This article looks at Cain's city, Noah's Ark and the Babel tower and understands the latter in the context of the first two. It concludes that 'the Babel Tower stands as a monument to God’s faithfulness'. It Explains ‘nothing they plan... more
Whatever sources may lie behind the narratives in Gen 2-4, it is recognized that these chapters have undergone purposeful editing designed to impose continuity and thematic coherence. Notwithstanding, there is still much debate about... more
Exegetical insight in Gen 6:4–8 reveals that the common translation of "Sin crouching at the door" is better understood as "An animal to be offered as a sacrifice for sin is right now laying in the doorway." This paper serves as an... more
I focus on the claim that the myth of the Wandering Jew was two-sided even its early stages. The approach reflected in this reading is that the figure of the Wandering Jew is a shared creation of Jews and Christians; both Christians and... more
Genèse 4. Drôle de titre, dira-t-on, pour une pièce de théâtre ! Mais le théâtre contemporain n'en est pas à une bizarrerie près, s'empressera-t-on d'ajouter ! Pourtant, à considérer les choses avec attention, il n'y a rien de vraiment... more
Visually expanded tenth-anniversary edition. Also see: "Lacrimae rerum"ón_y_la_memoria_del_padre_Lacrimae_rerum_San_Isidoro_de_León_and_the_Memory_of_the_Father... more
This dissertation engages with two recent debates in Philonic studies, namely did the Allegorical Commentary exhibit an identifiable structure, and did the exegete make systematic use of typology. Chapter One demonstrates Philo’s unique... more
Genesis 4:17 presents the exegete with a problem regarding the identification of the builder of the first city. Is Cain or is Enoch the subject of the verbs? What does the syntax have to contribute to this discussion and how does it... more
[1] The relationship of gender and the environment is a uniquely modern question fraught with an underlying essentialism that women have a special relationship with nature. Nature, for example, is viewed as feminine -compare such... more
Genesis ist ein Buch von Familiengeschichten, welche durchgehend von Konflikten geprägt sind. Insbesondere gilt dies für Rivalitäten zwischen Brüdern. Häufige Vertauschungsepisoden und weitere Katalysatoren entfachen Konflikte, die die... more
In this paper, I show how the Garden story of Gen 3 and Cain’s story in Gen 4 illustrate a condition necessary for ethical behavior—the ability to choose based on an ability to anticipate consequences, make value judgments, and determine... more
A Religião Idólatra de Caim
A pesar de los grandes avances técnicos de las últimas décadas, las cuestiones antropológicas que el ser humano se plantea son las mismas de siempre. Una de las más acuciantes es la que interroga al hombre individual, y a la sociedad en... more
Le récit biblique de Caïn et Abel a suscité de nombreuses et diverses réutilisations. Or, pour pouvoir interroger l'histoire des reprises, interprétations et détournements des fratries bibliques dans les littératures occidentales, il est... more
This paper employs narrative and discourse analysis for the study of this dramatic story of mankind.
Le Tristan en prose, dont on situe généralement la date de composition entre 1225 et 1230, reprend les données de la légende de Tristan et Iseut, telles que nous les connaissons, entre autres, par les versions en vers de Béroul et de... more
Genesis 4,1-7 has received diverse and creative interpretations. The biblical account possesses many “silences” that lead interpreters to multiples readings. Nonetheless, the focus should not be on what have not been written but... more
In 2011, White Wolf Publishing released the 20th Anniversary edition of Vampire: the Masquerade. The limited edition, black, leather-bound tome celebrates two decades of cooperative narratives told by people all around the world centered... more
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (1818) has become a cornerstone of contemporary Critical Animal Studies due to its underlying vegetarian themes, which are largely drawn from Romantic Promethean and Miltonic... more
The article summarizes and deepens two issues that, in the exegetical and representative traditions of the biblical text, have triggered a myriad of semiotic intelligences. First, the nature of the face of Cain at the moment of the... more
Öz: Aile, her bir üyesi için en güvenli ortam olmasına rağmen bazen şiddet ve istismar, kişiye bizzat aile fertlerinden gelebilir. Şiddet, insanlar arasında var olan diğer tüm ilişkilerde olduğu gibi aile ilişkilerinin de bozulmasına... more
Recensione pubblicata su Between, vol. VI, n. 12, 2016 I temi della colpa e dell’esilio, del vagabondaggio sono condivisi non solo nell’ambito limitato della cultura occidentale.... more
In my chapter I address Saramago’s re-telling of the Biblical “Sacrifice of Isaac” in his 2009 novel Cain both on account of its narratological and philosophical implications. Consequently, the theological-metaphysical Biblical events... more
In this blog I deal, in Jewish language, about the meaning of being an Israeli Peace Activist these days.
The blog was published in Times of Israel, October 9, 2015.
The blog was published in Times of Israel, October 9, 2015.
Al cubrirse con la sangre de Cristo le estás dando categoría de amuleto. Es invocar maldición sobre ti. Es algo que no hicieron los apóstoles ni ningún otro personaje en la Biblia. Cristo derramó su sangre para derrotar a Satanás en la... more
The double duet on the biblical myth of Cain and Abel that Roberto Zappalà and Nello Calabrò created with Liederduett (2018), is a warning about the misfortune of every return of the father figure. In the first part of the choreography,... more
This paper comments the Oblivion movie with respect to some elements taken from the Cain & Abel (Genesis 4) story.
El legado de Eva. La subversión del imaginario bíblico en la poesía de Carmen Conde y Ángela Figuera
El presente trabajo parte de la obra de dos poetas de la posguerra española, Carmen Conde (1907-1996) y Ángela Figuera Aymerich (1902-1984), cuya labor poética fue fundamental para la instauración de una tradición literaria femenina en la... more