In this paper we introduce the notion of e-computability as a method of finding the Waring rank of forms. We use this notion to find infinitely many new examples which satisfy Strassen's Conjecture.
This paper explores ecological and environmental issues in Andrew Marvell's poem, "The Garden." The purpose of this paper is to subvert the anthropocentric world view by juxtaposing the eco-centric world which provides ultimate pleasure... more
Over the past decade, genetic tests have become available for a wide variety of disorders. As a result we are able to predict, with some degree of certainty, whether or not an individual will develop such diseases as breast cancer,... more
An Impromptu by Frédéric Chopin; ‘Au clair de la lune’; Robert Schumann’s ‘Der Nussbaum’; the Victorian ballad ‘Ben Bolt’; Charles Gounod’s ‘Chanson de Printemps’; the French folk song ‘Malbrouck s’en va-t’en guerre’: this is the... more
The ethical principle of respect for autonomy has come into its own In American medicine since World War II as equal in importance to the traditional medicomoral principles of nonmaleficence and beneficence. Respect for autonomy provides... more
This paper examines the theological tenets of Andrew Marvell's poem 'Upon Appleton House'.
Healthcare ethics committees (HEC) have emerged as institutional forums for addressing bioethical dilemmas. Psychiatrists have important roles to play on these committees. Their skills in group process assessment, mental status... more
Clinical bioethics is big business. There are now hundreds of people who "do" bioethics in community and university hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation and home care settings, and some (though quite a few less) who play the role of... more
This paper presents an analysis of the applicability of a principalist approach for a global, or cross-cultural, bioethics. We focus especially on the principle of individual autonomy, a core value in ethical discourse. We echo some long... more
Academic novels present academic characters in academic contexts in order to comment on and criticize the state of academia. Although academic characters can be found in earlier fiction, the genre dates back to 1950s. This subgenre of... more
The terrorist attacks of 2001 were a reminder that individual and collective safety cannot be taken for granted. Since then, physicians, alongside public health professionals and other healthcare professionals as well as nonhealthcare... more
The terrorist attacks of 2001 were a reminder that individual and collective safety cannot be taken for granted. Since then, physicians, alongside public health professionals and other healthcare professionals as well as nonhealthcare... more
A growing body of research has demonstrated significant heterogeneity of hospital ethics committee (HEC) size, membership and training requirements, length of appointment, institutional support, clinical and policy roles, and predictors... more
A growing body of research has demonstrated significant heterogeneity of hospital ethics committee (HEC) size, membership and training requirements, length of appointment, institutional support, clinical and policy roles, and predictors... more
I intend to explore Philip Roth’s strategy of affirming youth as core value among his major themes revealing the experience of aging, illness and loss by revealing its particular framing in the novels of his later work. I shall analyze... more
On April 10, 2001, after extensive committee deliberations, the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament passed a bill that was introduced in August 1999 legalizing physician-assisted death. The bill is officially called “The Evaluation of... more
ISBN 0 300 05285 5. Yale University Press. £18.95. THE ' DISCOVERY' OF THE NEW WORLD IN 1492 is essential to the self-image of Europeans and of their Creole heirs in the Americas. For most of those Creoles 1492 marks the beginning of... more
Hospital ethics committees in The Netherlands have had the unique responsibility of developing euthanasia policies for their institutions. Although each policy necessarily reflects a particular facility, family resemblances necessarily... more
The paper entitled "Bioethics Committees/Commissions in Hospitals-The Experience of Other Countries. Where to Start?" touches upon the topic of calling into being bioethics committees in Polish hospitals. The need for creating such... more
This paper presents an analysis of the applicability of a principalist approach for a global, or cross-cultural, bioethics. We focus especially on the principle of individual autonomy, a core value in ethical discourse. We echo some... more
The extended mind and the intentional stance are different in many ways, but they are both, it could be argued, ways of acknowledging the associative life of the mind, always engaged with other minds, with specific technologies, and with... more
Medicine is in a very self-reflective mood. There is a revival of interest not only in medical ethics (a.k.a. bioethics) but also in medical history, the Hippocratic corpus, and various kinds of literature that indicate physicians are... more
Hospital ethics committees have evolved as a response to complicated legal, ethical, and social dilemmas that accompany modern medicine. In the United States, their growth has been augmented by Joint Commission for the Accreditation of... more
Aim To assess the differences in the way how Slovenian and Croatian health care professionals (HCPs) confront ethical dilemmas and perceive the role of hospital ethics committees (HECs). Methods This cross-sectional, survey-based study... more
Development of medical students' professional ethical values can be influenced by the quality of role models and the experiences they encounter during their education. Essays from all enrolled 6-year students in Medical Studies in English... more
Ethics committees in Croatian healthcare institutions: the first study about their structure, functions and some reflections on the major issues and problems. HEC Forum, 18 (1). pp. 49-60.
Main outcome measurements: Knowledge and attitudes of participants before and after the workshop; everyday functioning of hospital ethics committees. Results: The majority of the respondents came from committees with at least five... more
Background: The informed consent, if obtained properly, can bring additional value to the physician-patient relationship and in many cases to the patients' safety. The previous research studies done in Croatia show the formality of... more
Informed consent is a perennial topic in bioethics. It has given the field a place in clinical practice and the law and is often the starting point for introductory instruction in medical ethics. One would think that nearly everything has... more
Edmund Pellegrino noted that contemporary medicine is to a large extent a North American product, and so too is the ethics that accompanies it. This was an accurate observation back in the 1980s when he said it. Even today bioethics is to... more
An appreciation of Saul Bellow's last novel.
Reviews of philosophical books run the risk of being either excessively and unconstructively critical or superficially praiseworthy. To avoid both these risks, we test the approach outlined by Häyry in his book Rationality and the Genetic... more
Clinical bioethics is big business. There are now hundreds of people who “do” bioethics in community and university hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation and home care settings, and some (though quite a few less) who play the role of... more
Focusing on Upon Appleton House, this article seeks to illumine Marvell's communication to audiences (or to the idea of audience) and thereby to find an embodied authenticity. Examining the relationship between narrative and surface-level... more
The extended mind and the intentional stance are different in many ways, but they are both, it could be argued, ways of acknowledging the associative life of the mind, always engaged with other minds, with specific technologies, and with... more