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Indigenous ethics and feminist care ethics offer a range of related ideas and tools for environmental ethics. These ethics delve into deep connections and moral commitments between nonhumans and humans to guide ethical forms of... more
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      Native American StudiesGender StudiesPhilosophyEthics
A conclusione dell'intenso percorso formativo sullo human caring in regione, è possibile porsi alcune domande e soprattutto cercare di elaborare alcuni spunti che possano essere sfruttati a livello pratico-operativo. Si deve anzitutto... more
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      NursingCaring ScienceHistory of NursingNursing Research
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      Gender StudiesCare EthicsCaring / Care EthicsThe Ethics of Care
In recent years the formerly quite strong interest in patient compliance has been questioned for being too paternalistic and oriented towards overly narrow biomedical goals as the basis for treatment recommendations. In line with this... more
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      PhilosophyApplied PhilosophyEthicsApplied Ethics
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPhilosophy of EducationFeminist PhilosophyPedagogy
Drawing on my experiences caring for my disabled son and views from the parenting/disability blogosphere, this article illustrates a second-person phe-nomenology of disability. Parents' lived experiences of disability and the embodied... more
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      Disability StudiesMasculinity StudiesEmbodimentPhenomenology
This chapter will make use of a friendly, narrative style that invites participation from the reader, to explore caring for self, others and nature, as encapsulated in the notion of kindness. It begins with a fable, a short story that... more
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      Creative NonfictionPsychologyStorytellingYoung People in Care
The care workforce in England is ethnically diverse yet little is known of how social care managers manage this aspect of human resources work. This article reports findings of a longitudinal study of the care workforce in four different... more
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    • Caring / Care Ethics
Why do humans heal one another? Evolutionary psychology has advanced our understanding of why humans suffer psychological distress and mental illness. However, to date, the evolutionary origins of what drives humans to alleviate the... more
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      Human EvolutionMedical AnthropologyMental HealthPsychotherapy and Counseling
The authors examine the effects of school bonding on academic achievement (measured by math achievement scores) in a sample of 12th graders from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (Ingels, Pratt, Rogers, Siegel, & Stutts, 2005).... more
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      PsychologyEducationTeacher EducationData Mining
Education has been criticized for a disproportionate focus on the technical aspects of teaching with less focus on its “human” aspects. Consequently, many researchers and theorists have expressed a need to answer what role care plays in... more
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      Caring school communitiesOnline LearningBlended LearningCaring / Care Ethics
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologyBehavioural Science
This article explores caring through feeding as an important aspect of transnational family life, and analyzes the practices connected to sending food products home, supervising what the family eats, and changing consumption patterns. It... more
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      Anthropology of FoodMigrationPhilippinesCaring / Care Ethics
Zero tolerance, punitive, and more negative peace-oriented approaches dominate school violence interventions, despite research indicating that comprehensive approaches are more sustainable. In this article, I use data from a longitudinal... more
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      EducationPeace and Conflict StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPraxis
The introduction and the related interview with Joan Tronto aim at exploring the intellectual influence of her thought. Tronto’s seminal work on a critical theory of care has extended the debate on care beyond the boundaries of ethics,... more
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      VulnerabilityDemocracyCaring / Care Ethics
This work approaches the ever-unresolved question about the families’ educative task in the current society. This task is justified by the need of establishing new criteria and educative orientations on the bases of the current events... more
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      EthicsFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityFamily studiesValues Education
To play the effective role of a change agent, the nurse has to focus on three main roles via visionary, facilitator and ideal person. Being a visionary, nurse communicates, advices, coaches and provides feedback to bring change in any... more
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      Higher EducationNurse EducationCaring ScienceClinical Nurse
Affective relations are not social derivatives subordinate to economic, political, or cultural relations in matters of social justice. Rather, they are productive, materialist human relations that constitute people mentally, emotionally,... more
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      Equality StudiesFeminism and Social JusticeCaring / Care EthicsAffective Equality
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Feminist TheoryPhilosophy of EducationFeminist PhilosophyNel Noddings
Anarchism is frequently considered to be alternatively a political ideology, a social movement or a form of political culture. Drawing on queer and feminist writings as my own experience both in anarchist politics and in sex education, I... more
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      Social MovementsFeminist TheoryPoststructuralismMindfulness
El presente documento desarrolla una serie de reflexiones derivadas del proyecto de investigación “Migración y Cadenas Globales de Cuidado”, el cual ha arrojado como hallazgos y problematizaciones sobre las condiciones y consecuencias de... more
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    • Caring / Care Ethics
BERT, Catherine et COLLIN, Jonathan (2022), « Initiatives et pratiques de solidarité émergeant en période de crise », in SynHERA (éd.), Actes de Colloque de la 6ème Journée des Chercheurs en Haute École, 145-158, DOI :... more
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      SolidarityCaring / Care EthicsReconnaissanceDon et contre-don
The aim of the present study was to investigate how basic moral sensitivity in bullying, moral disengagement in bullying and defender self-efficacy were related to different bystander behaviors in bullying. Therefore, we examined pathways... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyBehavioural ScienceCognitive Psychology
This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and... more
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      Business EthicsEngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
Contents: Bodies, Resistance, Despair 1. Bodies that Still Matter, JUDITH BUTLER 2. Decolonial Feminism and Global Politics, ROSALBA ICAZA 3. Meteorological Moods and Atmospheric Attunements, C. JASON THROOP Response: The Terror of... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyVulnerabilityCare EthicsCaring / Care Ethics
This article defines 'carewashing' as commercial branding strategies which commodify care and attempt to increase corporate profit, and provides the first theorisation and historicization of the term. The first section of the article... more
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      MarketingBrandingCommodification of CutlureCaring / Care Ethics
Most geographers have sided with 'cyborgs' (technonatural subjects) against 'goddesses' (e.g. Mother Earth) on questions of embodiment. In itself this provides no justification for the relative dearth (in geography) of theorizing 'with'... more
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      Cyborg TheoryTransgender StudiesQueer TheoryPolitical Ecology
El cuidado como categoría central de las teorías feministas ha sido un eje fundamental dentro del campo de la educación para comprender los saberes, las prácticas, la divisón del trabajo y las desigualdades que estructuran el mundo... more
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      PedagogyFeminismCaring / Care Ethics
It is not just a postmodernist play on the word ‘desire’, where the Sire is a lord and master connoting the divine law of patriarchal authority through which gender roles, rights and powers are defined and controlled coercively throughout... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPhilosophySocial Research Methods and Methodology
Today's Christian ministry leaders across the Caribbean are faced a set of lived realities that challenge them to engage their problem solving skills if they are going to maintain any semblance of relevance and connectivity. The status... more
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      PovertyCommunity DevelopmentCaring / Care EthicsKoinonia
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsComputer ScienceInformation Technology
Karla Elliott defines caring masculinities as both embracing care and rejecting domination. Most work within critical studies on men and masculinities that engages with masculinities and care focuses on care yet sidelines non-domination.... more
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      Gender StudiesDomestic workersFatherhoodCaring / Care Ethics
Le terme de management présente cette particularité d’apparaître aux francophones que nous sommes comme un anglicisme, alors qu’en réalité, il tire son origine de la langue française. Parti du français vers l’anglais, il nous est revenu... more
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      ManagementKnowledge ManagementSupply Chain ManagementQuality Management
Purpose: This article (1) analyzes and synthesizes literatures from philosophy and education to propose a conceptual framework for caring in schools and caring school leadership and (2) reports the results of an exploratory analysis of... more
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      Organizational CultureCaring / Care Ethics
Engineering burst into the K-12 curriculum with the release of the Framework for K-12 Science Education (National Research Council, 2012) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) (NGSS Lead States, 2013). As states, districts, and... more
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      Feminist TheoryScience EducationEngineering EducationEducation Ethics
Little is known of the experiences of directly employed care workers communicating with healthcare providers about the situations of their employers. We report findings from 30 in-depth semi-structured interviews with directly employed... more
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      BusinessCaring / Care Ethics
How can politics be articulated or at least imagined by ill, impoverished and abandoned communities? This article documents how care is invoked by activist groups and local citizens in their search for ethical recognition and... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental JusticeCaring / Care EthicsCritical Policy Studies
Mit dem Konzept der Sorge bzw. des Sorgens wollen wir verschiedene Assoziationen aufrufen und dadurch Wissen(schaft)sfelder produktiv verknüpfen. Einerseits ist Sorge(n) ein wesentlicher Aspekt von Herausforderungen, die in... more
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      ArchaeologyCaring / Care EthicsCaringAncient Studies
Lying is typically considered as a morally salient phenomenon in existing research. In this article we seek to expand the understanding of lying and deception as socially situated phenomena. We draw on qualitative interview data from a... more
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      SociologyDementiaSecrecyDeception / Lying (Deception Lying)
In dialogue with Veena Das’s works on kinship, family betrayals and death, in this text I describe the histories of family betrayals of Leonor, highlighting the inscription of these betrayals in everyday life and in the textures of her... more
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      Family studiesDeathEthnographyKinship (Anthropology)
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      Feminist TheoryMasculinitiesDeGrowthCaring / Care Ethics
This paper aims to better understand the role of emotions in academia, and their part in producing, and challenging, an increasingly normalized neoliberal academy. It unfolds from two narratives that foreground emotions in and across... more
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      EmotionSocial JusticeFeminismNeoliberalism
This chapter will make use of a friendly, narrative style that invites participation from the reader, to explore caring for self, others and nature, as encapsulated in the notion of kindness. It begins with a fable, a short story that... more
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      Creative NonfictionStorytellingYoung People in CareCaring / Care Ethics
This article analyses under a gender perspective the Spanish labor market during the current stage of capitalism, which began in the 1970s, at the time Spain achieved democracy and was integrated in the European Union integration, as well... more
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      Gender StudiesEmploymentCaring / Care EthicsEconomic Crisis
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      Feminist TheoryHistory of EducationPhilosophy of EducationFeminist Philosophy
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      Critical TheorySocial ChangeSocial TheoryPhilosophy
Programme du colloque du 28 avril 2022.
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      Gift Giving (Economic Anthropology)SolidarityCaring / Care EthicsDon et contre-don
This article examines from a care approach the social and institutional responses to the development of the market economy in the European context. Studying this long period -which Polanyi called the double movement- is relevant because... more
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      Gender StudiesWelfare StateCaring / Care Ethics
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      Feminist TheoryPhilosophy of EducationFeminist PhilosophyRace and Ethnicity
This is a sample from the collection, *Love Reason and Will: Kierkegaard After Frankfurt.* I consider Frankfurt's conception of love in the context of his wider claims about "caring" in order to show that (a) his conception of love... more
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      AuthenticityPersonal and Moral AutonomyValue TheoryAutonomy