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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
"The expression “mental illness” arises historically in the course of conversations about our human relational living, in an attempt to visualize some regularities that occurred in it, thinking that if we could grasp them we would be able... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyCognitive SciencePsychiatryTheatre Studies
¿Qué secreto se esconde tras el primitivo símbolo cristiano del pez? ¿Quiénes fueron los gnósticos y cuál fue su mensaje?¿Por qué fueron condenados como herejes y sus obras perseguidas por la Iglesiade Roma? ¿Qué ocultos secretos... more
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      ReligionJungian psychologyCarl G. JungAlchimia
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In this essay, I compare the psychoanalytic approaches to dream interpretation taken by Lacan and Jung, respectively. I begin by introducing the point that Lacan and Jung may have more to say to one another than most realize. Section I... more
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanSigmund FreudCarl G. Jung
Wolfgang Giegerich: The Historical Emergence of the “I”: Essays about One Chapter in the History of the Soul (Dusk Owl Books: London Ontario, 2020) Highly recommended for those students of depth psychology and history, particularly the... more
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      Jungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyConsciousnessCarl G. Jung
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionHistory
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      PsychologyPhilosophy Of ReligionPsychology of ReligionPhilosophy of History
The intention of this study is to examine the last tale of Sufi master Jalal-e-din Rumi in his masterpiece Masnavi or Mathnavi (trans. 2003). Sufism is one of the world's established mystical traditions and the Sufi Order is a school that... more
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      SufismCarl G. JungMevlana Jalaluddin Rumi
The responsible and considered reader will quickly realize that this essay presents an understanding of themes of western esotericism that may confuse or disorient those who do not read the entire essay, and as such, those themes should... more
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      Jungian psychologyJungian psychology (Religion)Sigmund FreudJungian and post-Jungian psychology
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanCarl G. JungWestern Esotericism
O maior dos cineastas japoneses, Akira Kurosawa, fez no outono de sua vida um filme baseado nos seus sonhos. A rica simbologia dos oito episódios do filme é um convite para conhecer o folclore e a religiosidade do Extremo Oriente. No... more
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      BuddhismJapanese StudiesJapanese ReligionsJungian psychology
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      ReligionPsychologyPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of Religion
Este artigo examina o envolvimento de Jung com o fenômeno da religião durante vários estágios de sua vida e acompanha o desenvolvimento correspondente de suas teorias ao longo desses estágios. Demonstra como a religião gradualmente... more
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      Carl G. JungPsicologia da ReligiãoPsicologia JunguianaCírculo de Eranos
Freud, Cinsellik, Psikanaliz, Histeri, Rüyaların Yorumu, Sembolizm, Kadın, Erkek, Latent Rüyalar, Manifest Rüyalar, Serbest Çağrışım Metodu, Tedai-yi Efkâr, Te'vil, Rüya Çalışması, Kaydırma, Benzetme, Gerileme Rüyaları, İlerleme Rüyaları,... more
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      Sigmund FreudCarl G. JungTasavvufPsikoloji
Carl Gustav Jung, Collected Works, Volume 12, Psychology and Alchemy
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      ReligionPsychologyAlchemyJungian psychology
ÖZ Analitik Psikolojiye hayat veren Carl Gustav Jung, İsviçreli bir psikolog ve psikiyatristtir. Bu kuramıyla psikoloji tarihindeki üç büyük şahıstan(diğerleri: Freud ve Adler) biri olmuştur. Jung’ un bu dev kuramını incelemek... more
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      ArchetypesCarl G. JungUnconscious MindAnalitical Psychology
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      PsychoanalysisPsychotherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingJungian psychology
This paper uses the concept of apophasis as a lens to investigate certain features of analytical psychology. It makes six assertions: The role of negation is a neglected aspect of the disagreement between Freud and Jung; Freud and Jung... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychotherapy and CounselingJungian psychologyPsychology of Unconscious
If the medium is the message, what is the message of virtual reality (VR)? This article examines virtual reality communications media. Some forms of VR, for example immersive virtual reality, literally situate the user inside an informed... more
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      Virtual EnvironmentsComputer Mediated CommunicationCarl G. JungTeilhard de Chardin
Chapter 8 of the SLM has to do with interpreting dream symbolism that may be relevant to developing hypotheses, designing expreiments, or making blueprints for prototypes.
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      Business Culture--using/inventing/fixing/evolvingCarl G. JungThomas S. KuhnDreams
No período de 16 de dezembro de 1912 a 6 de janeiro de 1913, a tensão do relacionamento entre Sigmund Freud e Carl Gustav Jung atinge o clímax. Freud propõe o rompimento das relações pessoais em 03.01.1913 (Macguire, 1974/1993, carta... more
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      Carl G. JungPsicanálisePsicología Analítica
Una revisión de las técnicas planteadas por Jung para la investigación del Inconsciente.
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      Sigmund FreudCarl G. Jung
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureJungian and post-Jungian psychologyCarl G. Jung
En 1934, emprende C. G. Jung (1875-1961) un seminario dedicado a Así habló Zaratustra, de Friedrich Nietzsche. Los episodios y personajes de este libro emblemático y extraño conforman una constelación en la que Jung va deletreando las... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesPhilosophy Of Religion
Traumatisierungen können zu schwerwiegenden Persönlichkeitsveränderungen führen. Durch die Irritation des biopsychosozialen Systems durch Traumata sind die Symptome stets vielschichtig und die Behandlung der körperlichen Symptomatik, der... more
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      PsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyCarl G. Jung
This book presents serial killers as having disorders of imagination, imagopathy, seen through deficiencies such as failure of empathy, rigid fantasies, and unresolved projections. This disorder is a form of failed alchemy. This study... more
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      Forensic PsychologyPhenomenologyJungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychology
Zombie films, from their very inception, have been the receptacle of the shadow of the western culture. The first zombie film, White Zombie, shows a zombie woman who plays into the original idea of the voudou zombie. In the vodoun... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFilm StudiesJungian psychology
Within the broad historical context in which transmedia has been practiced and studied, David Bowie and Floria Sigismondi are instructive for their transformative approaches toward creating art across media, and for their alchemical... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTheatre StudiesPopular Music
We are a binary consciousness. Perhaps the most striking outcome of psychoanalysis is the formalization of this fact in the notion of the distinction between the conscious and the unconscious. Whether we follow orthodox Freudian readings... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisLacanJungian psychology
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
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      Creative WritingNeurosciencePsychologyApplied Psychology
A NEMEK WEININGERI ÉS JUNGI ÁTMENETE Sokáig haboztam, írjak-e a nőkérdésről. Nem éppen újszerű, és idegesítő téma, különösen nőknek. A nőkérdés vitájára eddig is több tintát pazaroltak már az elégnél, a vita lezárult, ne is beszéljünk... more
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      PsychoanalysisSex and GenderIntersexualityQueer Theory
In this updated and reissued (2012) book the author seeks to comprehend what possible meaning such a term as “animal” soul could have today given the psychological distance from our own animal nature, existing as we do instead within a... more
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      EcopsychologyJungian psychologyConsciousnessCarl G. Jung
I wrote this essay in 2015 (updated in 2021) following my departure from ISPDI ( International Society for Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority). Three years before, in 2012, I had attended ISPDI’s inaugural conference in Berlin... more
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      Martin HeideggerCarl G. JungDepth PsychologyAnalytical Psychology
Imagination provides an alternative mode of articulation in the psychotherapeutic setting. Engaging autonomous aspects of psyche places psychotherapy in creativity, thus leading to an authentic and meaningful subjective experience of... more
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      PsychologyPhotographyCounseling PsychologyArt Therapy
An attempt at an impartial review of a very partial book.
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      Jungian psychologyJungian psychology (Religion)Jungian and post-Jungian psychologyCarl G. Jung
Se presenta un análisis psicológico sobre los mitos en los tiempos actuales y las cosas que se ven en los cielos
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisEducationCarl G. Jung
V práci chci formulovat novou metodu výkladu mýtu, která vychází z terapeutických metod, které Jung popsal a využíval. Sepsáním následující práce se také pokusím o závan čerstvého vzduchu mezi tradiční interpretační východiska, vnesení... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyCeltic StudiesHistory of Religion
From my current vantage, my “journey of becoming” remains shrouded in mystery, defined as much by the unknown before me as the lived experiences behind. Yet, throughout my life, the experiences of undeniable synchronicity—and the... more
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      Carl G. JungIndividuationSpirituality & Counselling & PsychotherapyArchetypal Psychology
JUNG - Lavirinti u čoveku - Vladeta Jerotić
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      Jungian psychologyCarl G. JungCarl Gustav JungPsihologija
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      Islamic PhilosophyIbn SinaCarl G. Jung
A Psychological Literary Analysis, of the fairy tale "Little Red Cap" using the theories of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.
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      FolkloreMythologyEnglish LiteratureLiterary Criticism
The Jungian analyst Ann Shulgin, wife of the chemist Sasha Shulgin, discoverer of the psychoactive qualities of MDMA, talks of her psychotherapeutic practice of using MDMA to facilitate the first step of C.G. Jung individuation process,... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Jungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyArchetypes
This collected work of Jung’s writings on dreams, provides an in depth look at the workings of the unconscious aspect of the human psyche, and in turn the psyche as a whole. As most human beings spend nearly half of their lives sleeping,... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisSubconscious ProcessingCarl G. Jung
Biblioteca Pessoal
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      Carl G. JungJungian Analytical Psychology
This chapter, focusing on the text The Family Complexes (1938), demonstrates that already as early as the 1930s, Lacan's interests had turned to revising psychoanalytic theory. The text represents a prototypical example of the internal... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyPsychoanalysisFamily studies