Byzantine coins
Recent papers in Byzantine coins
Investigating coins of the Byzantine archetypes from Bakhtak Leilan castle Leilan is located on the southern side of Malakan city, 160 km from the center of the East Azarbaijan province. The historic castle of Bakhtak, located in Lilan... more
The present paper is about ten byzantine coins identified as belonging to a private collection from Bucharest, Romania. The actual pieces are been identified by the author as nine anonymous Folles types dating back X-XI century AD and one... more
El imperio bizantino 1 , tomado como un ente autárquico del imperio romano de occidente, fue uno de los más longevos de la historia. Duró más de 1000 años transitando toda la Edad Tardoantigua y Edad Media, siendo trascendental para el... more
Théodebert Ier de Metz, roi d’Austrasie de 533/4 à 547/81, rompit avec la tradition centenaire de la monnaie pseudo-impériale en Gaule en devenant le premier roi en Occident à frapper une monnaie d’or à son nom, plutôt qu’à celui de... more
Arab-Byzantine coinage typically refers to the issues between about AD 650 and 720, when familiar Byzantine designs were copied by the early Muslims before they developed their own. This paper is about a much later “Arab-Byzantine” coin... more
Experts have recently reported false bronze nummi with large reverse monograms of late Roman Imperial and Ostrogothic leaders. The experts include Alain Gennari and other members of, but not the present author. He is simply... more
un lavoro sulle cosiddette silique gepide, con spunti per una nuova attribuzione e datazione, ed un catalogo dei diversi conii a noi attualmente noti
A presentation without the narrative of the presenter. Please visit to watch the talk.
Marudhar Arts is Global collectible auction house dealing in Coins, Watches, Stamps, Bank Notes, Paintings, Antique Jewelry, Medals, Picture Post Card, and Autographs of renowned personalities..
This article tries to determine a potential dating of the so-called Curmsun Disc from a philological perspective. One interpretation of the inscription of the disc is: Harald “Bluetooth” Gormson, king of the Danes, Scania, Jumne in the... more
The David and Rachel Herman Byzantine Coins Collection that comprises over 1800 coins, took approximately half a century to form. There are coins representing more than 17 mints, struck within an enormous time span of almost one thousand... more
All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Second Edition Cover illustrations: Solidus of Justinian II (enlarged 5:1) ISBN 0-88402-274-9 iii Preface T his publication essentially consists of two parts. The first part is a... more
This paper addresses the circulation of Early Byzantine coins produced between 491 and 641 CE and found in 41 archaeological excavations in Beirut Central District, covering significant parts of the Byzantine city of Berytus. The purpose... more
This fifth installment of the SCP project catalogue includes coins of two Wei dynasties in China; the Mahakshatrapa, the Gupta Empire and some successors, the Kidarites, two different Alchon Hun states, and the Pallava, in India, Nepal,... more
The 2020 coin roundup includes discussion on so-called nummular brooches, a classification and corpus of the East Anglian Trophy type thrymsas and a catalogue of the internationally important West Norfolk hoard of over 100 gold tremisses.
Full catalogue of all BAR titles - updated July 2018 BAR Publishing is one of the world’s most respected publishers of academic archaeology. Over the past 40+ years we have built an international reputation for publishing a spectrum of... more
CC = Creşterea colecţiilor, Cabinetul numismatic de la Biblioteca Academiei Române CCA = Cronica cercetǎrilor arheologice din România CCDJ = Culturǎ şi civilizaţie la Dunǎrea de Jos, Muzeul Dunǎrii de Jos, Cǎlǎraşi CN = Cercetări... more
Il contributo indaga sulla vendita della collezione di monete bizantine dell’ex diplomatico Tommaso Bertelè (1892-1971) al Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection di Georgetown (Washington, DC) effettuata in Svizzera. Il lavoro... more
Апстракт: Рад презентује археолошке налазе новца пронађене на вишеслојним локалитетима из рановизантијског периода, са подручја шире околине Крушевца. У хронолошком смислу, обухваћен је период од касне антике (спорадични налази новца) до... more
ÖZ İdeolojide kadının ikinci sınıf vatandaş olarak algılandığı Bizans toplumunda doğuştan asil, güzel, dindar, doğurgan, erdemli, şefkatli imparatoriçeler; her zaman önemli ve ayrıcalıklı bir yere sahip olmuşlardı. Bu kadınlara... more
Imitation and revival of the Byzantine coinage: The Byzantines and “the others” - I Bizantini e “gli altri”
This paper traces the late ancient coinage of Egyptian Alexandria, the home of the influential Neoplatonistic philosopher Hypatia. The coins name and depict the Eastern Roman Empire's rulers, reflecting their roles in the establishment of... more
Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Medieval and Modern coins. 476 Lots.
This study is the preliminary examination of resilience and edition of total 106 coins found in the excavations between 2005 and 2010 in Myndos ancient city located in the Gümüşlük town of Bodrum district of the Muğla city. Ayça Güzelsoy,... more
The article focuses on the presence of Byzantine coins at Cyrene and in Cyrenaica. New findings from the Italian archaeological excavations and from the coin cabinet of the Archaeological Museum of Cyrene allow to define a very different... more
The article focuses on some coins of Eastern mints, which are part of some Veneto collections containing local finds, from Veneto or from North-Eastern Italy. A Parthian tetradrachm, probably found at Poian (Belluno), is very interesting:... more