The study analyzes the impact of public expenditure components on economic growth in the Ethiopian economy using annual time series data for the period 1982-2016. The study uses public expenditure variables from economic infrastructures... more
This research effort aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis on the fiscal performance of Pasuruan Regency from 2018 to 2023 and to evaluate the efficiency of regional budget management. The results of the... more
This research aims to analyze the Influence of regional revenues, production sharing fund, general allocation fund, special allocation fund, and surplus of budget financing partially and simultaneously on allocation capital expenditure in... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
The attitude towards the concept of risk management has undergone many structural changes in recent years; in such a way that the perspective on risk has changed from a detail-oriented approach to a systematic and holistic approach. The... more
The Social Infrastructure Contribution Fund (FAIS) aims to reduce extreme poverty in Mexico through earmarked transfers for basic infrastructure. Prior to the 2014 reform, poorer municipalities received more resources, but public... more
Taxes form a significant portion of a company’s expenses and in order to increase probable returns, tax planning is vital to financing and investment decisions of an entity. This study sought to find out the influence of tax avoidance on... more
This article review examines the paper "Revenue Allocation and Economic Development in Nigeria: An Empirical Study" by Dagwom D. Y. (2013), published in SAGE Open. The study investigates the relationship between revenue allocation and... more
The Indian education sector is constrained by cost but demand has been rising for cost-effective, robust software applications to deliver services for learning and administration. Existing systems are not scalable and require huge capex... more
Assessing Multiplier Effects of Public Expenditures on Economic Growth in Nepal: SVAR Model Analysis
This paper assesses the multiplier effects of public expenditures on economic growth in Nepal, covering time series data sets of public expenditures and economic growth from 1974-75 to 2018-19 by using the SVAR model. As a result of the... more
This study analyzes trend and pattern of public expenditure and relationship with economic growth in Nepal by using descriptive, trend, ratio and correlation method based on secondary data from 1975 to 2019. As a result, a trend of... more
This study investigates the linkage between fiscal policy and poverty reduction in Nigeria using a descriptive analysis. It explores the effectiveness of fiscal policy tool, especially government expenditure, in addressing the level of... more
This study investigates the effect of military expenditure on the exploding external debt in five major South Asian economies, i.e. Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka from 1990 to 2015 using panel fixed effect regression... more
The issue of public finance sustainability is very important for all EU member states in the actual context after the economic crisis. This article makes an analysis of the sustainability of public finances for the new member states... more
The results of the study show that the financial performance of Gunungkidul Regency which still needs attention is the regional dependency ratio and regional financial independence ratio which shows that the financial condition of the... more
The paper examines the relationship existing between commercial property investment returns and public capital investment (budgetary expenditures) on road infrastructure in Fadikpe area, Minna (Nigeria) with the aim of determining the... more
World military expenditure in post-Cold War world shows increasing trend especially in ASEAN region; Indonesia is no exception. The trend may have been supported by the argument that military expenditure has positive multiplier effects on... more
This research is related to the performance of provincial governments in Indonesia. This research aims to examine and analyze the influence of local government characteristics and audit opinions on the performance of provincial... more
Аннотация В исследовании рассматривается проблема бегства капитала из России в современных условиях и связанная с ней проблема финансирования расходов бюджета. Обосновывается различие между экспортом капитала и бегством капитала, который... more
Peran Sinyal Keuangan pada Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah terhadap Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah
This research aims to allocate the APBD made and planned by the Regional Government to improve the performance of the Regional Government, especially in terms of regional welfare and development. The research population is 34 provinces in... more
The average firm spends over two-thirds of the IT budget on maintaining the present infrastructure and architecture. The IT budget in turn makes up between thirty to fifty percent of the capital expenditure of a firm annually. An... more
Often times electricity charges are based solely on a per kilowatt-hour (kWh) basis, ignoring the fact that much of the cost associated with electricity service is fixed. From this basis, cross-subsidies have been implemented to achieve... more
The analysis forms part of the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic, and will eventually be extended to cover an additional 20 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. It builds on earlier country-specific work on each of the four East... more
The importance of capital expenditure in an economy cannot be overemphasized. In Nigeria, capital expenditure has been given meager allocation, and the manufacturing sector has been experiencing poor growth. To this end, this study... more
The importance of capital expenditure in an economy cannot be overemphasized. In Nigeria, capital expenditure has been given meager allocation, and the manufacturing sector has been experiencing poor growth. To this end, this study... more
In accordance with the formed-methodical approach to the assessment of socio-economic productivity and effectiveness of the viability of territorial burdens in the military, the time of its composition is allocated. The essence of the... more
Local revenue is intended to finance infrastructure and basic public services that have not reached a certain standard to accelerate regional development. Capital expenditure is to increase public facilities. No part of the Capital... more
Nigeria is an oil dependent economy which faced a lot of economic and political challenges between the periods under review, such as increased broad money supply, fall in the value of money market assets, decline in the unpaid FGN Bonds,... more
The paper empirically examines the impacts of federal transfers on State tax efforts and expenditure taking into consideration a panel data set of 22 Indian States for the time-period 1980-81 to 2007-08. Dynamic panel equations are... more
The purpose of this research aiming at (1) analyzing how big influence of labor, private investment and government expenditure (capital expenditure) to the economic growth of North Lombok Regency, and (2) understanding the amount of... more
Reserve System.
The study ascertained the extent the accrued revenue generation has enhanced economic growth in Nigeria from 1981 to 2015. Secondary data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s Statistical Bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics... more
Fleet demand for alternative-fuel vehicles ('AFVs' operating on fuels such as electricity, compressed natural gas, or methanol) is investigated through an analysis of a 1994 survey of 2000 fleet sites in California. This survey gathered... more
This research uses a quantitative approach. The information used is data for 2014-2023 sourced from the Binjai City Central Statistics Agency. The data analysis method used is a simple regression test with SPSS at a p value of 0.05. The... more
Pengelolaan keuangan dan aset daerah di Kabupaten Bojonegoro menghadapi tantangan dalam konteks otonomi daerah, yang diatur oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014. Kabupaten Bojonegoro, yang memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang... more
he objective of this study is explore in depth public finance issues and their impact on decentralized service delivery at the regional and woreda level in Amhara region. The study is carried out as part of the federal and some regional... more
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the relationship between capital structure and firm performance across different industries using a sample of Jordanian manufacturing firms in Jordan. The annual financial statements... more
The choice of the right fi scal regime represents the main object of the energy policy concerning hydrocarbon exploration and production for the state government. For the operator and service companies it represents the terms and... more
The state spends on defence, education, social services, servicing of national debts, capital investments, etc including its expenses on its own administration. Public expenditure on investments and productive activities is expected to... more
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the relationship between capital structure and firm performance across different industries using a sample of Jordanian manufacturing firms in Jordan. The annual financial statements... more
This paper examines the impact of fiscal policy on inflation in Nigeria for the period 1981-2021. The study adopts autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach. The unit root results revealed that other variables apart... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and efficiency financial statements of the district government of Ungaran, Semarang district in 2017-2018. The type of data used is secondary data in the form of a budget... more
Objective To examine the effects of short-term cyclic stretch on apoptosis in alveolar type II cells (A549). To study in vitro the direct influence of alveolar type II cells on mechanical stretch. Methods A549 were treated with different... more
Non-technical summary 1. Introduction 2. Public finances affect growth 2.1 Institutional framework 2.2 Government spending 2.3 Tax systems 2.4 Public finances and macroeconomic stability 3. Assessing public finance quality and its growth... more
This paper shows with a formal model that under monopoly regulation, OPEX-risk can be a source for a CAPEX-bias. If OPEX and CAPEX are substitutes, the regulated firm can reduce the risk of the firm and thereby reduce the true cost of... more
Pemerintah Kabupaten Soppeng sebagai pihak yang diserahi tugas menjalankan roda pemerintahan, pembangunan dan pelayanan masyarakat wajib menyampaikan laporan pertanggung jawaban keuangan daerahnya untuk dinilai apakah pemerintah Kabupaten... more