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Subaltern Studies emerged at the end of the 1970s among a collective of English and Indian historians of South Asia, and developed into a creative and malleable reworking of knowledge(s). Importantly, the subalternists contributed to an... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Subaltern StudiesSouth Africa
The Indian state of Chhattisgarh has been continually confronted with violent assaults and murder targeting individuals who are believed to practice witchcraft. By sketching the murder of accused witch, Kulwantin Bai Nishad, in 1995, I... more
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      Anthropology of Police & PolicingIndian LawGender And ViolenceWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
Using the idea of hybrid scepticism, I argue that villagers are ambivalent about their healers in a way that allows for the immersion of modernist criticisms of healers, healing systems and interventionist strategies. What is important is... more
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      Medical AnthropologyScepticismTraditional Healing Practices (anthropology)Tuberculosis
One characteristic of violence is the unmaking of language and fracturing of the victim’s social world. In recent theorising, narrative is posited to play an important role in restoring the victim to his/her status as a social person.... more
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      EthicsLanguages and LinguisticsMemory StudiesViolence Against Women
Detail lithologic mapping and stratigraphic studies in the Singhora-Saraipali area of the southeastern part of the Chattisgarh Basin reveal that the basal part of the Chattisgarh Supergroup constitutes a thick continuous succession of... more
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To understand the workings of medicine, healing, placebo, belief and rationality, medical anthropologists need to pay attention to the complex relations of various forms of revelation, contemplation, and responding revelation that attach... more
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      Medical AnthropologyAestheticsPlacebo EffectRevelation
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityRural DevelopmentAgricultureIndia
As long as we act, either as legally appointed dacoits or as patrons bearing a new 'white man's burden' in all the racist senses, we will remain complicit in genocide Karen Gabriel and PK Vijayan Delhi 'We know that the white man does not... more
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      ViolenceIndiaGenocideState Violence
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      Medical AnthropologyTuberculosis and Infectious DiseaseCHATTISGARHCounselling