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איך הפך הקפה ממשקה ששותים בכוס חד פעמית בשקל תשעים לכזה שנמכר במכירות פומביות ויכול להאמיר ל-50 שקל לספל? כעת, מומחיו מנסים ללמד אותנו שקפה טוב דורש הרבה עבודה והבנה, והוא בכלל לא אמור להיות מר. כתבה ראשונה בסדרה על הגל השלישי של קפה... more
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      CoffeeFood HistoryFood and NutritionCafes
Projeto de pesquisa a ser apresentada ao Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial – SENAC como exigência parcial para aprovação na disciplina Projeto Integrador I.
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      CoffeeStrategy (Business)CafesEstrategia
V seriji člankov bomo v naslednjih tednih orisali kako je potekalo vsakdanje življenje v Ljubljani v prvih dveh desetletjih po 2. svetovni vojni. Tokrat predstavljamo gostilne in kavarne.
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      SocialismCafesSocial life
I am at the new coffee place in Istedgade [in Copenhagen, Denmark]: There are nooks with soft furniture, soft warm lighting from the lamps, and layers upon layers of fabric over all hard surfaces (in the shape of lamps and tables with... more
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      Material Culture StudiesPhenomenologyAtmospheres (Architecture)Cafes
Coffee: A Global History will be published in October 2018.  Download this flyer to get a 20% discount from the publishers or go and pre-order now from Amazon!
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      Business HistoryCommodity ChainsCoffeeEthical Consumption
Why does the Caf é Central need a theory? And what kind of theory would a Caf é Peripheral need? Caf é s can express modernity in very different ways, depending on whether the caf é s are themselves at home among friends and family in... more
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      CoffeeHistory of SociabilityModernityCafes
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      CafesMarketing Turistico
RESUMEN Se busca establecer la posición actual de los cafés especiales que proceden de Colombia en el contexto internacional. Para ello se utiliza una metodología exploratoria-descriptiva de inteligencia de mercados y consulta a expertos.... more
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      CoffeeCafesCoffee CultureCAFE
Focusing primarily on Eugene, Oregon, I have created an overview via participant observation of how people use the communal space within a coffeehouse and I use the historic position of coffeehouses in London, England as a basis for... more
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Este trabajo explica paso a paso el proceso pos cosecha para la producción de cafés de especialidad.
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    • Cafes
Se realiza una descripción biológica, daños ocasionados, control biológico y químico de las principales plagas que afectan el cultivo del café en Colombia.
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      ColombiaCafesFitopatologiaControl Biologico De Plagas Y Enfermedades
El desconocimiento del consumidor afectó la expansión de Juan Valdez porque llegó a países sin estudios previos como Estados Unidos y España. En EEUU incursionó en mercados con altos costos de operación como Seattle donde no pudo mantener... more
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      International RelationsCafesNegocios InternacionalesInternacionalización
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      CafesHistory of architectureRestaurantsXIXe siècle
Displaying authentic artefacts in museum cafés is ‘throwing them away’ – In this essay I discuss this in relation to the totem poles in the British Museum’s Great Court Café.
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      Contemporary ArtCuratingCafesBritish Museum
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      Transportation EngineeringEconomic HistoryTransport EconomicsLatin American and Caribbean History
Cafee has become an emerging entertainment among urban people at Solo. Therefore, there are many marketing aspects which interest researcher to study it. Among all those issues, consumer behavior among cafee consumers becomes the main... more
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    • Cafes
Coffee: A Comprehensive Guide to the Bean, the Beverage, and the Industry offers a definitive guide to the many rich dimensions of the bean and the beverage around the world. Leading experts from business and academia consider coffee’s... more
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      Hospitality StudiesCommodity ChainsCoffeeFood History
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      ArchitectureIndustrial EcologyInterior DesignCafes
a renowned British cultural historian, in his book, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, made the argument that, "popular culture was […] closely related to its environment, adapted to different occupational groups and regional ways of... more
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      19th century France19th Century France (History)CafesNineteenth-century France
Breve historia del café en Guatemala, enfocado al área de Alta Verapaz y se emplea una perspectiva económica para su análisis.
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      CafesHistoriaHistoria de GuatemalaAlta Verapaz
El café se elabora de forma diferente en cada lugar, por lo que el tostado, también será diferente dependiendo de dónde nos encontremos.
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Caso de estudio de las 5 fuerzas de Porter analizadas en una empresa del sector del café liofilizado
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      CafesMichael PorterEstudios de caso5 Fuerzas De Porter
This compilation is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather Aaron Adolph Rothenberg who was a partner in the Comrades Club café. The cafe existed in the late forties and was located at the Tel Aviv boardwalk facing the sea, at the... more
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      PhotographyIsrael/PalestineModern Middle East HistoryIsrael
М Ма ат те ер ри иа ал лы ы М Ме еж жд ду ун на ар ро од дн но ой й н на ау уч чн но о--п пр ра ак кт ти ич че ес ск ко ой й к ко он нф фе ер ре ен нц ци ии и 26-27 апреля 2013 г.
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      Social MovementsCommunicationNew MediaUrban Studies
"Coffee: A Handbook offers a definitive guide to the many rich dimensions of the bean and the beverage around the world. Leading experts from business and academia consider coffee's history, global spread, cultivation, preparation,... more
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      Commodity ChainsCoffeeAnthropology of FoodFood History
berikut adalah contoh proposal bussiness plan poppasta kitchen yang diikuti dalam lomba. semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi teman-teman yang membutuhkan contoh bussiness plan :)
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipCafesBussiness Intelligence
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      Greek HistoryAustralian history (Australia)PhilanthropyCafes
¿Cuál fue la primera vez que alguien tomó café?, ¿quién fue el primero que lo tomó?, ¿cuándo pasó esto?, ¿cómo se hizo?, ¿dónde ocurrió? Estas preguntas se han tratado de contestar por muchísimos autores con historias fantásticas,... more
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      CafesHistory of GastronomyHistoria De La Gastronomía Y Alimentación
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench Literature
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El sistema producto café, el segundo mejor commoditie del mundo después del petróleo, desde principio de los años 80 ha mantenido un crecimiento constante en todo el país, más por factores externos que por la aplicación de políticas... more
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      CafesCooperación Internacional Para El DesarrolloDesarrollo Sustentable
Bandung is famous in many tourism sectors, such as nature, fashion and culinary. Bandung well known by having the variousity of culinary. Based on current observations, many culinary tourism facilities – restaurant in Bandung has a... more
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      Identity (Culture)Interior DesignCultureVernacular Architecture
Dama oyununun özellikle İslam coğrafyasında kabul görerek ve yaygınlıkla oynandığı görülmektedir. Haçlı seferleri ile batıya taşınan oyunun zaman içinde pek çok türü ortaya çıkmıştır. Anadolu'da oynanan dama, Türk daması olarak... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesArchitectureCafes
Developments cafe in Indonesia grew rapidly in recent years. The number of cafes which with the concept of traditional Javanese has made people interested in coming to the cafe. It certainly supported cultural preservation Indonesian... more
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      Interior DesignCafes
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      Marketing ResearchCafesSkripsiExperiental Marketing
micro economía de la demanda de café en Ecuador
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      SociologyUrban GeographyCoffeeUrban Studies
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      ArchitectureEgyptUrban SociologyCafes
Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Mata Kuliah Arsitektur Dan Perilaku. Dosen Pengampu: Tutin Aryanti Ph. D. DIkerjakan Oleh: Beni Ramadhan (1203218), Dirga Rane Agasi (1204497), Katira Trianda Dwinastiti (1200372), Sundari Lestari... more
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      ArchitectureInterior Design (Architecture)CafesArsitektur
A detailed business plan
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      BusinessWomen WritersBusiness PlanCafes
Produktifitas ekonomi dalam memanfaatkan warung kopi sebagai ruang terbuka publik.
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La cafeína como estimulante del sistema nervioso central, podría usarse como un tratamiento natural, en infusiones de café, en el tratamiento del trastorno de déficit de la atención con o sin hiperquinesia más o menos en un 50% de los... more
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Esta comunicación se centra en el proyecto de museo comunitario para el ejido cafetalero de “El Cuarenteño”. Inicialmente se esboza la realidad del mundo del café y las ventajas que tiene producir café de alta calidad, prosiguiendo con... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageCoffeeSustainable Development
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      PlatoHermeneuticsJurgen HabermasContinental Philosophy
The relationship between migration and Australian capitalism has long been a topic of robust scholarly debate in sociology and economics. Researchers in those fields have highlighted how migration has left an indelible imprint on... more
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      HistoryBusiness HistoryLabour historyRace and Ethnicity
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      BusinessMarketingCoffeeBusiness Plan
Introducción: Durante finales del siglo XIX, la situación económica de Puerto Rico se ve trastocada por las tensiones políticas con España. Con el decaimiento del producto azucarera a principios de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX... more
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      Puerto RicoCafesHistoria De Puerto Rico
Courte histoire de l'introduction du café en Europe
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      Modern HistoryArmenian StudiesInternational TradeArmenian History