Recent papers in Carbonates
38 selected samples. Phase 3: Final interpretation of the depositional model and reservoir potential of this cold-water, shallow marine setting. 3D stratigraphic forward modeling (e.g. with Dionisos software) using the proposed... more
The Upper Mississippian Chesterian Ste Genevieve and Paoli Formations of the Illinois basin are composed of five carbonate and mixed carbonate siliciclastic fourth order 100500 k y sequences Interpretive cross sections based on detailed... more
The study has investigated the feasibility of using siderite-coated quartz sand and/or hematite-coated quartz sand columns for removing As from water. Arsenic-spiked tap water and synthetic As solution with As concentrations from 200 to... more
Four soil samples were collected from various locations having wider range of pH and EC for incubation experiment. These soil samples were added with Pb (NO 3) 2 salts, and samples were taken on 1 st ,35 th ,45 th and 60 th day. Soils... more
present in human urine. Further evidence was not obtained for the presence of this conjugate in human urine. However, Wienert and Gahlen (3) reported the presence of only one drug-related spot on the thin-layer chromatogram when they... more
The objective of the current study was to develop and validate a simple, precise and accurate isocratic stability-indicating reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) assay method for the determination of... more
Dedicated to Professor Dr Jochen Hoefs on the occasion of his 75th birthday Oxygen isotope fractionations in double carbonates of different crystal structures were calculated by the increment method. Synthesis experiments were performed... more
We have synthesized inorganic micron-sized filaments, whose microstucture consists of silica-coated nanometer-sized carbonate crystals, arranged with strong orientational order. They exhibit noncrystallographic, curved, helical... more
levels (that is, greater than 10 25 times that of the present atmospheric level) during the deposition of these units. The presence of rounded pebbles of sideritic iron formation at the base of the Rooihoogte Formation and an extensive... more
This study investigated the effect of 3 staining solutions and 3 over-the-counter tooth-bleaching systems on the microhardness of 2 dental resin composites. Forty-five specimens of Filtek Supreme and Esthet-X were randomly assigned to 3... more
The influence of ionic substituents in calcium phosphates intended for bone and tooth replacement biomedical applications is an important research topic, owing to the essential roles played by trace elements in biological processes. The... more
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the effects of different concentrations and exposure times of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on dentin deproteination and to determine the suitable concentrations and... more
The effectiveness of elemental iron (Fe 0 ) to remove uranium (U) from the aqueous phase has been demonstrated. While the mitigation effect is sure, discrepancies in the removal mechanism have been reported. The objective of this study... more
The mummification ritual in ancient Egypt involved the evisceration of the corpse and its desiccation using natron, a naturally occurring evaporitic mineral deposit from the Wadi Natrun, Egypt. The deposit typically contains sodium... more
In a project to develop hydroxyapatites for bone replacement, biological and synthetic types were prepared at 600°C ground to 300-600~m and immersed in a pooled human serum for periods up to
Agarose can be activated by adding cyanogen bromide, dissolved in acetonitrile, to beads suspended in a solution of sodium carbonate. The necessity for manual titration and the use of a pH meter are thus eliminated. Activation for 1 min... more
Low salinity waterflood (LSF) is a promising improved oil recovery (IOR) technology. Although, it has been demonstrated that LSF is an efficient IOR method for many sandstone reservoirs, the potential of LSF in carbonate reservoirs is... more
Dolomite cement is a significant and widespread component of Phanerozoic sucrosic dolomites. Cements in dolomites that were never deeply buried are limpid, have planar faces (non-saddle forms), often distinct zonation in... more
Extraction techniques are surface dependent processes since their kinetic directly depends on the contact area between the sample and the extractant phase. The dispersion of the extractant (liquid or solid) increases this area improving... more
ABSTRACT: Forensic anthropologists use a number of maceration techniques to facilitate skeletal analysis of personal identity and trauma, but they may unwittingly eliminate valuable DNA evidence in the process. This study evaluated the... more
Pour la caractérisation pétrophysique et pétrographique des roches du système mixte carbonaté, siliciclastique et évaporitique du Desmoinesien supérieur du Bassin du Paradox (Utah, USA), trois affleurements de terrain et six carottes de... more
Many advanced oxidation processes involve addition of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) 28 with the aim of generating hydroxyl radicals to oxidize organic contaminants in water.
j o u r n a l o f d e n t i s t r y 3 6 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 5 6 5 -5 7 8 Dentinal fluid flow Portland cement Calcium silicate Portlandite Alite Belite Ettringite Calcium carbonate Calcium phosphate Oxalates a b s t r a c t
Our objective is to demonstrate the analytical capabilities of Advanced Surface Logging or Advanced Mud Logging (AML), the results borne from an extensive use of wellsite techniques and their use in time-critical situations. The work... more
The high content of hydrogen carbonate anions and dissolved CO in some mineral waters interfere with the determination 2 of anions in such samples by ion chromatography. It was found that the irreproducibility of retention times of all... more
Instrumentation: 1 H-NMR spectra were recorded at 300 MHz on a Bruker AC and were referenced internally to residual proton signals of the deuterated solvent. SEC measurements in DMF (containing 1 g/L of lithium bromide as an additive) an... more
Cathodoluminescent petrography (CL) is a well established technique that can provide a means to examine fabrics, diagenetic phases and cement relationships in sedimentary rocks. CL is very useful in the study of carbonate rocks because... more
Field outcrop and petrographic data were used to infer the geologic history and depositional environment of the sediments in Akpagher, in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. The method of investigation involved field... more
El origen y formación de las dolomitas ha sido un enigma por parte de la comunidad científica en las últimas décadas. En este trabajo de investigación, se llevó a cabo un estudio geoquímico de una secuencia litoestratigráfica de diversas... more
Limited research is available that evaluates animal productivity from increasing levels of pasture supplementation to dairy confinement-type diets. Two 8-week field studies (fall of 2004, F2004; and spring of 2005, F2005) and an in vitro... more
En este trabajo se resumen la geología, génesis, geología económica, geoquímica y ejemplos de los principales minerales tipo Na-Carbonatos, Na-Sulfatos y sales de alumbre en ambientes sedimentarios y magmáticos en algunos casos. Se... more
Aspek mikrofasies dan diagenesis batuan karbonat Anggota Batugamping Formasi Pamutuan telah dipelajari guna mengetahui mekanisme pengendapan batuan dan sejarah proses geologi paska pengendapan batuan. Sampel-sampel batugamping yang telah... more
The sedimentary successions exposed in northeast Calabria document the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous tectonic– sedimentary evolution of a former segment of the European–Iberian continental margin. They are juxtaposed today to units... more
Marine carbonate rocks from the Mesoproterozoic Bangemall Group of northwestern Australia show little deviation ( + 1.3%0) in whole-rock 6'3C,,b-values about a mean of -0.5%0. This narrow range persists despite close sampling (every lo-20... more
Soapstone deposits on the Belcher Islands are a product of intrusion of the Haig gabbro sills as part of 1960 ±160Ma plume-related volcanic events. Multiple sills intruded into wet sedimentary units underlying the Flaherty pillow basalts.... more