Carthusian Order
Recent papers in Carthusian Order
This thesis examines the Carthusians in Great Britain and Ireland from an archaeological standpoint and highlights the role of the lay brother in the everyday life of the charterhouse. Using the case studies of Witham Charterhouse and... more
Published in "Ons Geestelijk Erf" 86(3) (2015), 219-249. doi: 10.2143/OGE.86.3.3154602 Depicting the Carthusian monk Jan Vos (successively prior of the Charterhouses of Bruges and Utrecht) kneeling in prayer in front of the Virgin and... more
The Freiburg DFG project 'Making Mysticism. Mystical Books in the Library of the Erfurt Charterhouse‘ ( explores the question of how the (literary) historiographical category 'mysticism' relates to the... more
Der Versuch, den überlieferten Buchbestand der 1803 aufgehobenen Erfurter Kartause zu erfassen und den Verbleib der im mittelalterlichen Standortkatalog verzeichneten Bände zu ermitteln, wurde von Paul Lehmann 1928 zum ersten Mal... more
Se presentan de manera breve las principales conclusiones de la intervención arqueológica llevada a cabo con motivo de la reurbanización del campus universitario de Cartuja (Granada). La intervención ha tenido dos fases, una de excavación... more
This study provides a historical overview of Kinalehin priory, the sole foundation of the Carthusian order in Ireland, who followed an austere and predominantly eremitical form of religious life. Following an introduction to the origins,... more
Temi e metodi di ricerca per lo studio della vita monastica e regolare in età medievale alle soglie del terzo millennio Atti del Convegno internazionale Brescia-Rodengo, 23-25 marzo 2000 ESTRATTÕ~1 . UNIVERSITÀ PAOLA GUGLIELMOTII
Entre los años 1998 y 2004, Hispanoamérica ha asistido al proceso de gestación y consolidación del primer monasterio cartujo de su historia. La equilibrada fusión entre elementos tradicionales de la arquitectura popular argentina,... more
pp. 186-229; B. BLIGNY, L'église et les ordres religieuses dans le royaume de Bourgogne aux XI et XII sièc!es, Paris 1960 (Collection des Cahiers d'histoire, 4), pp. 246-256; per le fondazioni certosine piemontesi in particolare, cfr.... more --- The articles in this volume share an interest in the subject of 'Carthusians and mysticism', which is treated by way of example and with a... more
In the flourishing literature which St. Catherine of Siena enjoys in recent scholarship, a surprisingly meagre amount of space is dedicated to her disciple whom she herself used to call “most beloved.” Apart from the penetrating article... more
The Carthusian Order is one of the most austere of the Catholic religious orders, with a long history in both England and Spain.
Examen des datations jusqu'ici proposées pour les plus anciens actes de la Grande Chartreuse (1086-1133) avec propositions de nouvelles datations (1086-1097 à v. 1147), sur la base d'une analyse de la tradition de ces actes, de la forme... more
For further information see
Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of "Langues et littératures anciennes" at the Centre d'Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale (Université de Poitiers)
Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of "Langues et littératures anciennes" at the Centre d'Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale (Université de Poitiers)
dictionary entry, biography of Guigo I, 5th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery, 1083-1136
To contemplate goodness in God, and strain toward it in yearning love, is the method of the Christian vita contemplativa. In this way the recluse cultivates humility, patience, purity, and love, and perfects his soul for heaven. And... more
La alimentación ha requerido del uso de una cultura material específica para satisfacer el hambre, pero esta cultura material podía variar en función de razones económicas, sociales y culturales. La historia de la alimentación, disciplina... more
(Die Spuren der Augustus-Theologie in der Weihnachtspredigt des sog. Anonymen Kartäusers) --- Budapest, Eötvös Loránd Universität, Institut für Ältere Ungarische Sprache und Literatur, 26. April 2003 — Arbeitstreffen der Forschergruppe... more
Translation of a paper of H. Temperman, Les derniers jours de la chartreuse d'Hérinnes. Contribution à l'histoire de ce couvent, in: Annales du Cercle archéologique d'Engien, 14 (1965), 101-124, 3 ill. Publised on the occassion ot the... more
Kontemplation im Kino - „Die große Stille“ - Filmkritik
Afbeelding op het omslag: Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen, De geboorte van Christus met de aanbidding der herders (details) 1512. Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte te Napoli, met toestemming van het Italiaanse Ministerie van Cultuur.... more
Northern European and Spanish Paintings before 1600 in the Art Institute of Chicago. A Catalogue of the Collection, by Martha Wolff, Susan Frances Jones, Richard G. Mann and Judith Berg Sobré, with contributions by Ilse Hecht, Peter... more
Chapters from the Research History of the Carthusian Order The Carthusian order didn‘t have a big fellowship in Hungary, it had only four monasteries during the middle ages. Elemér Mályusz called our attention that despite the small... more
A significant number of Icelandic sermons survive in manuscript fragments from the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, but relatively few of these have been the objects of serious study. The present article is an edition and analysis... more
Dictionaty entry, biography of Bruno of Cologne, founder of the Carthusian Order
Studie byla publikována roku 1973 v časopise Studie o rukopisech ( svazek 12) / The study was published in 1973 in the journal Studie o manuscripts (Volume 12).
Das Mittelalter kennt noch keine Verwendung des Begriffs 'Mystik' als historiographischer oder literarhistorischer Kategorie. Eine Geschichte der Mystik steht daher vor der Frage, wie die Anfänge einer solchen Kategorienbildung aussehen.... more
Kolloquium des Freiburger DFG-Projektes „Making mysticism. Mystische Bücher in der Bibliothek der Erfurter Kartause“. ABSTRACTS:
mitteldeutschen Raum des 13.-15. Jahrhunderts, hg. von Caroline Emmelius und Balázs J. Nemes (Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, Beiheft 17), Berlin 2019, S. 9-38. LINK:
An assessment of the strategies and actions taken by the Carthusian General Chapter to insure that liturgical texts and records of the chapter maintained in each house of the order conformed to the standard of copies held in the Grande... more
William Hayley''s "The Hermit's Dog" has a political background in two historical events--the 1792 expulsion of Carthusians from the Grande Chartreuse valley, and the diaspora of a knightly religious order throughout Europe, following the... more
The Erfurt Carthusians’ Philological Enquiry into the Authentic: Wording of an Intercessory Prayer in Mechthild of Magdeburg’s Lux divinitatis as a Biographical Reading
annexes : Le fonds musical de la Chartreuse d’Évora comprend des manuscrits et imprimés bien identifiés par les chercheurs, à l’exception d’un antiphonaire conservé au Palácio Duques do Cadaval... more