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Gregor Julien Straube: Fruchtbarkeitskulte. In: Gudrun Gersmann, Katrin Möller und Jürgen-Michael Schmidt (Hgg.): Lexikon zur Geschichte der Hexenverfolgung. Halle an der Saale 2009 (, Geschichtswissenschaften im Internet),... more
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      MagicFertilityWitchcraft (Magic)Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesItalian StudiesAvant-garde writing
El problema de la verosimilitud documental y la distinción entre el cine documental y el cine de ficción son tema de amplísimas discusiones en la teoría y la práctica cinematográficas, polémica en la cual subyace el debate más amplio... more
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      Organizational BehaviorCinemaDocumentary FilmCarlo Ginzburg
This paper considers two historical works in a comparative frame.
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      HistoryMethodologyHistoriographyMarc Bloch
Lorsque Carlo Ginzburg définit le célèbre « paradigme indiciaire », il part de l'histoire d'un chasseur examinant les traces laissées par l'animal qu'il poursuit dans la forêt. La pratique herméneutique (qu’elle soit le fait du personnage... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-Century Literature and CultureHonoré de BalzacLiterature: James Fenimore Cooper
Nascido na Itália em 15 de abril de 1939, é um dos principais nomes da Microhistória, estilo metodológico que vai a fundo nas pesquisas dos temas, indo do tempo presente do assunto até acontecimentos em um passado longevo que poderiam... more
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      Carlo GinzburgJudeus
There are cultural, historical and political links, albeit underground and not always obvious, between the persecutions against lepers in the late Middle Ages and the pandemic phobias of today, between the 'witch hunt' of the 16th and... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesFolkloreModern Italian History
"Secularism, the Christian Ambivalence Towards the Jews and the Notion of Exile," in: Ari Joskowicz and Ethan B. Katz (eds.), Secularism in Question: Jews and Judaism in Modern Times, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015)... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionCultural StudiesHebrew Literature
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      SemioticsArtificial IntelligencePhilosophy of MindVictorian Literature
Studiosi italiani e stranieri si cimentano sul senso e significato del Mein Kampf dal punto di vista storico, didattico e letterario.
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismAntisemitismNationalsocialismAdolf Hitler
7 Primera edición en italiano, 2006 Primera edición en español, 2010 ginzburg, carlo el hilo y las huellas : lo verdadero, lo falso, lo ficticio . -1a ed. -buenos aires : fondo de cultura económica, 2010. 492 p. ; 21x14 cm. -(historia)... more
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    • Carlo Ginzburg
Para desenvolver uma discussão epistemológica da obra freudiana: A interpretação dos sonhos, dois textos servirão de interlocutores: Introdução (in Binswanger) de Michel Foucault e Sinais, raízes de um paradigma indiciário de Carlo... more
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      Sigmund FreudMichel FoucaultPsicanáliseCarlo Ginzburg
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      Arabic LiteratureTrauma StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestine
Tomado de Saul Friedlander (ed.), Probing the Limits of Representations. Nazism and the "Final Solution", Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., y Londres, 1992. Traducción de Javier Villa Flores y revisión de Rodolfo Morán Quiroz.
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      HistoriographyTheory of HistoryHolocaust StudiesHayden White
Alicudi è una delle più piccole e selvagge isole dell'arcipelago vulcanico delle Eolie insieme a Filicudi, la sua gemella. Nel folklore eoliano il nome di Alicudi è associato da sempre a storie fantastiche e misteriose: mahare (streghe)... more
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      Cultural StudiesMediterranean StudiesPaganismTotemism
One reader's appreciation of an unforgettable book: Carlo Ginzburg's THE CHEESE AND THE WORMS.
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      Early Modern Popular CultureCarlo Ginzburg
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      Cultural StudiesFolkloreRitualShamanism
racial, para él muy familiar, e,,tre los viri l es germanos dedicados a la caza y a fa guerra y los afeminados mediterráneos. ape gados a la agricultura y a las plantas, para "demosuar• que fa bru,eria tuvo sus orígenes enne eslos únimos.
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      BrujeriaHistoriaEstudios SubalternosMicrohistoria
Wie wenige andere Gattungen eignet sich die Mikrogeschichte zum Aufspüren von Hierarchien im Feld der Geschichtswissenschaft und ihrer Akteure. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird die Einstufung der Mikrogeschichte zuerst mit einem... more
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      HistoriographyLocal HistoryMicrohistoryCarlo Ginzburg
The article analyzes the device of ostranenie (estrangement, defamiliarization) in art that was so important for Russian Formalism. Since the very beginning and up till now, ostranenie has caused numerous debates among literary theorists.... more
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      BakhtinLiterary TheoryJorge Luis BorgesDefamiliarization (Distancing) Effect of Bertolt Brecht
Cubierta: J&B * Para las notas numeradas, que siguen el orden de los capítulos, véanse pp. 231-267. (N. del E.
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      BrujeriaMicrohistoriaCarlo GinzburgEstudios De La Subalternidad
L'article porte sur l'essai "Traces. Racines d'un paradigme indiciaire" de Carlo Ginzburg et plus particulièrement sur la note 48 où l'historien forme l'hypothèse que les sciences humaines et la psychanalyse obéissent à "une épistémologie... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesLiteratureDivination
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      OstranenieCarlo Ginzburg
Il confronto tra le “narrazioni documentarie” sciasciane e i saggi di “microstoria” di Carlo Ginzburg, spesso taciuto dalla critica, rivela diversi punti di contatto, non solo nei temi trattati, ma soprattutto nel campo delle scelte... more
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      Italian StudiesInquisitionItalian LiteratureMicrohistory
¿Cómo se desarrolló la guitarra académica en Rosario? ¿Son los momentos o etapas históricas la ciudad las mismas que las de Buenos Aires? ¿Quiénes fueron los guitarristas que iniciaron los procesos de profesionalización en la ciudad? ¿En... more
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      MusicologyClassicsPaul RicoeurClassical Guitar
Comme Mark Godfrey le souligne dans un article paru en 2007, « l’artiste en historien peut travailler en toute liberté méthodologique et dans la créativité, sans sacrifier à la rigueur ». Certes, l’artiste dispose sans doute d’une plus... more
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      ArchivesWalter BenjaminLouis AlthusserStructuralism/Post-Structuralism
The author of the term estrangement [ostranenie], Viktor Shklovsky argued that it is the essence of genuine art. A true work of art estranges the world, but it is also strange in relation to all other works previously produced.... more
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      PerceptionRomanticismHistoricismLiterary Theory
20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, niceliksel yöntemleri kullanarak genelleştirici sonuçlara ulaşan büyük anlatılara karşı, sıradan insanların gündelik hayatına odaklanmayı amaçlayan yeni bir tarih yazıcılığı gelişmiştir. Bu yeni tarih yazımı... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistoriographyMicro HistoryCarlo Ginzburg
İran Mektuplarını, Montesquieu’nun kurguladığı bağlamda, İran’dan yola çıkarak dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarına dağılan ve oradaki durumla alakalı önemli bilgiler aktaran(özellikle sosyal ve siyasi hayat bağlamında) karakterlerin... more
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      MontesquieuTarihAugustinusSosyal Bilimler
En este trabajo Ginzburg estudia al mismo tiempo los mecanismos internalizados que facilitaron la represión feminicida que significó la "caza de brujas" en el medievo europeo, así como la demonización (literal) de los remanentes de... more
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      HistoriaCarlo GinzburgAntropología históricaReligion, Brujeria, Violencia
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      Gilbert SimondonJacques RancièrePaul RicoeurPierre Bourdieu
Questo libro propone un itinerario etnografico, antropologico e storico che attraversa tre ambiti: dalle politiche della medicina popolare, alle poetiche del corpo femminile, alle pratiche della possessione europea. A partire da una... more
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      Medical AnthropologyEthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyFolk Medicine
Disciplina ministrada nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Estado e Constituição e Direitos Humanos e Cidadania da Universidade de Brasília no 1º semestre letivo de 2022 em conjunto com a disciplina Tópico Especial em Teoria da... more
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      HistoriographyLegal HistoryHistória Do DireitoHistoriografia
Something is uncanny-that is how it begins. But at the same time one must search for that remoter "something," which is already close at hand. The hidden "who" is in demand, but when it is told as a story, it is not highly regarded. It is... more
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      Slavoj ŽižekFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingSigmund FreudFreud and Lacan
In this Philological Conversation, Carlo Ginzburg reflects on the place of philology in his work and explores the connections between philology, microhistory, and casuistry. We talk about the people who inspired his early thinking,... more
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      HistoryPsychoanalysisHistorical ArchaeologyLacan
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      MicrohistoryFilologíaMicrohistoriaCarlo Ginzburg
L'interesse crescente per le tematiche di storia sociale e la forte esigenza di ripensamento del metodo storico hanno segnato le ricerche sulla caccia alle streghe svolte negli ultimi quindici anni 1 . Appare opportuno, sebbene arduo,... more
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistoriographyWitch Hunt Studies
Les articles publiés par Essais sont des textes originaux. Tous les articles font l'objet d'une double révision anonyme. Tout article ou proposition de numéro thématique doit être adressé au format word à l'adresse suivante :... more
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      EpistemologyHistoriographyCognitionHistory and literature
La "via alla storia" di Carlo Ginzburg 1. In un discorso pronunciato il 5 settembre 2011 in occasione del conferimento del premio Balzan, Carlo Ginzburg ha parlato del proprio itinerario storiografico, riprendendo una pagina di diario di... more
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      Italian StudiesMicrohistoryStoriografiaCarlo Ginzburg
In his work on Iberian Jews—openly practicing ones and conversos, on and off the peninsula, before 1492 and 1497 and after—Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi made few explicit methodological statements. But from his earliest work, he made his... more
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      Early Modern HistoryYosef Hayim YerushalmiJewish historiographyMedieval Jewish History

Reflexiones sobre la Microhistoria italiana: conceptos, método y estudio de casos
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      HistoryMicrohistoryLatin American HistoryColombian History
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      HistoryMicrohistoryHistoriaHistoria Cultural
Nel 1966, a ventisette anni, Carlo Ginzburg pubblicava il suo primo libro, I Benandanti. Nello stesso anno il giovane storico – allievo, alla Scuola Normale di Pisa, di Delio Cantimori – pubblicava anche un’ampia rassegna intitolata Da A.... more
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      TerrorismHistory of ReligionReligion and PoliticsPropaganda
Questo libro propone una disamina critica dei principali approcci della storiografia contemporanea, volta a farne emergere le strutture concettuali latenti. "La conoscenza storica", ha scritto Reinhart Koselleck, "verte sempre su qualcosa... more
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      Jean-Luc NancyPhilosophy of HistoryHayden WhitePresence
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      MicrohistoryCinemaSiegfried KracauerMicrohistoria