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AMPA-type glutamate receptor (GluR) channels provide fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the CNS, but mediate also cytotoxic insults. It could be shown that AMPAtype GluR channel-mediated chronic excitotoxicity leads to an increased... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
We have developed an automatic method for the analysis and identification of dynamical regimes in intracellular calcium patterns from confocal calcium images. The method allows the identification of different dynamical patterns such as... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisCalciumConfocal MicroscopyCalcium Imaging
Angiopoietins are vascular factors essential for blood vessel assembly and correct organization and maturation. This study describes a novel calcium-dependent machinery activated through Angiopoietin-1/2-Tie receptor system in HUVECs... more
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      Calcium Signaling PathwaysAngiogenesisCalcium Imaging
Calcium ions are known to act as important cellular signals during nervous system development. In vitro studies have provided significant information on the role of calcium signals during neuronal development; however, the function of... more
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      PhysiologyInternational organizationsCalciumFluorescent Dyes and Reagents
As recent advances in calcium sensing technologies facilitate simultaneously imaging action potentials in neuronal populations, complementary analytical tools must also be developed to maximize the utility of this experimental paradigm.... more
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      FluorescenceCalciumBiophysical ChemistryProbability
The olfactory system is regulated by several nervous and hormonal factors, and there is a growing body of evidence that some of these modulations already take place in the olfactory mucosa (OM). We recently suggested that, among others,... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCalcium ImagingSensory Neuron
Mammals rely heavily on olfaction to interact adequately with each other and with their environment 1 . They make use of seventransmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors to identify odorants and pheromones. These receptors are present on... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
Since its development, the ionophore BAPTA (1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetic acid) has been used unchanged in calcium sensing applications. In this work we present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of... more
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      CalciumFluorescent Dyes and ReagentsCalcium ImagingDensity functional theory calculations
Retinal neural transmission represents a key function of the eye. Identifying the molecular components of this vital process is helped by studies of selected human genetic eye disorders.
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      Human GeneticsImmunohistochemistryBiological SciencesCalcium Imaging
C. elegans is a useful model for studying neuronal and genetic mechanisms underlying behavior. Calcium imaging, facilitated by genetically encoded calcium indicators, is a convenient tool for linking the function of a gene, neuron,... more
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      CalciumCalcium Imaging
Nasal trigeminal chemosensitivity in mice and rats is mediated in part by epithelial solitary chemoreceptor (chemosensory) cells (SCCs), but the exact role of these cells in chemoreception is unclear (Finger et al. 2003). Histological... more
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      CalciumNeurophysiologyTransgenic MiceCalcium Imaging
Legumes can acquire nitrogen through a symbiotic interaction with rhizobial bacteria. The initiation of this process is determined by a molecular dialogue between the two partners. Legume roots exude flavonoids that induce the expression... more
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      Plant BiologyCalciumGene expressionCell Division
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      AlgorithmsFluorescence MicroscopyFluorescent Dyes and ReagentsNeurophysiology
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      FluorescenceCalciumBiophysical ChemistryProbability
In the cerebral cortex, local circuits consist of tens of thousands of neurons, each of which makes thousands of synaptic connections. Perhaps the biggest impediment to understanding these networks is that we have no wiring diagrams of... more
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      Electron MicroscopyFluorescence MicroscopyTransmission Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinary
Aims/hypothesis Insulin signalling pathways regulate pancreatic beta cell function. Conditional gene targeting using the Cre/loxP system has demonstrated that mice lacking insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2) in the beta cell have reduced... more
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      Confocal MicroscopyGene expressionDNACalcium Imaging
Granule cells are axonless local interneurons that mediate lateral inhibitory interactions between the principal neurons of the olfactory bulb via dendrodendritic reciprocal synapses. This unusual arrangement may give rise to functional... more
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      KineticsCalciumCalcium ImagingTwo-photon Microscopy
Abstraet--Extracellular ATP is known to activate intracellular enzymes in astrocytes via P2 purinoceptors that appear to play important physiological and pathological roles in these supporting brain cells. In this study, major P2... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCalcium ImagingAstrocyte
Two-photon scanning microscopy (TPSM) is a powerful tool for imaging deep inside living tissues with sub-cellular resolution. The temporal resolution of TPSM is however strongly limited by the galvanometric mirrors used to steer the laser... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsFluorescence MicroscopyTemporal Resolution
To investigate their potentially toxic effects on mammalian vascular smooth muscle, pentane extracts of papaya seeds and the chief active ingredient in the extracts, benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC), were tested for their effects on the... more
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      Life SciencesCalciumDogsCalcium Imaging
Alterations of the β-adrenergic signalling, structural remodelling, and electrical failure of T-tubules are hallmarks of heart failure (HF). Here, we assess the effect of β-adrenoceptor activation on local Ca 2+ release in electrically... more
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      ImagingCalciumCardiac ElectrophysiologyHeart Failure
Hebb's postulate (Hebb, 1949), an increase in postsynaptic [Ca 2ϩ ] i can induce bidirectional changes in synaptic strength depending on activation of specific biochemical pathways (Bienenstock et al., 1982; Lisman, 1989; Stanton and... more
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      NeuroscienceCalciumEnzyme InhibitorsSynaptic Plasticity
Dysfunction of the Hypocretin/Orexin (Hcrt/Orx) peptide system is closely linked to the sleep disorder narcolepsy suggesting that it is also central to the normal regulation of sleep and wakefulness.
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      NeurophysiologyNeuropeptidesCalcium ImagingMice
Using patch-clamp and calcium imaging techniques, we characterized the effects of ATP and histamine on human keratinocytes. In the HaCaT cell line, both receptor agonists induced a transient elevation of [Ca 2 ϩ ] i in a Ca 2 ϩ -free... more
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      PhysiologyElectrophysiologyKineticsFlow Cytometry
The olfactory epithelium constitutes the sole source of regenerating neural cells that can be obtained from a living human. As such, primary cultures derived from human olfactory epithelial biopsies can be utilized to study... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyGene expressionDopamine
A A c ci ir rc cu ui it t s su up pp po or rt ti in ng g c co on nc ce en nt tr ra at ti io on n--i in nv va ar ri ia an nt t o od do or r p pe er rc ce ep pt ti io on n i in n D Dr ro os so op ph hi il la a
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      BiologyDrosophila melanogasterCalcium ImagingOdorant Receptor
Two-photon calcium imaging is now an important tool for in vivo imaging of biological systems. By enabling neuronal population imaging with subcellular resolution, this modality offers an approach for gaining a fundamental understanding... more
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      NeuroscienceBrain ImagingNeuroimagingComputational Biology
Information-theory is being increasingly used to analyze complex, self-organizing processes on networks, predominantly in analytical and numerical studies. Perhaps one of the most paradigmatic complex systems is a network of neurons, in... more
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      Information TheoryTopologyDynamicsCalcium Imaging
Master 1 thesis in the team of Antoine Adamantidis at the Inselspital of Bern (Switzerland)
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      NeurobiologyCalcium ImagingHypothalamus
Animal behavior originates from neuronal activity distributed across brain-wide networks. However, techniques available to assess large-scale neural dynamics in behaving animals remain limited. Here we present compact, chronically... more
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      NeuroscienceBehavioral Decision MakingSomatosensory NeuroscienceCalcium Imaging
The ecdysis behavioral sequence in insects is a classic fixed action pattern (FAP) initiated by hormonal signaling. Ecdysis triggering hormones (ETHs) release the FAP through direct actions on the CNS. Here we present evidence implicating... more
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      GeneticsDrosophila melanogasterNeuropeptidesCalcium Imaging
Background: Haplosclerid marine sponges produce pore forming polyalkylpyridinium salts (poly-APS), which can be used to deliver macromolecules into cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the delivery of DNA, siRNA and lucifer... more
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      TechnologyPoriferaBiological SciencesDNA
Histamine has long been recognised as a classical inducer of pruritus. However, the specific mechanism of histamine-induced itch has still not been fully understood. The H 1 and H 4 receptor appear to be key components in the induction of... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCalciumCalcium Imaging
The purpose of the present work was to characterize calcium responses of brain-capillary endothelial cells (BCEC), the cells forming the blood-brain barrier, to chemical, hyperosmolar and mechanical stimulation. Confluent BCEC cultures... more
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      CalciumFluorescent Dyes and ReagentsSerotoninHistamine
Schizophrenia exhibits up to 80% heritability. A number of genome wide association studies (GWAS) have repeatedly shown common variants in voltage-gated calcium (Cav) channel genes CACNA1C, CACNA1I and CACNA1G have a major contribution to... more
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      NeuroscienceNeurobiology Of DiseaseSchizophreniaCircadian Rhythms
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      Computer ScienceNeurosurgeryScienceBiology
Texte de vulgarisation scientifique présentant à un grand public comment le laboratoire du Dr De Koninck utilise les techniques de la biophotonique afin d'observer en tant réeel des processus jadis inobservables dans les neurones et au... more
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      Fluorescence MicroscopyBiophotonicsResearchQuebec
Neurotoxicity induced by beta-amyloid peptide (Ab) involves glutamate toxicity, resulting from overactivation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and elevation of intracellular calcium. However, the heterogeneity of the NMDA... more
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      NeurochemistryGlutamateCalcium ImagingCell Death
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate nervous system, serves as a signaling molecule modulating diverse processes during embryonic development. Earlier we have demonstrated that different... more
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      CalciumSignal TransductionBiological SciencesCalcium Imaging
The primary olfactory centres share striking similarities across the animal kingdom. The most conspicuous is their subdivision into glomeruli, which are spherical neuropil masses in which synaptic contacts between sensory and central... more
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      Quantitative analysisCommunication SystemCalcium ImagingComputer Simulation
Pseudorabies virus (PrV) strains such as PrV-Bartha and its marker protein-expressing variants have been used in numerous studies as retrograde transneuronal tracing tools, defining the synaptic organization of mammalian neuronal... more
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      Functional AnalysisNeuroanatomyMedical MicrobiologyCalcium
Bitter substances are a structurally diverse group of com- pounds that appear to act via several transduction mecha- nisms. The bitter-tasting denatonium ion has been proposed to act via two different G-protein-regulated pathways, one... more
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      CalciumEnzyme InhibitorsFluorescent Dyes and ReagentsPatch-clamp and imaging techniques
Nasal trigeminal chemosensitivity in mice and rats is mediated in part by epithelial solitary chemoreceptor (chemosensory) cells (SCCs), but the exact role of these cells in chemoreception is unclear. Histological evidence suggests that... more
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      CalciumNeurophysiologyTransgenic MiceCalcium Imaging
Although in erythrocytes calcium is thought to be important in homeostasis, measurements of this ion concentration are generally seen as rather problematic because of the auto-fluorescence or absorption properties of the intracellular... more
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      PhysiologyCalciumCalcium ImagingMedical Physiology
Male moths respond to conspecific female-released pheromones with remarkable sensitivity and specificity, due to highly specialized chemosensory neurons in their antennae. In Antheraea silkmoths, three types of sensory neurons have been... more
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      PheromonesBiological SciencesCell lineCalcium Imaging
Cardiac fibrillation, a form of cardiac arrhythmia, is the most common cause of embolic stroke and death associated with heart failure. The molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac fibrillation are largely unknown. Here we report a... more
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      RNACalciumMultidisciplinaryMolecular Mechanics
We introduce an optical method to stimulate individual neurons in brain slices in any arbitrary spatiotemporal pattern, using two-photon uncaging of MNI-glutamate with beam multiplexing. This method has single-cell and three-dimensional... more
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      TechnologyElectrophysiologyBiological SciencesBrain Mapping