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Vasquez A. Review of JAMA Cardiology’s 2018 “Associations of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Use with Cardiovascular Disease Risks”. Video presentation ( and official transcript... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsCardiologyCardiothoracic SurgeryCardiovascular
Jantung terletak dalam mediastinum di rongga dada, yaitu diantara kedua paru-paru, pericardium yang meliputi jantung terdiri dari 2 lapisan : pericardium viceralis dan pericardium parietalis. Kedua lapisan pericardium ini dipisahkan oleh... more
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    • Cardiovascular
BACKGROUND: Lifestyle choices are associated with cardiovascular disease and mortality. The purpose of this study was to compare adherence to healthy lifestyle habits in adults between 1988 and 2006. METHODS: Analysis of adherence to 5... more
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      Health PromotionHealth BehaviorObesityCardiovascular
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Background Frailty is associated with older age and multimorbidity (two or more long-term conditions); however, little is known about its prevalence or effects on mortality in younger populations. This paper aims to examine the... more
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      Health SciencesGeriatricsInternal Medicine (General Medicine)Neurology
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      Nutrition and DieteticsCardiologyNutritionPublic Health Nutrition
Introducción y objetivos. La tercera Task Force Conjunta Europea de prevención cardiovascular recomendó el uso de la función de riesgo SCORE de predicción del riesgo de muerte cardiovascular en 10 años para la toma de decisiones en las... more
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VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Brief Critique of Supplemental Vitamins and Minerals for CVD Prevention and Treatment in Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2018
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      CardiologyNutritionCardiovascularVitamin D
Materi KMB | Kardiovaskular | Laporan Pendahuluan | Konsep Dasar Asuhan Keperawatan | Leukimia |
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Background: The Cognitive and Emotional Health Project (CEHP) seeks to identify the demographic, social, and biological determinants of cognitive and emotional health in the older adult. As part of the CEHP, a critical evaluation study... more
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Aims To examine the number and type of co-morbid long-term health conditions (LTCs) and their associations with all-cause mortality in an atrial fibrillation (AF) population. Methods and results Community cohort participants (UK Biobank... more
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      Health SciencesCardiologyInternal Medicine (General Medicine)Primary Care
Como en otros sistemas, una buena evaluación cardiovascular inicia con un buen interrogatorio y culmina con un buen examen físico, orientado claro, por la historia que obtenemos del paciente.
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The identification of drug therapy problems is the focus of the assessment and the last decision made in that step of the patient care process. Although drug therapy problem identification is technically part of the assessment process, it... more
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    • Cardiovascular
Critique of "Effects of n−3 Fatty Acid Supplements in Diabetes Mellitus: ASCEND Study" New England Journal of Medicine 2018 Aug
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      CardiologyNutritionResearch MethodologyCardiovascular
MEGACODE merupakan ujian akhir untuk menentukan apakah peserta dapat lulus ACLS atau tidak. MEGACODE terdiri dari 5 peserta yang tergabung dalam 1 tim. Memiliki peran masing-masing, • Kapten Tim • Ventilasi • Compresi •... more
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      CardiologyEmergency MedicineCardiovascularCardiac arrest
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      Medical SciencesCardiovascularMedical Education
"The study of biological influence on communication has a rich history in social science literature. In this review, we describe the framework of communication and biology, describe the communibiology paradigm, and explore relevant... more
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      Organizational BehaviorNeurosciencePsychologyHealth Psychology
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    • Cardiovascular
In the long human tradition honey has been used not only as a nutrient but also as a medicine. Its composition is rather variable and depends on the floral source and on external factors, such as seasonal, environmental conditions and... more
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      Health SciencesStructureCardiovascularCancer
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with important chronic comorbid diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension.
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      CardiovascularAccreditationUltrasoundBlended Learning
Adverse events Antipsychotic drug Autonomic Cardiovascular Side-effects Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in people with severe mental disorders, and rates are proportionally greater than for other diseases such as... more
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      CardiovascularHRAutonomic Nervous SystemSide Effects
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      CardiovascularOxidative StressCardiovascular diseaseCardiovascular research
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      CardiovascularQuality ImprovementImmunobiologyVascular
The purpose of this study was to develop a new technological meditative tool, called the virtual reality meditative technique (VRMT) and test its feasibility for further large-scale studies. This VRMT was designed by the 7D Health... more
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      HinduismHealth PsychologyVisualizationCreativity
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      AlgorithmsCardiovascularQuality ImprovementQuality Assurance
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      CardiovascularMedicina VeterinariaPatologiaMedicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia
Objective: The objective of this review is to evaluate the evidence for the hypothesis that cardiovascular reactivity can predict the development of preclinical (elevated blood pressure, ventricular remodeling, carotid atherosclerosis)... more
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      CardiovascularStress physiologyStressStress (Psychology)
Can obesity, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, cancer and other cardiovascular diseases be prevented and reversed? Absolutely! How so? Very simple, just put out the oxygen that keeps the flame of these diseases burning! Simply put, these... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineCardiovascularDiabetesCancer
There is enormous evidence that the initiation and growth of atherosclerosis is highly influenced by hemodynamic factors. In this study, hemodynamic factors in the following patient specific 3D carotid artery models were studied: i)... more
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      Health SciencesMedical SciencesInternal Medicine (General Medicine)Radiology
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia worldwide, and it has a significant effect on morbidity and mortality. It is a significant risk factor for stroke and peripheral embolization, and it has an effect on cardiac... more
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      CardiovascularDietHRObstructive sleep apnea
Thyroid hormones have a significant impact on heart function, mediated by genomic and non-genomic effects. Consequently, thyroid hormone deficiencies, as well as excesses, are expected to result in profound changes in cardiac function... more
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      CardiovascularHeartThyroid HormonesHypothyroidism
In addition to their nutritive value, foods provide health benefits or have a role in disease prevention since they contain a wide range of phytochemicals which represent functional or bioactive components. These bioactive molecules... more
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      BiochemistryFood ScienceNutritionCardiovascular
Resveratrol-a natural polyphenolic compound-was first discovered in the 1940s. Although initially used for cancer therapy, it has shown beneficial effects against most cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. A large part of these... more
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      CardiovascularOxidative StressAntioxidantsDiabetes mellitus
Little research exists in humans concerning the anxiolytic, antidepressant, sedative, and adaptogenic actions the traditional Ayurvedic medicine Bacopa monnieri (BM) possesses in addition to its documented cognitive-enhancing effects.... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineCognitionCardiovascularStress
The interactive effect of achievement motivation and task difficulty on invested mental effort, postulated by Humphreys and Revelle . Personality, motivation, and performance: a theory of the relationship between individual differences... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPersonality PsychologyPsychophysiologyPersonality
El objetivo de esta revisión se centra en evaluar la validez y fiabilidad del test modificado de Allen como prueba de criba-do para déficits en la circulación colateral palmar y como predictor de isquemia distal de la mano. Para ello, se... more
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      Evidence Based PracticeCardiovascularEvidence Based NursingEvidence based Practice (Health Sciences)
Objective: To (1) report the prognostic association between anxiety disorder subtypes and major adverse cardiac events (MACE), (2) report anxiety disorder prevalence in coronary heart disease (CHD), and (3) report the efficacy of anxiety... more
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      CardiologyAnxiety DisordersCardiovascularMeta-Analysis and Systematic Review
Background: The main strategy for alleviating heart disease has been to target individuals and encourage them to change their health behaviors. Though important, emphasis on individuals has diverted focus and responsibility away from... more
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      Social MovementsPositive PsychologyCardiologySocial Policy
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Innovative, more stringent diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers and effective treatment options are needed to lessen its burden. In recent years,... more
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      PhysiologyMolecular BiologyCardiovascularMicroRNA
Background: Severe traumatization can evolve into dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative identity disorder patients have the unique feature of having at least two identities or dissociative parts of the personality, described as... more
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      NeuroimagingCardiovascularPrincipal Component AnalysisImagination
Brief Critique of "Effects of n3 Fatty Acid Supplements in Diabetes Mellitus: ASCEND Study" New England Journal of Medicine 2018 Aug
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionResearch MethodologyPublic Health Nutrition
Dietary fiber and whole grains contain a unique blend of bioactive components including resistant starches, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. As a result, research regarding their potential health benefits has received... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsObesityCardiovascularFiber
A large proportion of the health woes beleaguering modern cultures are because of daily physical activity patterns that are profoundly different from those for which we are genetically adapted. The ancestral natural environment in which... more
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      GeneticsCardiologyCardiovascularLife Style
Background: Allostatic load (AL) relates to the neural and bodily ''wear and tear'' that emerge in the context of chronic stress. This paper aims to provide clinicians with a comprehensive overview of the role of AL in patophysiology of... more
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      NursingBipolar DisorderNonparametric StatisticsCardiovascular
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Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Advanced age is associated with a higher prevalence of CHD as well as increased morbidity and mortality.
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      Cognitive ScienceCardiologyRehabilitationEvidence Based Medicine
In addition to their nutritive value, foods provide health benefits or have a role in disease prevention since they contain a wide range of phytochemicals which represent functional or bioactive components. These bioactive molecules... more
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      BiochemistryFood ScienceNutritionCardiovascular
Obesity is associated with a host of cardiovascular risk factors and its prevalence is rising rapidly. Despite strong evidence that obesity predisposes to the development and progression of coronary heart disease (CHD), numerous studies... more
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      ObesityCardiovascularSurvival AnalysisRisk assessment