Cloud computing is a new computational model which is primarily based on grid computing. Cloud computing are often outlined as a computing surroundings wherever computing wants by one party are often outsourced to a different party and... more
With Online Views and Comments For Super Bowl Advertisements Super Bowl advertisements have become almost as famous as the game itself. Between production costs and the price of air time, companies who advertise in the Super Bowl do so at... more
In the software engineering field, building teams across geographical regions is old news. Indeed, most software engineers are used to having counterparts located in different hemispheres. What engineers the world over are still... more
Bocah Tembalang merupakan buzzer media partner yang bergerak dalam platform instagram dengan jumlah pengikut yang mayoritas adalah mahasiswa. Bocah Tembalang sudah melakukan buzzing untuk menarik konsumen. Namun pada kenyataannya terdapat... more
Previous studies of the movie industry have raised questions concerning the problematic relationship between the success-related aspects of artistic excellence and commercial appeal. The present article proposes that-when the former is... more
The swift advancement of digital technology has created new prospects in marketing, particularly via social media platforms such as TikTok. This study seeks to investigate the interplay of viral marketing, gimmick marketing, and... more
Most existing research on advanced economic activities focuses on either inner-city milieus or suburban industrial parks. We contend, however, that residential neighbourhoods constitute a milieu for economic activities which require the... more
markdownabstract__Abstract__ This thesis deals with upgrading: a process of learning and knowledge sourcing in order to generate value added. We analyse how upgrading takes place across various organisational configurations: formal... more
Environmental quality and energy efficiency are strategic objectives which can highlight the ‘effectiveness’ of design and technological choices, as well as the impact of management strategies and user behaviour. Studies show it is... more
Pascal Froissart analyse les modalités endogènes de constitution d’une forme d’audience sur Internet.
With Online Views and Comments For Super Bowl Advertisements Super Bowl advertisements have become almost as famous as the game itself. Between production costs and the price of air time, companies who advertise in the Super Bowl do so at... more
L a definizione classica di Smart Grid, la rete intelligente per la distribuzione di energia elettrica del futuro, prevede di affiancare al sistema distributivo una rete di comunicazione e controllo con cui monitorare e ottimizzare i... more
L a definizione classica di Smart Grid, la rete intelligente per la distribuzione di energia elettrica del futuro, prevede di affiancare al sistema distributivo una rete di comunicazione e controllo con cui monitorare e ottimizzare i... more
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga makalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Makalah ini berjudul "Algoritma Pencari pada Aplikasi Linkedin". Dalam penulisan makalah... more
The conceptual framework of local buzz and global pipelines has received much attention. It suggests that regional collaboration (local buzz) in particular will induce value creation if combined with international collaboration (global... more
In the global slowdown, there is a revived interest in entrepreneurship development particularly in new startups based on technology. Many countries see this as a basis for future growth and competitiveness. To encourage technology-based... more
RISKESDAS showed that 73% of children aged 10-14 years in indonesia experienced caries, but only 9.4% received dental treatment by the dentists. Health promotion that has not been maximized as well as pandemic conditions are obstacles in... more
Pemasaran Media Sosial merupakan aspek komponen terpenting bagi pelaku bisnis dalam perluasan segmentasi dalam konteks bisnis. Hal itu disebabkan, pemasaran media sosial menjadi saluran utama dalam memperluas pangsa pasar, membangun... more
In the last decade, creativity has become a buzz word in developmental context, from creative industries, creative classes, creative economy, creative cities, creative business, creative governance to creative tourism. Creative industries... more
Historically, managing employees that are not co-located has relied on exploding e-mail in-boxes, endless e-mail folders to track issues, conference calls, and manually generated metrics passed from local management to home office just to... more
As we know that sense of vision to human being is an important thing in our life, but there is some people who have lack of mobility because of blindness The objective of this project is used to help the blind people and they are able to... more
This paper examines Mangaung’s economic development initiatives against the background of the latest literature on secondary cities, with a specific emphasis on the 20-year period that has elapsed since the dawn of the postapartheid era.... more
of the Tongs (1961) and Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires (1974), set in China, he used Chinese tom-toms, gongs, cymbals and flutes. For Plague of the Zombies (19665), which featured an outbreak of Voodooism in Cornwell, he used... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Purpose The sudden arrival of Covid-19 severely disrupted the supply chain of personal protective equipment (PPE) in Australia. This paper aims to examine the development of a geographical cluster, which, through the application of... more
In recent years technology has become pertinent element of success for businesses and manufacturing industries. Technologies have also changed the ways in which the organizations perform their businesses. Artificial intelligence has... more
Disruptive innovation became a buzz phrase in the mid-1990s in the business world. In this commentary, the application of this term to pharmacy within the context of the current status of pharmacy education and practice, highlighting... more
سابقه و اهداف: امروزه، تقویت مهارتهای تفکر نقاد به عنوان جز مهمی از عملکرد اعضای تیم سالمت در نظر گرفته میشود. هدف از این مطالعه، بیان تجربه آموزش تفکر نقاد در دوره پزشکی عمومی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران است. روش بررسی: این مطالعه در طی... more
Can buzzwords be methodically exploited to develop more self-reflective and participatory research methods and practices within the ICT area? Research policies as well as research funding agencies rely heavily on buzzwords, yet tend to... more
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui seberapa jauh peningkatan prestasi belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan metode diskusi tipe buzz group ; (2) mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar antara kelas X MIA 1 yang menggunakan... more
Undercover marketing targets potential customers by concealing the commercial nature of an apparently social transaction. In a typical case an individual approaches a marketing target apparently to provide some information or advice about... more
Students’ discipline attitude and learning achievement of civic education in the fourth grade of SD Negeri Ledug was considered low and several students were slow in doing the assignment given by the teachers because they could not... more
Pollution being a buzz word in the contemporary world, the hazards are analyzed extensively in recent past. In spite of the awareness created, the environment is at the threshold of catastrophe due to the practices of mankind in the name... more
From the total domestic advertisement cake the internet has a steadily growing slice. The reasons of turning towards the on-line communication we can look for in the change of the consumer habits and the development of the technical side.... more
From the total domestic advertisement cake the internet has a steadily growing slice. The reasons of turning towards the on-line communication we can look for in the change of the consumer habits and the development of the technical side.... more
IntroductionBlueberry is one of the most relevant buzz-pollinated crops worldwide, and Chile is the most important global producer of fresh blueberries during wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere. Non-buzzing bees, such as honey bees,... more
There is a great deal of buzz surrounding the Internet of Things, which is the notion, simply put, that nearly everything not currently connected to the Internet from gym shorts to streetlights soon will be. The rise of "smart products"... more
Flexibility' became a management buzz word in the mid-to-late 1980s. Environmental pressures drove firms in many industries towards more flexible structures -away from internal, classical hierarchies towards agent networks brought... more
'Flexibility' became a management buzz word in the mid-to-late 1980s. Environmental pressures drove firms in many industries towards more flexible structuresaway from internal, classical hierarchies towards agent networks brought together... more
Male songbirds of many species sing local song dialects that are restricted to defined geographical areas. In most tests of responses to local versus foreign dialects, males respond more aggressively to songs from their own dialect,... more