Recent papers in Cartels
Mexico's cartels are significant social, political, and economic actors. The extent of their socioeconomic and political influence is the subject of great debate yet, as their recent response to natural disaster demonstrates, they are... more
In The Expert Violence the reader will find an in-depth analysis and questioning of the current counter-narcotic policy in Mexico and of the underlying assumptions that brought on its wake the on-going tragedy.
Any organization should seek the efficiency maximization, namely the achievement of an effect/effort ratio as high as possible. In order to apply this economic ground rule, some companies use strategies based on gaining a competitive... more
While it is common to highlight the negative aspect of cartels, it has also been argued that cartels have positive aspects that can be illustrated with concrete examples. With regard to economic growth, the issue of cartels thus remains... more
The facilitators or informers have become important subjects in the field of Competition Law. However, just as they have served to fight against the cartels, they have also been used by the latter to facilitate and cover up their... more
Ioan Grillo's new work, Blood Gun Money, is a cutting-edge expose that chronicles the flow of firearms from the United States into Mexico for use by the gangs and cartels (and within the U.S. itself and even into Honduras and Colombia to... more
An edited version of this paper was published in the Philippine Law Journal, Volume 93, No. 2 (April 2020) The Philippines is the 8th largest sugar producing country in the world, but not a major player in the international sugar trade... more
The problem with modern cartels and the braking systems cartel case
While the strategic and operational levels of the Mexican cartel war have gained much prominence in analytical assessments, the tactical level has received less attention. This article is an attempt at tactical assessment of the drug... more
Le projet de développer une régulation international de la concurrence est ancien et protéiforme car il s'est manifesté tant l'enceinte du GATT / OMC, que de la CEE / UE, de l'ONU ou de la CNUCED. Au carrefour de l'histoire économique et... more
This article explores the changes in news agency mechanisms that accompanied the restructuring of Europe after World War I. During the interwar period, a new form of negotiation replaced the pre-World War I conception of English, French... more
This article reviews the Barrio Aztecas/Los Aztecas transnational gang network.
Pablo Escobar and Colombian Narcoculture Aldona Bialowas Pobutsky “Pobutsky’s innovative research into the transcultural afterlife of Colombia’s foremost kingpin takes her into the world of telenovelas, surgical enhancement, and drug... more
The first-phase cartel form originated in Colombia during the 1980's in response to the increasing demand for cocaine in the United States. This type of cartel, characterized by the Medellin model, realized economies of scale not known to... more
Either on or immediately before Tuesday 12 April 2022, Guardia Nacional (GN) forces in Jamay, Jalisco seized an improvised armor fighting vehicle (IAFV), a narco tank (narco tanque), belonging to the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación... more
Transnational organized crime is a pressing global security issue. Mexico is currently embroiled in a protracted drug war. Mexican drug cartels and allied gangs (actually poly-crime organizations) are currently challenging states and... more
This chapter focuses on the role of the Caballeros Templarios cartel in local governance from 2011 to 2013. I conducted thirteen months of fieldwork in Michoacán, spread out over five visits between 2013 and 2017. My hypothesis is that... more
Companiile recurg la opțiunea unei alianțe strategice având la bază o serie de motivaţii care să le asigure un confort strategic pe piaţă. Cele mai des întâlnite motive al deciziilor de fuziune şi achiziţie sunt cele legate de... more
This article explores the construction-or reconstruction-of brokerage channels by violent actors in Mexico. It focuses on the construction of the Autodefensas de Michoacán (Self-Defense Groups of Michoacán) and studies the process that... more
Contemporary Mexican cartel use of car bombs began in mid-July 2010 and has since escalated. Given the proximity to the United States, some literally within miles of the border, the car bombings, with about 20 incidents identified over... more
El diseño gráfico es una disciplina que se encarga de elaborar discursos visuales con la finalidad de emitir una idea concreta. Esto es bastante complejo, lo cual ha llevado a diversos investigadores del diseño gráfico a buscar sostén en... more
A look into Islamism in the Caribbean and how drug gangs and terrorism, all factor into the dynamics created by the Islamist's.
This publication attempts to create a better understanding of the nature, origins, and evolution of organized crime in Central America by examining the dynamics of organized crime in the three countries of the so-called Northern... more
El artículo aborda la problemática socioambiental relacionada a la producción de aguacate en el ocidente mexicano, particularmente en Michoacán y Jalisco.
Con el objetivo de entender las dinámicas transnacionales del crimen organizado y la manera cómo los cambios en las tendencias regionales impactan en las situaciones nacionales y locales—y viceversa—el Woodrow Wilson Center convocó a un... more
This chapter examines the reconfiguration of power within states as the are challenged by illicit transnational networks. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This chapter examines the problématique of illicit networks and transnational crime’s impact... more
Bid rigging prevents public procurers from obtaining the best value for money. While public procurers are advised to be vigilant as to bid rigging in public markets, public procurement rules as well as administrative practices of public... more
Transnational organized crime is a pressing global security issue. Mexico is currently embroiled in a protracted drug war. Mexican drug cartels and allied gangs (actually poly-crime organizations) are currently challenging states and... more
Existing within a relatively short time frame (2013-2015), the Michoacán Autodefensas (selfdefense groups) are a particularly fruitful case study for analyzing vigilantism. What we find here is an armed movement that was devoted to... more
Conflict and crime are converging in interesting ways worldwide. Gangsters, revolutionaries, and terrorists interact in a variety of ways complicating state response, policing, military, and intelligence operations. This article looks... more
L’articolo analizza la decisione del Consiglio di Stato del 15 luglio 2019, n. 4990 sul complesso caso Avastin/Lucentis a seguito dei principi di diritto e degli accertamenti di fatto demandati dalla Corte di giustizia in sede di rinvio... more
The essay explores the religious imperatives of the Mexican cartel; The Knight Templars, led by Nazario Moreno Gonzalez. By adopting a case study methodology, the religious and syncretic aspects of the organization are set out through a... more
Resumo: Direito do trabalho e direito antitruste nunca caminharam juntos, mas questões recentes passaram a destacar a importância da análise interdisciplinar. Este estudo, por meio do método comparativo e exploratório, aponta recentes... more
Algorithmic collusion is a hot topic within antitrust circles in Europe, US and beyond. But some economists downplay algorithmic collusion as unlikely, if not impossible. This paper responds to these criticisms by pointing to new emerging... more
Anti-competitive conduct poses a huge threat to the EU internal market. Public enforcement of the competition rules has so far always played a central role in the EU, whereas private enforcement seems to have been more on the sideline,... more
Despite the growing sophistication of antitrust regimes around the world, export cartels benefit from special treatment: they are almost universally tolerated, if not encouraged in the countries of origin. Economists do not offer an... more
Sumário, Apresentação e Prefácio da obra "Cartéis em Licitações: concorrência, incentivos e prevenção aos conluios nas contratações públicas"
The aim of this research is to understand the role of transnational organized crime in human trafficking along Mexico’s eastern migration routes, from Central America to Mexico’s northeastern border. In this region, drug traffickers are... more
In a relatively small time frame (2013-2015), the Autodefensas of Michoacán offer a rich case-study for the analysis of vigilantism. They make up an armed movement dedicated to the (re-)creation of a local order through investigative... more