La mobilité en milieu rural présente aujourd'hui deux enjeux principaux : -d'une part, il existe un déficit important de connaissances autour de la question : les publications sur le sujet sont trop généralistes, ou trop partielles ;... more
Befordring i landdistrikterne er et centralt emne i disse år, hvor den kollektive transport omorganiseres og bliver efterspørgselsstyret, befolkningstallet er vigende og behovet for befordring er større end nogensinde før. Samtidigt åbner... more
The paper approaches the actual situation of carpooling, by reporting the most updated data divided by its different orms: private, corporate and urban carpooling. For this last kind some innovative experience are reported: instant... more
Les conditions de production d'un transport durable Quelles organisations de la mobilité plus durables et moins dépendantes de la voiture dans les espaces ruraux à faible densité ? L'exemple du Parc naturel régional Loire-Anjou-Touraine... more
While road pricing (RP) is considered one of the most effective means of traffic demand management (TDM), its poor acceptability has been the greatest impediment to its implementation. The authors propose a 'parking deposit system' (PDS)... more
This study deals with the application of a Web structure available to both Mobility Managers and employees. Its main functionalities enable the Mobility Manager to collect mobility data that can be used to design some optimal home-to-work... more
The paper approaches the actual situation of carpooling, by reporting the most updated data divided by its different orms: private, corporate and urban carpooling. For this last kind some innovative experience are reported: instant... more
This paper introduces a mobility platform aimed at reducing individual car use by combining the car flexibility and comfort with the advantages by public transport, such as punctuality, safety and lower environmental impact. The platform,... more
The paper approaches the actual situation of carpooling, by reporting the most updated data divided by its different orms: private, corporate and urban carpooling. For this last kind some innovative experience are reported: instant... more