.8% 3 in 2013. This phenomenon is not new.... more
To understand both the persistence and the very low intensity of the ongoing Casamançais separatist conflict in southern Senegal, one has to take into account the longer history of the encounter between the Senegalese state and the... more
Desde que a mediados del siglo XIX, la administración francesa se interesó por la región de Casamance, al sur de Gambia, y empezó la penetración colonial, los administradores destinados a la región1 construyeron una imagen muy particular... more
En este texto se repasan los debates historiográficos referentes al impacto del final de la trata de esclavos atlántica sobre las sociedades africanas. Se da especial atención a la idea de “crisis de adaptación” de las antiguas élites que... more
Translation of Saint-Exupéry's "Le Petit Prince" into Casamance Creole (Senegal)
La poursuite politique de la lutte armée par les anciens combattants dépend d'une série de facteurs personnels et sociaux. Si les recherches sur ce phénomène ont été nombreuses, la littérature sur les processus connexes-tel « l'exil... more
In the history of statehood, separatism is a natural phenomenon rather than something unusual. Separatism is mostly perceived as a group’s seeking to separate one part of the territory of a given country from the rest in order to create a... more
Large-scale international institutions frequently apply sweeping policies of conflict resolution without paying attention to the endogenous systems and strategies of the populations involved. The aim of this article is to present several... more
A fr ic a n perspe ct iv e s . G lo b a l i n s i g h t s .
• Aims and Objectives/Purpose/Research Questions The former region of southern Senegal, the Casamance, has been portrayed throughout the literature on African multilingualism in a singular light, for example, as an area where... more
The Upper Casamance is a region that has witnessed dramatic socio-political developments in the last millennium, including its conquest by the Mali Empire and a prominent role in the Atlantic trade, but which until now had never been... more
Aquest article vol presentar, de forma introductòria, els rituals funeraris entre els joola de la comarca del Húluf (Casamance, Senegal) i la seva vinculació amb la represa de la religió tradicional, així com amb el fenomen identitari a... more
This paper identifies several 15th/16th-century Portuguese (henceforth Classical Portuguese) features in four Portuguese-lexified creoles, i.e. (1) Cape Verdean Creole, (2) Guinea-Bissau Creole, (3) Papiamentu, and (4) Saramaccan. The... more
In this article, we present an ethnographic study of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C), referred to here as excision, in relation to female initiation in the Basse-Casamance region of Senegal. There is a wide disparity in the... more
Esta comunicación pretende abordar de forma introductoria y totalmente preliminar la relación existente entre las entidades y actores de la cooperación internacional y las llamadas “sociedades 1Investigador asociado al Centro de Estudos... more
© Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique & Association des historiens africains 2012 (
Sub-Saharan Africa is marked by widespread food insecurity at the beginning of the 21st century, both in rural and city areas. To correct this imbalance, women's groups in the Kataba 1 borough are instituting market garden blocks as a... more