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Questa tesi si propone di analizzare empiricamente l’effetto persuasivo di una delle principali tecnologie web del mondo moderno: il social network Facebook. L’elaborato si compone di quattro parti: nella prima parte vengono presentati... more
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      Web TechnologiesFacebookPersuasionFallacies
The continued interest in advertising and entertainment brings about important questions about the effectiveness of advertising when it is competing for attention with entertainment content. This research provides the results of an... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceAdvertisingVideo Games
L’obiettivo di questa tesi di laurea è quello di fornire un’analisi sull’efficacia di alcune tecniche di persuasione basate su errori logici, attraverso una ricerca empirica. L’elaborato, in questo modo, mira a proporre le potenzialità... more
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      FallaciesPersuasive TechnologyCaptology
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyInformation TechnologyTechnologyNew Media
The continued interest in advertising and entertainment brings about important questions about the effectiveness of advertising when it is competing for attention with entertainment content. This research provides the results of an... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceAdvertisingVideo Games
Diritti umani fra capitalismo della sorveglianza ed etica hacker MARIA CHIARA VITUCCI Dispositivo pandemico e governamentalità digitale GIANVITO BRINDISI AND PAOLO VIGNOLA La prevenzione del crimine alle frontiere 2.0, una questione di... more
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      Philosophy Of LawContemporary French PhilosophySurveillance StudiesGilles Deleuze
La tesi espone un’analisi che intende verificare l’esistenza di strategie persuasive nella comunicazione online da parte del gruppo terroristico Isis, in particolare per quanto riguarda il reclutamento di foreign fighters.
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      TerrorismPropagandaWeb TechnologiesPersuasive Technology
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      Human Computer InteractionWeb 2.0User Experience (UX)Social Media
Annual Report
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      Behavioural ScienceTechnologyNew MediaPersuasive Uses of Technology
The development and implementation of online and mobile HIV/AIDS outreach and prevention programmes to protect public health and promote human rights through a community-owned response with populations disproportionately at risk of HIV... more
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      TechnologyNew MediaEducational TechnologyHIV/AIDS
Çağımızda bireylerin tutum ve davranışlarını etkileme amacıyla başvurulan ikna çabalarında bilgi iletişim teknolojileri etkin olarak kullanılmaktadır. İnternet üzerinden bireylerin ziyaret olanağı bulduğu web siteleri, söz konusu bilgi... more
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      Persuasive DesignCaptology
The semiotic approach to information systems development has proved over the years as a reliable framework for analyses, and it has been mainly focused on the development of organizational information systems. However, the usefulness of... more
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      SemioticsGame studiesTechnologyNew Media
Nell'ambito dell'interazione uomo-macchina, la Captologia (Computer As Persuasive Technologies) sta assumendo un ruolo sempre più rilevante. Nel corso degli ultimi anni, infatti, sono state condotte numerose ricerche su come i prodotti... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPersuasive TechnologyCaptologyLogical Fallacies
A relação entre ergonomia, design e emoção vem se fortalecendo cada vez mais. Partindo-se do princípio que as pessoas estabelecem elos afetivos com os produtos que usam, e que é possível projetar visando experiências prazerosas e... more
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      DesignErgonomicsDesign and EmotionUser Experience (UX)
Recent technological innovations in open source software and cloud computing have driven the cost of launching a software startup down to a fraction of what it was only few years ago. But as software products increasingly live in the... more
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      EntrepreneurshipProduct DesignDesign InnovationBehavioral Economics
Os objetivos da presente pesquisa de caráter teórico-prático foram, primeiro, estabelecer um modelo analítico para o componente ético de projetos de gamificacão e, segundo, exemplificar o uso de tal para o caso do jogo America’s Army:... more
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Learning objects are often distributed in a static form that is unsuitable for modified reuse, and though certain Learning Management Systems such as LAMS do allow for repurpos-ing, the authoring, adaptation and end user accessibility are... more
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      Ontology (Computer Science)Persuasive DesignLearning Objects (Education)Captology
The continued interest in advertising and entertainment brings about important questions about the effectiveness of advertising when it is competing for attention with entertainment content. This research provides the results of an... more
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      AdvertisingPersuasive Video GamesIn-game advertisingPersuasive Technology
Após as explanações sobre captologia e ubiquidade, surge o momento de se ater à metodologia e aos métodos de pesquisa empregados a fim de comparar a situação atual da captologia com as tendências de evolução da área apontadas por Fogg em... more
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology
The semiotic approach to information systems development has proved over the years as a reliable framework for analyses, and it has been mainly focused on the development of organizational information systems. However, the usefulness of... more
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      SemioticsGame studiesTechnologyNew Media
de 1999. ! "A Matrix está em todo lugar. À nossa volta. Mesmo agora, nesta sala. Você pode vê-la quando olha pela janela ou quando liga sua televisão. Você a sente quando vai para o trabalho, quando vai à igreja, quando paga seus... more
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology
Facing with two parallel worlds, i.e., real and virtual world in the learning environments (LEs) can be an opportunity for reaching educational goals if properly recognized and used them. Persuasion as a main factor for efficiency LEs is... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationVirtual Environments
In the last decade Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has started to focus attention on forms of persuasive interaction where computer technologies have the goal of changing users’ behavior and attitudes according to a predefined direction.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
As games become increasingly embedded into everyday life, understanding the ethics of their creation and use, as well as their potential for practicing ethical thinking, becomes more relevant. This chapter introduces critical gameplay... more
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      Critical TheoryEthicsNew MediaDesign
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology
! O presente estudo iniciou com a inquietação e a curiosidade por tratar de um assunto sem histórico de pesquisa no Brasil e ainda com recente desenvolvimento no exterior. Assim, o caminho trilhado contou com incertezas, descobertas,... more
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology
In this paper the authors evaluate Chevron's Energyville, as an example of a persuasive technology, which is used to change attitudes and behaviours. The authors want to explore this simulation in terms of it's potential to be... more
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      EnergySerious GamingPersuasionPersuasive Technology
Globalization is an important challenge in Asian cultures' area because it is putting them at risk. Now, there is a question, is globalization a pattern or a process? If it is a pattern, it means, there are hidden intents in it that want... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial TheorySociology of Culture
As in any technology systems, analysis and design issues are among the fundamental challenges in persuasive technology. Currently, the Persuasive Systems Development (PSD) framework is considered to be the most comprehensive framework for... more
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      Cultural StudiesTechnologyNew MediaSocial Networks
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology
A dissertação tem como tema principal a “captologia”, uma área de estudo que trata do encontro entre a tecnologia computacional e a persuasão. A pesquisa propõe uma comparação entre tendências de desenvolvimento da tecnologia persuasiva... more
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology
The credibility of web sites is becoming an increasingly important area to understand. To expand knowledge in this domain, we conducted an online study that investigated how different elements of Web sites affect people’s perception of... more
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      UsabilityExpertiseCaptologyWorld Wide Web
The semiotic approach to information systems development has proved over the years as a reliable framework for analyses, and it has been mainly focused on the development of organizational information systems. However, the usefulness of... more
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      SemioticsGame studiesTechnologyNew Media
Figura 2.1: Vista da montanha-russa Ednör -LʼAttaque, no parque de diversões La Ronde, em Montreal. ! Uma das atrações mais populares dos parques de diversão é a montanharussa, um brinquedo composto por estruturas em forma de pista com... more
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology
As in any technology systems, analysis and design issues are among the fundamental challenges in persuasive technology. Currently, the Persuasive Systems Development (PSD) framework is considered to be the most comprehensive framework for... more
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      Cultural StudiesTechnologyNew MediaSocial Networks
Abstract: Even minor changes in user activity can bring about significant energy savings within built space. Many building performance assessment methods have been developed, however these often disregard the impact of user behavior (i.e.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEnergy EconomicsTechnologyNew Media
In the last decade Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has started to focus attention on persuasive technologies having the goal of changing users' behavior and attitudes according to a predefined direction. In this work, we hypothesize a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceCommunication
The semiotic approach to information systems development has proved over the years as a reliable framework for analyses, and it has been mainly focused on the development of organizational information systems. However, the usefulness of... more
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      SemioticsGame studiesTechnologyNew Media
Captologia: computadores como tecnologia persuasiva ! Apesar de muitas vezes não ser valorizada, a profissão de professor é uma das mais nobres da sociedade. É ele quem tem como função ensinar e instruir seus alunos, ser o guia das... more
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      DesignUser Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingMobile Technology