Sönerna till Gud går in till döttrarna till människan. Det finns jättar på jorden. Vad handlar det här om? Det fokuserar jag på i den här delen. Svaret är att det mest troligt är en snarast romantisk beskrivning hur männen ser på de... more
"Mi culpa es demasiado grande para poder soportarla. … de tu presencia me esconderé; y seré fugitivo y vagabundo en la tierra…" Caín. El artículo, encabezado por este pasaje del Génesis, analiza la perversa situación generada entre... more
Jag kommer i en serie artiklar att ta er med på en vandring genom urhistorien, från skapelsen fram till Abraham. Urhistorien utgör en fantastisk texthelhet skriven med enastående finess och litterär briljans. I den här artikelserien kan... more
This exegetical research paper explores Genesis 4:1–16, the account of Cain and Abel, focusing on its theological, literary, and historical dimensions. The study begins by addressing authorship, dating, and the broader literary context of... more
De nombreuses traductions de Gn 4 excluent la dimension du regard de Dieu dans l’acceptation ou le rejet des offrandes d'Abel et Caïn. A partir d'une lecture psychanalytique de Gn 4,1-16, nous avons tenté de montrer que si le verbe שׁעה... more
Lord Byron – why on earth do we keep that obsolete title? – sees in Cain a picaresque discontented unfaithful rebellious chap who lets Lucifer take him on a great trip to other dimensions of this world where he discovers that only... more
της Γενέσεως (4:1-26) διαβάζουμε για την επιδοκιμασία του Θεού της θυσίας του Άβελ, του κτηνοτρόφου, έναντι εκείνης του γεωργού Κάιν, 1 πράξη που οδήγησε τον δεύτερο στην αδελφοκτονία: «[Κ]αὶ εἶπε Κάιν πρὸς ῎Αβελ τὸν ἀδελφόν αὐτοῦ·... more
What is the significance of the creation narrative in Genesis? How was it read/heard by early readers/hearers? Are there actually two accounts of creation here, or just one? And, what does the biblical creation account mean for us? This... more
Dans cette étude, j’envisage le récit de Gn 4,1-16 sous trois angles successifs : en premier lieu sa structure littéraire et son analogie avec le récit de l’Éden ; ensuite les nombreuses questions qu’il soulève ; enfin une proposition de... more
Bu çalışmada, insanlığın şafağındaki ilk savaş ve kardeş katli, "kötülük" kavramı temelinde ele alınmıştır. Tevrat ve Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Âdem'in iki oğlu olan Habil ve Kabil arasındaki kavgayı, yani insanoğlunun yeryüzündeki ilk savaşını... more
Susan T. Foh argues the woman’s הקושׁת in Gen 3:16 is not an affectionate “desire for” her husband, as in almost all previous English translations, but rather a “desire to contend with him for leadership.” This adversarial view has gained... more
In meinem Beitrag möchte ich in drei Schritten untersuchen, was Josephus uns über die Akteure des ersten Mordes erzählt. Zunächst möchte ich einen kurzen allgemeinen Überblick darüber geben, wie Josephus mit dem Buch Genesis und den... more
The Genesis silences let open many questions : Why God prefered Abel’s offering ? Why Cain killed Abel ? How Cain killed his brother ? When and how did Cain die ? The Jewish, Christian and Islamic glosis and legends suggest divergent... more
The Genesis silences let open many questions : Why God prefered Abel’s offering ? Why Cain killed Abel ? How Cain killed his brother ? When and how did Cain die ? The Jewish, Christian and Islamic glosis and legends suggest divergent... more
Pismo Święte powinno być przeżywane w naszym „dzisiaj”. Także historię Kaina i Abla będziemy starali się odczytywać w naszej „dzisiejszej” historii życia.
The depiction of Cain and his descendants in the Genesis 4 narrative aligns with the key characteristics of psychopathy and its hereditary nature. The purpose of this study is to examine whether this narrative reflects our current... more
Necrología de Julián Gállego
The essay reconstructs the history of a theological genealogy, the one that until the early modern age made sodomy descend from the sins of Cain and his lineage. How did this myth originate? how did it develop during the Middle Ages? how... more
Theological Perspectives in John Chrysostom’s Exegesis: Understanding Punishment as Divine Love Starting from Genesis.
In this study, the first war and fraticide at dawn of humanity are discussed on the basis of concept of “evil”. It is possible to see this story which tells the story of the fight between Adam’s two sons in the Torah and the Holy Quran... more
This essay responds to a question Prof. I. J. J. (Sakkie) Spangenberg asked the author at the 2015 meeting of the OTSSA with regard to the use of the OT in current South African discourse. It pertained to the use of an OT text in a... more
Th is article inquires about the appropriation of Cain within a critical South African whiteness. Th e main argument is that despite Cain's wrongdoing and punishment, he succeeded in living a fruitful life. Th e idea of the appropriation... more
Haviva Pedaya -"The Cup of Sorrow, the Seat of Honor, and the Wanderings of Elijah"
Translated from Hebrew by: Ethan Pack, Ph.D., U.C.L.A.
Introduction and editing: Stav Ofer & Avi Ofer
Translated from Hebrew by: Ethan Pack, Ph.D., U.C.L.A.
Introduction and editing: Stav Ofer & Avi Ofer
The thesis explores the literary unity of the narratives of Adam-Eve and Cain-Abel supplemented with an inquiry into the history of traditional exegesis. Most contemporary studies and commentaries reflect a varied understanding of the... more
" La Tempesta " a fait beaucoup d'encre mais a été résolue de manière certaine selon moi. J'ai vu le tableautin à l'Accademia de Venezia il y a vingt ans environ et depuis il me hante ? Je suis restée vingt minutes devant après avoir lu... more
The fabled water-monster of Loch Ness has been designated a member of the putative genus Nessiteras and is referred to affectionately in media reports by the feminine diminutive “Nessie.” This paper points out that, by pure serendipity,... more
Peter’s reference to ‘spiritual sacrifices’ in 1 Pet. 2:5 is unspecified and scholars have proposed a variety of possible solutions to identify their referent. In this pa- per, we shed light on this question by considering how the term... more
Im Anschluss an die griechische Bibelübersetzung (J'Septuaginta) wird das erste Buch des J'Pentateuch wegen seines Inhalts m eist Gen esis = ,,Ent-stehw1g, Ursprung" genannt. Dieses Profil des ersten Buches der Bibel wird auch daran... more
This article is a revised version of “Beowulf's Monsters: Comparing the Mythology of Grendel, Cain, & Satan,” which was hosted at Academia.edu for many years (original URL:... more
The Line of Her Seed This paper will attempt an exegesis of Genesis 6:1-2 that fits well within the storyline context to which the verses are written. This context analysis will include a brief introduction into the prophecy of Genesis... more
Culpa mía © by MercedesRonn ¿Cómo iba a saber que cuando mi madre se fue en aquel crucero de vacaciones iba a terminar volviendo con un anillo de diamantes en el dedo y con un marido millonario colgando del brazo? No paro de repetirme que... more
Hur ska man förstå trädet i Edens mitt - kunskapens träd - gott och ont. Jag går kort igenom vilka förslag som är vanliga i forskningen och till sist ger jag min tolkning av vad trädet kan avse Det är ett kort utdrag från mitt arbete om... more
The article intends to deepen the peculiar notion of fraternity that emerges from the writings of Emmanuel Lévinas in relation to his rereading of the biblical story of Cain and Abel. At first, after briefly outlining the theoretical... more
Kardes iliskisi sevgi ve sicakligin yani sira catisma ve rekabet olarak da tanimlanan, bireylerin yasamlarindaki en uzun sureli iliskilerden biridir. Bu uzun sureli iliski bireylerin gelisimleri uzerinde oldukca guclu bir etkiye sahiptir.... more
Jag analyserar hur den hebreiska texten harmonierar med den analys som dokumenthypotesen förfäktar. Mitt resultat är att den hebreiska texten inte harmonierar överhuvudtaget med vad som förväntas. Bland annat är ett problem att det som... more
This essay proposes a close analysis of the introduction to the Kabbalist text known as Midrash ha-Ne’lam al Eichah, an interpretation of the biblical book of Lamentations which integrates the medieval text of the Sefer ha-Zohar. While... more
Mythisches Denken-so hat es Ernst Cassirer anschaulich beschriebenordnet (ebenso wie die anderen symbolischen Formen) die chaotischen Sinneseindrücke des Menschen und fügt sie zu einem geordneten Ganzen. Dabei findet eine »Übersetzung,... more
El relato prototípico de Caín y Abel, situado en los albores de la humanidad, no se trata de una mera enseñanza moral acerca de las relaciones intrafamiliares o interculturales, sino que contiene ante todo una profunda teología, es decir,... more
Chapter 2 (Galley Proof) of Theology and Wes Craven
The article begins by asking after a definition and program of "biblical theology" and what it might or should mean in a Catholic context, drawing Dei Verbum 24 into the conversation particularly. Then it proceeds to suggest methods for... more
Genesis 6:1-4 is usually considered as an obscure passage difficult of interpretation. Many consider it as a mythological account depicting the marriage of angels, or other celestial beings, with women. Others see in it a narrative that... more
Rapide étude de l'anthropologie de la Genèse à travers l'examen de quelques personnages: Caïn, Abraham et Jacob, Joseph et ses frères, Rachel et Léa. L'étude met en évidence le sens de la complexité humaine qui ressort des récits de la... more
This article offers a hypothesis regarding John Steinbeck's use of the Hebrew word "Timshel" in his novel East of Eden. This article discusses how Steinbeck discovered the Hebrew term that form the spiritual core of his novel and focuses... more
La mundialmente reconocida doctora y predicadora Cindy Jacobs, es la Presidenta y cofundadora de Generales Internacionales, una organización misionera dedicada a la reforma y transformación social en las naciones. En su reciente... more