Captain James Cook 1728–1779

101 papers
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Captain James Cook (1728–1779) was a British explorer, navigator, and cartographer known for his three voyages in the Pacific Ocean, during which he mapped significant portions of the coastline of New Zealand and Australia, and made contact with various indigenous peoples, contributing to the European understanding of the Pacific region.
The resilience of Hawaiian culture amidst the pressures of Western imperialism is a profound narrative of survival, adaptation, and reclamation. This study examines the cultural endurance of the Hawaiian people from the arrival of Captain... more
The Wide Wide Sea delivers a thoughtful, even-handed portrayal of Captain Cook. By presenting diverse viewpoints, it invites readers to reflect deeply on the explorer’s complex legacy. With vivid details and Side’s hallmark storytelling,... more
Ethnographic objects from James Cook's voyages from Tierra del Fuego and the Northwest Coast of North America in the collections of the Ethologische Sammlung Göttingen.
The article examines the relationships between Adam Johann von Krusenstern, August von Kotzebue, and Georg Forster, focusing on their intertwined legacies within the context of 18th-century exploration and literary production. Drawing... more
Dissertationer, disputationer och dissertationsöversättningar under 1800-talet * av Johanna Akujärvi Få översättningar som har mer än hundra år på nacken torde läsas av andra än den specialintresserade idag. De flesta översättningar... more
This essay tells a new story about a key technology of long-distance plant transfer in the 19th century—rather than a Eurocentric story of how the “Wardian case” allowed Kew Gardens to move plants around the world, it begins a different... more
In der Sammlung des Bernischen Historischen Muse- ums (BHM) befindet sich ein Federband (Inv. Nr. E/1791.536.0043), das mit der Herkunft »Tahiti« dem Sammler Johann Wäber zugeschrieben ist. Dieser war als Maler und Zeichner Teilnehmer der... more
European artists of the eighteenth century framed an exotic textual and visual narrative of the Pacific, drawing largely on knowledge gained from exploratory journeys of the 1760s and 1770s. Visual representations of the Pacific became... more
In 1770 Lieutenant James Cook, Captain of HMB Endeavour, became the first European to sail along the east coast of Australia. 1 On his return to England Cook and eminent botanist Joseph Banks were national heroes but the small bark... more
Dentro de los estudios sobre la divulgación de las obras de los exploradores científicos del siglo XVIII (cf. Torres Santo Domingo 2003, Pablo Núñez 2019), se ha destacado la nula, escasa o tardía presencia de traducciones al español de... more
Egzotizálás, démonizálás, empíria és az Európán kívüli világ recepciója a 17-18. századi Magyarországon" [ Exoticisation, demonisation, empiricism and the reception of the non-European world in Hungary in the 17th-18th centuries]
This article sets out to globalize M aori museology through mana taonga, a concept that is historically grounded and articulated in contemporary museum practice. Mana taonga can be used to reconceptualize issues of engagement, knowledge,... more
Denna rapport innehåller en pilotstudie över en del av den forskning jag bedrivit inom min s.k. "repatrieringstid" under hösten 2018, efter mitt avslutade prefektuppdrag. Rapporten handlar om Kungliga Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar,... more
Stemmed obsidian tools (mata'a) are a ubiquitous component of the archaeological record of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), and have long figured prominently within archaeological debates on the island's prehistory. Although they are one of the... more
Miracles and science in the Linnaean dissertation Miracula insectorum (1752), by Ingela Pehrson Berger, PhD in Comparative literature, currently student at the
For some decades, museums have had to reflect upon and re-imagine what they do and for whom. Since the 1970s, museums that hold ethnographic collections have become sites of acute re-appraisal as these collections carry an historical... more
The history of the reception of James Cook’s Voyages in the Kingdom of Hungary constitutes an exciting chapter in the history of the transmission of significant scientific texts from Western to Eastern Europe. Not well researched so far,... more
Considering, on the one hand, that the development of printing and the spread of the printed word across the Western world contributed to shaping representations of the known and unknown world, and secondly, that geographical metaphors... more
Georg Forster unmd die Künste
Vielfältige Spielarten und Subgenres der Reiseliteratur vom 18. bis 21. Jahrhundert
Beiträge der Tagung "Forster in postkolonialer Perspektive" und der Konferenz "Herder und die Künste"; Brief Forsters und Therese Hubers an Georgine Heyne
The Cook collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology in Florence includes objects belonging to the cultures of Polynesia, Melanesia and the North-West Coast of North America. The importance of these artifacts is increasingly... more
Music in film, diegetic and non-diegetic, creates and defines spaces and places in the mise en scene and in the relations it creates between the text and the audience, degrees of intimacy or distance, identification or alienation. This... more
This is a pedagogical document illustrating how to write a historical text commentary on an extract from James cook's journal. It was originally prepared in connection with the national examination here in France, the agrégation.
This issue of Australian Historical Studies is the final one in our editorial tenure of the journal from 2015 to 2018. During this time, it has been a privilege to publish a range of fascinating articles in Australian history, and to... more
This paper is an attempt to examine aspects of the consequences of the transfer of individual culturally charged material items (principally artefacts) between societies that have different cultural values. This is an especially urgent... more
The division and distribution of Polynesian barkcloth now cared for in the National Museum of Ireland, Dublin. Research has reconnected these to their 'sister' pieces in the National Museums, Scotland.
Latinet har under en stor del av sin historia haft den fördelen att det varit ett internationellt språk, ingens modersmål och därmed befriat från nationell prestige. Det har fungerat som vetenskapernas och i synnerhet naturvetenskapernas... more
by Kieran Hosty and 
1 more
On 3 February 2022, Kevin Sumption PSM, the Director of the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney, Australia controversially announced that HMB Endeavour had been found in Newport Harbor, Rhode Island, USA. This was the... more
by James Hunter and 
1 more
On Thursday 3 February 2022, the museum's Director Kevin Sumption PSM hosted a press conference in which he stated that HMB Endeavour had been found in Newport Harbor, Rhode Island, USA. This was the culmination of more than two decades... more
This article traces parallels between James Cook’s 1768 Endeavour voyage to measure the transit of Venus and current initiatives searching for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). While separated by vast time and space, both are united... more
Jennifer Y. Chuong researches the eighteenth-century transatlantic world; Kailani Polzak researches European voyages in the Pacific; and we share an interest in print's materialization of racial ideologies. When we were invited by Emily... more
El analisis de una obra literaria nos ha ofrecido en numerosos casos un cumulo de hechos y observaciones dificiles de vertebrar. Y no nos referimos solo al tipo de critica intuitiva o historica tradicio­ nal, sino tambien a cierta critica... more
Douglas Bachorik's review of D. R. M. Irving's book Colonial Counterpoint: Music in Early Modern Manila .
(1994). Boris Uspenskij, född 1937, är en berömd rysk filolog, doktor i filologi, professor vid Moskva Statliga Universitet, vid universetiten i Napoli (i ryska) och Lugano (i semiotik). Uspenskij är författare till mer än 300... more
This issue of Australian Historical Studies is the final one in our editorial tenure of the journal from 2015 to 2018. During this time, it has been a privilege to publish a range of fascinating articles in Australian history, and to... more
The Roman Catholic miSSIOns of New Spain were an essential component of the Spanish colonial enterprise, and the effects of the missionization process on the Native American populations of the Americas were profound. How did these native... more