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Os cabos submarinos de fibra óptica e os satélites de comunicações – representação e desconstruções. Curiosamente, e apesar da sua enorme e crescente importância para comunicações contemporâneas de inúmeros tipos, os cabos de fibras... more
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      Information SystemsCommunication EngineeringCivil EngineeringHistory
The objective of this project is to determine the distance of the failure of the underground cable in the base station using one kilometer of Arduino board. Underground cable system is a common practice in many urban areas. Even if a... more
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      Cable StructuresAutomation Using Arduino
Flat cable-net facades are form-active structures which provide maximum transparency by means of point fixing components, tensioned cables, and structural glass units. In contemporary structural design methods, computational non-linear... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (Engineering)Cable StructuresFacade DesignFull Scale Tests
The EU's subsea data cable network is both vital for global connectivity and vulnerable. This study provides a systematic review of the current security threats, as well as the actors at the origin of these threats. Building on reports... more
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      Law of the SeaChinaEuropean Union PoliticsCyberspace
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      Lightweight StructuresConstructionCable StructuresTents
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringCable StructuresPushover Analysis
ÖZET Genel bir tanımla spor yapıları, spor oyunlarının ve müsabakalarının düzenlenmesi için gerekli mekânsal işlevleri sunan yarı açık veya kapalı yapılardır. İşlevlerinin doğası gereği bu yapılar genellikle geniş açıklıklar geçen üst... more
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      Cable StructuresSports ArchitectureCatenaryStadium Architecture
Suspension bridges are longest span structures, however, the major problem of those structures are its low lateral stiffness. The suspension cable is the major element of such bridges; moreover, it is the key of the analysis. The... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringAerodynamicsCable Structures
The paper is a brief review of the geometrical and the corresponding structural problems related to the
design of reticulated structures on free-form surfaces.
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      Architectural EngineeringStructural EngineeringGlassSteel Structure
Nos projetos de sistemas de abastecimento de água, em especial aqueles em regiões acometidas por fatores limitantes como acesso e informação, comumente se faz necessário obter soluções práticas e econômicas. Um dos fatores limitantes é o... more
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      Structural EngineeringBridge EngineeringStructural AnalysisCable Structures
Nos projetos de sistemas de abastecimento de água, em especial aqueles em regiões acometidas por fatores limitantes como acesso e informação, comumente se faz necessário obter soluções práticas e econômicas. Um dos fatores limitantes é o... more
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      Structural EngineeringWater Distribution SystemsCable StructuresBehaviour of Suspension Bridges
This paper outlines the advantages of using carbon fibre reinforced polymer cables in larger span structures such as a suspen dome, apart from their usage in bridge works which is popular. The material is analyzed and the result is... more
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      Cable StructuresCarbone Fiber Reinforced Polymer
HDOPLAST HNS series non-stick bedding compounds are low smoke and non-corrosive flame retardant zero halogen bedding compounds. Thanks to its unique and patented formulation it provides no adhesion to polyolefin insulation as well... more
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      Cable StructuresCablesMedium Voltage CablesHigh Voltage Power Cables
Ten reasons why, an Iron Box Power Distribution subsidiary, beats the competition in data center power cords, PDU cables, plug adapters, and IT power solutions. The right cabling solution can address multiple issues in your... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringInformation TechnologyCommunicationTechnology
The London 2012 Olympic Stadium roof was constructed as a cable net covered by a flat PVC-coated polyester fabric membrane supported by an oval compression truss and an inner tension ring. As part of the geometric and mechanical control... more
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      VibrationsCable StructuresCable-Stayed bridge Vibration
In this paper, I shall attempt to provide evidence that the relatively new field of New Materialisms may hold the key to meeting the challenge of global inequality in networked information system access. New Materialisms thinking provides... more
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      OntologyEpistemologyInternet StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Espainan eta Europan kable-operadoreen triple play delakoan telebistak duen garrantzia Recibido el 6 de octubre de 2008, aprobado el 22 de septiembre de 2009.
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunicationCultural Policy
Nowadays in all hospital patient monitoring systems are usually offline, the physiology data of the patient, sending from one location to the other through computer is quit costly. So this data can be using only within a hospital. In some... more
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      Board DevelopmentCable StructuresPower CablesSpartan society
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      Cable StructuresCable Dynamics
The design and construction of tall, slender steel structures always presents a challenge. This paper presents design aspects (structural system information, analysis methods, applied loads and cost optimisation) and a case study relating... more
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      Wind EngineeringSteel StructureCable StructuresSteel Structures
The design and construction of tall and slender steel structures is always challenging. This paper discusses several design aspects (structural information , analysis methods, applied loads, cost optimisation) and a case study regarding... more
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      Steel StructureCable StructuresSteel StructuresSteel Design
Cable barrier systems consisting of steel cables mounted on widely spaced weak posts are one of the most commonly used guardrail systems to protect errant vehicles from roadside hazards. When a vehicle impacts cable barriers, the cables... more
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      Crashworthiness and ImpactCable StructuresAccident analysis
This paper demonstrates the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in analyzing water trees in the insulation of field-aged high voltage cables. Images of surface topography of water trees were acquired by detecting the backscattered... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyCable Structures
" Dynamic tension in power transmission lines generated by wind-induced vibrations is a critical issue in the design of wind-resistant power transmission towers. Wind-induced vibrations in transmission lines exhibit nonlinear geometric... more
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      Wind EngineeringCable StructuresTransmission Towers
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      Cable StructuresCable Dynamics
This paper presents a free vibration analysis of cable structures based on the isogeometric approach. The nonuniform rational B-splines (NURBS) basis functions are employed to represent both the exact geometry of cable and displacement... more
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    • Cable Structures
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      Information ScienceCommunicationCultural PolicyTelecommunications
A description of an experimental investigation involving the study of the dynamic interaction between the cables and the deck/towers system in cable-stayed bridges is presented. The work was carried out on a physical model of a... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringModal AnalysisCable Structures
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      Mechanical EngineeringCable StructuresExperimental TechniquesCable Dynamics
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      Civil EngineeringNonlinear dynamicsNumerical ModellingCable Structures
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      Ocean EngineeringHistoryEconomic HistorySociology
The International Guadiana Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge crossing the Guadiana River, which marks the southern border between Portugal and Spain. The bridge has a central span of 324 m and a total length of 666 m and was open to traffic... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural ControlCable StructuresFinite element modelling
The International Guadiana Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge crossing the Guadiana River, which marks the southern border between Portugal and Spain. The bridge has a central span of 324 m and a total length of 666 m and was open to traffic... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural ControlCable StructuresFinite element modelling
2004): Las redes de telecomunicaciones de cable histórico: realidad y tendencias. Nº 11. Noviembre. Año VII. Páginas: 67-89 11/InicioN11.html RESUMEN Los operadores de cable histórico en España... more
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      Information SystemsHistoryInformation TechnologyMusic
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunicationNew Media