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In order to update the available information on the main current and future constraints on wheat production and human capacity development, a survey covering nineteen developing countries, including major wheat producers, was conducted... more
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      Developing CountriesCapacity BuildingPlant biotic and abiotic stressesCereal crop production
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    • Capacity Building and Training
Aims: The overall objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of human capacity building on performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to examine the current human... more
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      Micro, Small and Medium EnterprisesCapacity Building and Training
This handbook is meant for enhancing the capacity of Public Prosecutors who deal with cases of child sexual abuse. It covers a set of topics that affect investigation and trial in cases of sexual violence against children as also the... more
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    • Capacity Building and Training
This paper draws on the knowledge management and absorptive capacity theoretical framework to argue that there is a significant knowledge gap between nationals and the expatriate managers, which are important in building local managerial... more
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    • Capacity Building and Training
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      Adult literacyCommunity Capacity BuildingCapacity Building and Training
Sivil inisiyatifleri ve sivil toplum örgütlerini güçlendirmek için "mentorluk" sürecinin nasıl kullanılabileceğine ilişkin tartışmayı ve ilgili deneyimleri içermektedir.
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      Formal, non-formal and informal learningCivil SocietyCapacity Building and Training
Benchmarking ini dilaksanakan sebagai rangkaian kurikulum Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Tingkat IV Angkatan XXV Kementerian Agama yang dilaksanakan oleh Balai Diklat Keagamaan Padang. Benchmarking ini mengambil Lokus di... more
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      Public Service ManagementCapacity Building and Training
Governments are developing early warning systems (EWSs) to protect citizens from hazards. However, distrust of authorities hampers disaster prevention. Some literature criticizes EWS as a linear model with a top–down approach whose... more
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      Youth StudiesDisaster StudiesSocial vulnerabilityDisaster and Development, Climate Change, Civil Society and Youth Deevelopment
Drawing on the lessons learned from coalition interventions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere, the article examines the capacity of the U.S. Department of State’s “Office of the Coordinator for... more
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      Comparative LawTerrorismInternational LawInternational Security
When international organizations expand and proliferate, why do they fail to spread more evenly in their policy sphere? To answer this question, this article builds on organizational ecology theory, which was recently introduced into the... more
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      International RelationsIntellectual PropertyInternational Relations TheoryInternational organizations
Public open spaces offer social, health, environmental and economic benefits to cities and their residents. As planners seek to realize these benefits and respond to human demand, different approaches have emerged; ranging from the... more
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      BusinessLandscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningUrban Design
Public open spaces offer social, health, environmental and economic benefits to cities and their residents. As planners seek to realize these benefits and respond to human demand, different approaches have emerged; ranging from the... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningUrban DesignCapacity Building and Training
Many people have worked for decades to try and decrease health inequalities – unfair and preventable differences in health across different population groups. Yet such inequalities persist. Excellent toolkits for assessing policy impact... more
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      Health Professional EducationApplied, engaged, and public anthropologyHealth InequalitiesKnowledge sharing
This study aims to explore the transformation of the universities by means of the techno-parks. The university-industry-government partnership, which forces to make changes in the universities and "human capital." It is so clear that the... more
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      Creative WritingManagementInformation TechnologyTeaching and Learning
Being the first ISP (Information Service provider) to the society role of the librarians has undergoing drastic change. In the Knowledge management era only upgrading the technological skills doesn't help the librarian alone. Soft skills... more
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      Capacity BuildingCapacity Building and Training
This paper examines the necessity of strengthening capacity for effective implementation of Economic recovery and growth plan (ERGP) in Nigeria. The paper utilises a desk review of concepts and dimensions of capacity building,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCapacity Building and Training
This is an abridged version of the full Health Inequalities Assessment Toolkit (HIAT) for busy professionals so that they can quickly identify and understand the information they need. The HIAT was developed by the NIHR CLAHRC NWC. The... more
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      Medical SociologyGender StudiesMedical AnthropologyMedical Education
Problem Statement: Transferring technology from university labs to startups at techno-parks is expensive and takes time. Therefore, blended learning has been using to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of technology transfer.... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipInformation Technology
This article shares the learnings of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)'s experience of adapting its sexual violence care training for its staff and missions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in 2019. It explores some of the... more
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      Sexual ViolenceGender and SexualitySexual and Gender-Based ViolenceCapacity Building and Training
Public open spaces offer social, health, environmental and economic benefits to cities and their residents. As planners seek to realize these benefits and respond to human demand, different approaches have emerged; ranging from the... more
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      BusinessLandscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningUrban Design
This report is an evaluation of the Executive Short Course managed by the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies “Addressing Sexual Violence in Conflict and Emergency Settings” (‘the Course’) and covers the eight years that the Course has... more
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      Sexual ViolenceGender And ViolenceSexual and Gender-Based ViolenceCapacity Building and Training
An extreme environment poses challenges, and forces one to implement solutions that require mixing state-of-the-art techniques with local knowledge and resources, to achieve results that are appropriate, effective, and sustainable in the... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCapacity BuildingCommunity engagementSudanese Archaeology
La simplificación administrativa es un objetivo y una práctica constante de la gestión pública. De ella se ha dicho que es un concepto polisémico (PAREDES MORALES, 2011: A11), en el que conviven elementos de política con una serie de... more
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    • Capacity Building and Training