Career Development
Recent papers in Career Development
Objective : To assess intern pharmacists’ perceived preparedness for practice, document the extent of their involvement. in selected pharmacy related activities during the internship period, as well as determine their future career path.... more
Purpose -The use of women's networks is emerging as one method of advancing women's careers within organizations. However, the value of these networks has been questioned. The purpose of this study is to examine how potential differences... more
Thesis Title: Careers and Labour Market Flexibility in Global Industries: The Case of Seafarers The flexibilisation of labour in the global labour market has been a bone of contention among scholars from different disciplines over the... more
Our research study investigated the primary research question: “What are the lived experiences of millennial women holding knowledge positions in South African metropolises that lead them to leave their organizations?” among 25... more
Objectives and method: As the field of applied sport psychology (ASP) is witnessing a growth in interest in professional practice, it is also faced with the challenge of developing its professional status. Taking into account the lack of... more
Bu kitap; duygusal ve davranışsal bozukluklara sahip öğrenciler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen sınıf öğretmenleri, özel eğitim öğretmenleri ve alanda çalışan uzmanlar için hazırlanmış giriş niteliğinde bir uygulama kitabıdır. Her bir... more
It is a… "marketing/ sales" pitch of the research… and the Career Development of the Fellow so as to receive funding…! EC has been doing this for quite a few FPs… There are particular policy and mandate backgrounds. There's a... more
It is a… "marketing/ sales" pitch of the research… and the Career Development of the Fellow so as to receive funding…! EC has been doing this for quite a few FPs… There are particular policy and mandate backgrounds. There's a... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
Impacts of physical disability on an individual’s career development. Despite ‘career ’ becoming a somewhat nebulous term, career development remains a proactive and dynamic process aimed at meeting the needs of both the organisation and... more
Latino immigrants are the largest source of immigrant workers in the United States. In this study, 11 first-generation Latino immigrants (8 men, 3 women) living in the Midwest were interviewed about their work experiences. Interview data... more
The Career Decision-Making Profiles questionnaire (CDMP; Gati, Landman, Davidovitch, Asulin-Peretz, & Gadassi, 2010) uses a new model for characterizing the way individuals make decisions based on the simultaneous use of 11 dimensions.... more
PurposeThis paper aims to explore and interpret the pre‐migration and post‐migration career development and success of highly skilled professional migrant women with special reference to The Netherlands.Design/methodology/approachAn... more
An approach to the conceptualization and facilitation of women's career development based on A. Bandura's (Social learning theory.
Purpose-Previous research has demonstrated the positive impact of relocation mobility on career success. Based on conservation-of-resources theory and knowledge about resistance to change, this study aims to explore the role of... more
Purpose-The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effects of social competencies, specifically, political skill, self-monitoring and emotional intelligence, on the workplace conflict-abusive behavior relationship.... more
Over the years I've come to appreciate the work of my Internal Audit Colleagues, who are key allies in analyzing what the organization does well and what it needs to do differently or better to remain healthy, competitive and not only... more
... Eddy SW Ng, Management and Human Resources Department, College of Business Administration, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ... an abundant of literature that focused on applicant attraction strategies and... more
Purpose–Increasing turnover of frontline staff in call centres is detrimental to the delivery of quality service to customers. This paper aims to present the context for the rapid growth of the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector in... more
To develop a culture of total quality management, a hotel company must make its human-resources department a full-fledged player in the hotel's operations, because specific human-resources practices ntial to a successful TQM program. k... more
There are six Strong Interest Inventory test General Occupational Themes (GOT’s), and these Themes play a precise and significant role in differentiating and interpreting Strong Interest Inventory results and scores. General Occupational... more
Career education is an inseparable part of general education. In many countries a very big attention is paid to this. In Lithuania after 1990, a qualitatively new career education system has been started to be created, the development of... more
This study focuses on the fellowship program of Helsingin Sanomat Foundation, which has sent a hundred mid-career journalists from Finland to study abroad at prominent universities. Based on two surveys, one on the fellows (n = 45) and... more
Competency-based measures are increasingly being recognised as the most viable option for engendering the continuing professional development (CPD) of construction project managers (CPMs). Presently, an emerging view from the HRM genre is... more
The greatest cause of human disease is human culture, and the solution is to change that culture and the way we live. It has nothing to do with animals. A medical industry dedicated to animal research is corrupted by cruelty and cannot be... more
Sharing a holistic communication approach developed from years of research, teaching and professional experience, Midnight Musings: Explorations in Public Speaking is your public speaking playbook. You will discover how to understand your... more
Identity development is a lifelong process that goes through a particularly important phase in adolescence; during this period young people are engaged in the identity development process and are committed to making important choices for... more
This study investigated the relation between leisure and career development. Data were collected from college freshmen enrolled in required orientation classes (N ϭ 239) at a midwestern state university. Results indicated that students... more
This study examines the impact of employee perceptions of training on organizational commitment, and the latter"s relationship with turnover intentions. Structured equation modelling is conducted on survey data from 437 Chinese employees... more
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a common question and one that you have probably not heard of since your formative years. However, in a world increasingly disrupted by digital technologies, experienced academics are (or at... more
Purpose This paper examines Generation Y, potential graduate entrants to UK retailing, in respect of their job experiences, career perceptions and initial employment expectations.
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to report an interview study with 12 directors in a major international telecommunications company, to identify the career paths which they took to reach board level in their organisation.... more
This paper examines emotional expression experienced by female principals in the Arab school system in Israel over their managerial careers – role-related emotions that they choose to express or repress before others. I employed narrative... more
Whether you dream of building an on-line business, running an on-line business or becoming a fashion designer, pop-star or footballer, there are key business skills that you cannot do without if you are to succeed financially Forbes... more
In post-modern society where rapid economic, social and political changes take place, career planning and management becomes more and more urgent every day. The mentioned changes are not necessarily positive or providing only all-round... more
With the growing acceptance of logistics and supply chain management as critical business concerns, there is an emerging realisation that more investment is needed to develop appropriate managerial skills and competencies. This paper... more
Career development is the lifelong process of managing, learning, work, leisure and transition in order to move towards a personally determined and evolving preferred future for the youth. The increasing level of unemployment in... more
There are times when avoiding is necessary and times when it can be used inappropriately and inefficiently. Using an avoiding style at the wrong time during a conflict situation at work or during personal times can prove to be detrimental... more
Recently, compulsory primary education has been extended to eight years, instead of five. Therefore, primary school principals’ career development has become much more complex and important. A self–deviced questionnaire has been prepared... more