We present transport measurements on a lateral double dot produced by combining local anodic oxidation and electron beam lithography. We investigate the tunability of our device and demonstrate, that we can switch between capacitive and... more
Aiming to introduce new directions to improve the performance of narrow-band power line communication (PLC) systems in low-voltage electric power grids, this study presents an active-based capacitive PLC coupling circuit for duplex... more
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ DEDICAT ÓRIA À minha família e aos meus amigos. AGRADECIMENTOS À minha esposa Tereza e aos meus filhos Vinícius e Vitor pela paciência, incentivos e minhas ausências. À minha família,... more
This paper introduces an analog notch filtering-based coupling circuit for receivers in ultra-narrowband and narrowband power line communication systems, which are connected to low-voltage electric power grids. It is composed of a twin-T... more
Atualmente, ha um grande interesse no desenvolvimento de transceptores PLC (power line communication) para a transmissao banda larga e banda estreita de dados visando, sobretudo, aplicacoes smart grids e de acesso banda larga. Para o... more
Scaling the minimum feature size of VLSI circuits to sub-quarter micron and the clock frequency to 2GHz has caused the crosstalk noise to become a serious problem, degrading the performance and reliability of high speed integrated... more
Requirements for patient safety and a high interference rejection ratio in medical equipment create a demand for effective isolation devices. A system scale approach that uses capacitive coupling for power and signal isolation is... more
This paper presents the design of a broadband planar inverted-F antenna whose geometry splits the top (radiating plate), short, ground, and capacitive feed plates into two parts. The proposed geometry together with the capacitive-feed... more
An architecture of a quadruplet for the realization of inductive waveguide filters, in which the bypass coupling of the two central cavities is inductive, instead of the more classical capacitive solution, is proposed. This arrangement is... more
This study describes geometric characteristics of a nonvolatile memory (NVM) device with a designed chromium (Cr) nanocrystal (NC) floating gate. By using a block copolymer (BCP) nanotemplate as a mask layer, cone-shaped NCs and... more
Surface acoustic delay lines patterned on lithium tantalate piezoelectric substrate propagating a guided shear wave is demonstrated for direct detection chemical sensing in aqueous solutions with no need for additional microfluidic... more
This paper reviews the techniques for optimization switching frequency used in Wireless power transfer (WPT). WPT is one of the most useful ways to transfer power. Based on distances power transfer, the WPT system can be divided into... more
We describe measurements of plasma properties of pulsed, low pressure, capacitively coupled discharges operated in argon. The research aims to determine the effect of modulating the radiofrequency power during the discharge part of the... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper outlines the state of the art in the field of AC interference assessment on buried metallic pipelines. In particular, the attention is on pipelines that are located close to high voltage transmission-lines. Due to both the... more
Instruments for large 10 meter class telescopes increasingly require high sensitivity large format focal planes. The high spatial resolution achieved with adaptive optics combined with multiple integral field units feeding high resolution... more
In this paper we propose a dynamic noise model to verify functional failures due to crosstalk in high-speed circuits. Conventional DC noise analysis produces pessimistic results because it ignores the fact that a gate acts as a low-pass... more
A study of the impedance and noise of an integrated poly-silicon resistor with distributed capacitive coupling to bulk is presented. The system is analyzed by using a closed-form calculus which produces non approximated results. In... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
constructed a tissue model out of fresh round steak to simulate the uterus, contiguous posterior vaginal wall, and introitus. 1 He used a Storz 50 series (Karl Storz GmbH & Co., Tuttlingen, Germany) resectoscope to simulate the clinical... more
This study describes the design and performance of a discrete ultra wideband GaN HEMT distributed power amplifier (DPA) with over 5 W (37 dBm) output power and a PAE exceeding 27% in the 0.02-3 GHz frequency range. The implemented DPA... more
Rapid, efficient and robust methods for sampling and extracting genuine nerve agents sarin, soman and VX were developed for analyzing these compounds on various solid matrices, such as concrete, tile, soil and vegetation. A portable... more
We study the influence of a tunable dissipative environment on the dynamics of Josephson junction arrays near the superconductor-insulator transition. The experimental realization of the environment is a two dimensional electron gas... more
Capacitive technology for wireless power transmission has been shown to be a good option for charging the batteries of electric vehicles. It offers better coupling between the transmitter and the receiver than inductive power... more
Ultra-broad-band star mixers using planar Mouw's hybrid junction [1] are presented in this paper. The planar Mouw's hybrid junction is realized by coplanar waveguide (CPW) to coplanar strip (CPS) or CPW to CPW T-junctions. A new... more
This contribution presents a Distributed MEMS Transmission Line (DMTL) phase shifter for the 24 GHz ISM band fabricated in silicon bulk technology. Using this technology enables the suspension of all capacitive loads on one movable plate... more
This study describes geometric characteristics of a nonvolatile memory (NVM) device with a designed chromium (Cr) nanocrystal (NC) floating gate. By using a block copolymer (BCP) nanotemplate as a mask layer, cone-shaped NCs and... more
This paper presents an accurate method to evaluate the capacitances of multi-conductor power cables. The method developed can also be applied to cables presenting multilayer dielectrics. Strips of charge are used to represent the electric... more
Cases of close proximity of high voltage transmission lines and metallic pipelines become more and more frequent in high population density regions. Therefore, there is a growing concern about possible hazards resulting from the influence... more
The voltages induced on gas transmission pipelines by 60 Hz ac power transmission lines sharing a joint right-of-way are predicted using electrical transmission line theory. Thevenin equivalent circuits for pipeline sections are developed... more
Considering the massive development that took place in the past two decades, wireless power transfer has yet to show the applicability to be used due to several factors. This work focuses on determining the main parameters like, mutual... more
This paper presents the design of a wideband low noise amplifier (LNA) for the 3GPP LTE (3rd Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution) standard. The proposed LNA uses a common gate topology with a noise cancellation technique... more
Kilohertz Frequency Alternating Current (KHFAC) waveforms are being evaluated in a variety of physiological settings because of their potential to modulate neural activity uniquely when compared to frequencies in the sub-kilohertz range.... more
Problem 1: D Flip-Flop Characterization a. Is the circuit in Figure P1.2 positive or negative edge-triggered DFF? Describe its functionality using appropriate waveforms on nodes D, Q, and CLK (specify the clock frequency). The circuit... more
AbrtractA method is presented, by which a Finite Element Method (FEM) formulation is used for the direct computation of overhead transmission line series and sequence impedances. The method is applied in single and dnuhle circuit line... more
Considering the massive development that took place in the past two decades, wireless power transfer has yet to show the applicability to be used due to several factors. This work focuses on determining the main parameters like, mutual... more
The Josephson junction phase qubit has been shown to be a viable candidate for quantum computation. The two coupled phase qubit system has been extensively studied theoretically and experimentally. We have analyzed the quantum behavior of... more
AbrtractA method is presented, by which a Finite Element Method (FEM) formulation is used for the direct computation of overhead transmission line series and sequence impedances. The method is applied in single and dnuhle circuit line... more
A general formulation for the determination of the influence of imperfect earth on overhead transmission line impedances and admittances is presented in this paper. The resulting model can be used in the simulation of electromagnetic... more
Kilohertz Frequency Alternating Current (KHFAC) waveforms are being evaluated in a variety of physiological settings because of their potential to modulate neural activity uniquely when compared to frequencies in the sub-kilohertz range.... more