C.G. Jung

140 papers
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C.G. Jung refers to the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. His work emphasized the importance of the unconscious, archetypes, and the process of individuation, exploring the interplay between personal and collective unconscious in shaping human behavior and personality.
The famed Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler believed in memory. In 1931, he published a work that elevated memory to the status of a universal conceptual framework for the life sciences. In it, he terms his approach "mnemism"; and he... more
The distinction between the psychoanalytic (Freud) and analytic (Jung) accounts of the structure, content, and dynamics of the unconscious is articulated and that of the analytic account explicated.
Nietzsche bol možno tým najdôležitejším psychiatrickým pacientom, s ktorým sa Jung nepriamo stretol. Jeho psychické problémy čitateľné cez literárne diela boli pre Junga minimálne rovnako inšpiratívne ako jeho filozofické myšlienky.... more
Extended summary of C.G. Jung and I, chapter 6, C.G. Jung's Night-Sea Journey, The Constellation of Hermetic Magic in the Depth Psychologist
The CIVILIZATION OF THE MODERN WORLD takes its origins in the RENAISSANCE IN EUROPE. A HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION of the creation of modern Europe since the Renaissance leads to a thorough understanding of the critical and constituent... more
Preliminary Note: During the revision of Chapter 6 of my manuscript “C.G. Jung and I”, I became increasingly aware of the serious problem that the depth psychologist has left us. It concerns the discrepancy between the neo-Platonic... more
Irrtümer bildeten schließlich meist die Fundamente der Wahrheit, und wenn man von einem Ding nicht weiß, was es ist, dann bedeutet es schon einen Erkenntniszuwachs, wenn man weiß, was es nicht ist." (C. G. Jung, Schluss-Satz von "Aion")... more
My thesis examines the meaning of “possession” in Chinese medicine, Freudian and Jungian psychology, and the Worsley school of five-element acupuncture. I examine the meaning of “psyche” in psychology and acupuncture and ultimately posit... more
Myths are original revelations of the preconscious psyche, involuntary statements about unconscious psychic happenings… 1 THE DRAGON IN ITS OWN RIGHT The dragon is a mysterious, mythical creature found in cultures all over the world. It... more
Im Februar 1916 eröffnete die Dichterin und Kabarettistin Emmy Hennings (1885-1948) gemeinsam mit Hugo Ball das Cabaret Voltaire an der Spiegelgasse in Zürich. Von dort begann Dada seinen internationalen Siegeszug und entwickelte sich zu... more
Freud wurde von Jung beansprucht,dass er Bleuler die Inhalte der Psychoanalyse vermittelt und ihn für die Bewegung gewonnen habe.Tatsächlich lässt sich belegen,dass Bleuler schon vor dem Eintritt des C.G.Jung in das "Burghölzli"... more
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the cc by 4.0 license.
Immagini di fine vita tratte da un open studio di Arte Terapia in Hospice. Dall'eclissi dello sguardo alla sua tangibilità La morte è la curva della strada, morire è solo non essere visto. F. Pessoa Ciascun essere umano, possiamo... more
In contrast with traditional causal cognition in humans and machines my conference presentation attempted to consider an alternative paradigm in the paper entitled as “ Cognitive Acausality Principle in humans and machines” (12.01.2024).... more
n der Arbeit wird ein Versuch unternommen, einige Symbole des Kunstmärchens Der Goldne Topf von E.T. A. Hoffmann in Bezug auf die Inhalte des Anima-Archetypus und auf die der weiblichen Elementär- und Wandlungscharaktere im Geist der... more
This article examines the presence and influence of the work of Swiss psychiatrist Ludwig Binswanger and existential analysis (Daseinsanalyse) in Spanish psychiatry in the central decades of the 20th century. First, and drawing on various... more
His [Jung's] formulation of psychic image as a bridge between ideas and things comes after an extended discussion of the Medieval debate between nominalism and realism. Jung formulates his view of imaging as a mediating third position,... more
The paper deals with the notion of the soul or psyche in German physician and thinker Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869), his place in 19 th century German thinking of unconscious, his reception in C. G. Jung (or in E. Neumann) and... more
Schuld wird als kollektiv unbewusste Struktur von langer Dauer in der europäischen Kultur-und Mentalitätsgeschichte aufgefasst, die vom Mittelalter in Gestalt der Sünde bis zur Konflikttheorie Sigmund Freuds als Schuldgefühl nachgewiesen... more
Northrop Frye and C. G. Jung both attempted to summarize their respective life’s work in the form of a grand diagram. Remarkably, these two diagrams are virtually identical in both form and content, and they seem to have been formulated... more
In diesem kurzen Referat möchte ich zwei Gedanken des Vortrages von Jacques Derrida aufgreifen, sie in Beziehung setzen und in einem neuen Kontext interpretieren. Der erste Gedanke ist: Die Aussage eines Lehrers ist im gewissen Sinne... more
Der Autor beschreibt seine Erfahrungen und Eindrücke aus den Begegnungen mit der Psychoanalyse in Russland in den letzten vierzehn Jahren, als Lehranalytiker, Supervisor, Seminarleiter, Referent, Kollege und Reisender. Die Erfahrungen... more
Depth Psychology, Quantum Physics and Synchronicity—C.G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli as Pioneers of Paranormal Healing; a very amazing aspect of the two scientists.
In a discussion, Wolfgang Pauli and C.G. Jung clarified their epistemological position regarding being and non-being, the philosophical question that has occupied us for hundreds of years. Based on the findings of quantum physics, Pauli... more
In einer Diskussion klärten Wolfgang Pauli und C.G. Jung ihre erkenntnistheoretische Position bezüglich Sein und Nichtsein, der philosophischen Frage, die uns seit hunderten von Jahren beschäftigt. Aufgrund der Erkenntnisse der... more
This dissertation explored the intersection of leadership of the church as an epic, visionary and transformational journey. Using the insights of Joseph Campbell’s work on cross-cultural mythology, A Hero with a Thousand Faces,presents... more
The abstract is about the unique path to individuation that women face in the 21st century, specifically looking at the ancient forces that shape the collective and personal unconscious. The paper presents the world in polarizing Animus... more
For the understanding of all my writings, it is crucial to recognize the state of consciousness of Renaissance man, which was completely different from our modern state. Beginning with Giordano Bruno, who was executed at the stake by the... more
The Synchronicity with the question of studying at the Zurich C.G. Jung Institute In the late nineties of the last century, one of my colleagues felt the need to reorient herself professionally. I judge her typology as an introverted... more
Wir begegneten uns vor knapp dreißig Jahren, der eine, Jens Tasche, ein gestandener Bioenergetischer Analytiker in eigener Praxis, der andere, Reinhard Weber-Steinbach, nach zehnjähriger ärztlicher Tätigkeit in verschiedenen medizinischen... more
A intenção da pesquisa é investigar o flanar possível e recíproco entre sonho e arte, bem como as imagens decorrentes dessa reciprocidade, para refletir sobre a minha prá-tica artística aliada ao discurso das conjunções (TUNGA, 2012a), a... more
A review essay of On Theology and Psychology: The Correspondence of C.G. Jung and Adolf Keller (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020), edited by Marianne Jehle-Wildberger. A recent addition to the Philemon Series of the Philemon... more
This is a summary of a manuscript that deals with C.G. Jung's life and work between 1895 and 1929. In 1895 he began to attend and protocol séances conducted by his cousin Helly, a Hermetic endeavor. Then, in 1899 he had read Freud's... more
A core of my late professional activity has been to understand the guidelines for the ongoing computerization of society on the basis of its consequences. In studying the essence of computerization I see its relations to depths psychology... more