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Resumen: Contexto: La osteoartrosis (OA) es una enfermedad degenerativa articular, con asiento primario en el cartílago articular, asociada clínicamente a dolor, impotencia y limitación funcional articular progresiva. Su tratamiento,... more
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      Knee rehabilitationHyaluronic AcidKnee OsteoarthritisCartilage of Knee
Chitosan-beta glycerophosphate-hydroxyethyl cellulose (CH-GP-HEC) is a biocompatible and biodegradable scaffold exhibiting a sol-gel transition at 378C. Chondrogenic factors or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be included in the... more
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      BiochemistryClinical PsychologyHydrogeologyMedical Sciences
Knee osteoarthritis is one of the most common musculoskeletal pathologies, and results in severe joint pain, loss of mobility, compromised quality of life, and high medical costs. With no cure other than total joint replacement, and the... more
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      Modeling and SimulationApplied MechanicsKnee BiomechanicsOsteoarthritis
The estimation of articular cartilage of knee plays an important role in determining osteoarthritis (OA) level. The purpose of this study is to implement the segmentation, analysis and visualization techniques to characterize the knee... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMRICartilage of KneeSimplified Approach
The Anterolateral Ligament (ALL) of the Knee was recently discovered. ALL has been considered as a prime stabiliser of the rotational instability of the knee . There is no complete consensus about its anatomy .The purpose of this study... more
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      Knee BiomechanicsSport BiomechanicsMusculoskeletal BiomechanicsKnee
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    • Cartilage of Knee
The diagnosis of patellofemoral joint disorders is challenging for orthopaedic surgeons on the account of complicated pathophysiology that underlies them. The origin of patellofemoral symptoms is generally multifactorial, and therefore... more
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      Knee OsteoarthritisCartilage of Knee
Objective Low-amplitude, high-frequency whole-body vibration (WBV) has been adopted for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases including osteoarthritis; however, there is limited knowledge of the direct effects of vibration on joint... more
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      Bone BiologyKnee BiomechanicsOsteoarthritisWhole Body Vibration
Objectives Osteochondral injuries, if not treated adequately, often lead to severe osteoarthritis. Possible treatment options include refixation of the fragment or replacement therapies like Pridie drilling, microfracture or osteochondral... more
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      FractureCartilage of Knee
Joint formation begins with the establishment of an interzone within the cartilaginous anlagen of the future skeleton. Both GDF5 and ERG are proposed as regulators of chondrocyte differentiation during and post interzone formation. The... more
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      OsteoarthritisCartilageCartilage of Knee
The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check for the status of the paper. Users should always cite the published version of record.
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      Health BehaviorInternet research methodsNonverbal CommunicationInformation Seeking Behaviour
Objective: The authors developed the autologous fibrin-base scaffold for chondrocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) implantation and evaluated cells viability in autologous fibrin-base scaffold comparing to commercial... more
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      Cartilage RepairCartilage of Knee
The pathological changes in osteoarthritis—a degenerative joint disease prevalent among older people—start at the molecular scale and spread to the higher levels of the architecture of articular cartilage to cause progressive and... more
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      RheumatologyTissue EngineeringNanotechnologyAgeing and Health
Background: With the advent of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Synovial lesions around knee are being more and more easily detected. Synovial lesions of knee present with boggy swelling, effusion, pain, and restriction of motion.... more
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      Orthopedic SurgeryOrthopaedicsArthroscopyOrthopedics, Joint Replacement, Arthroscopy
The pathological changes in osteoarthritis-a degenerative joint disease prevalent among older people-start at the molecular scale and spread to the higher levels of the architecture of articular cartilage to cause progressive and... more
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      AgingNanotechnologyAgeing and HealthAtomic Force Microscopy
Cartilage matrix is a composite of discrete, but interacting suprastructures, i.e. cartilage fibers with microfibrillar or network-like aggregates and penetrating extrafibrillar proteoglycan matrix. The biomechanical function of the... more
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      Structural BiologyScanning Electron MicroscopyMultiscale ModellingMultidisciplinary
Objective. Subchondral bone and the osteochondral junction are thought to contribute to osteoarthritis (OA) knee pain. We undertook this study to identify osteochondral pathologies specifically associated with symptomatic human knee OA.... more
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      Chronic PainOsteoarthritisCartilageCartilage of Knee
Background: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is one of the most effective surgical interventions for pain relief and functional recovery in young patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, traumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis... more
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      Knee BiomechanicsOrthopaedicsKnee ArthroplastyArthroplasty
Drug delivery to avascular, negatively charged tissues like cartilage remains a challenge. The constant turnover of synovial fluid results in short residence time of administered drugs in the joint space and the dense negatively charged... more
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      BioengineeringTargeted Drug DeliveryOsteoarthritisCartilage