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The automotive industry is at a crossroad. Electric Vehicles (EV) now pose an existential threat to the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). In some Northern European nations over 50% of new cars sold are EVs, owing in large part to... more
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      Q MethodologyDecision-MakingGreen TechnologyElectric Cars
This study was conducted to narrow down the study population to PTSS Staffs community only and to see whether the result is parallel or not with previous study held by Punitha and Azmawani (2011) and to what extent do social influence,... more
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    • Buying Behavior
Millennial generation testing in the use of e-commerce applications is very influential. E-commerce is the most popular thing by the current millennial generation. So the purpose of this paper is to find out how the use of e-commerce... more
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      E-CommerceBuying BehaviorBuying Decision
Word of mouth (WOM) has been proved to be one of the most effective marketing tools in increasing sales. With the availability of Internet and the growing popularity of electronic commerce, firms begin to build an online consumer opinion... more
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      MarketingSalesConsumer ReviewsE-Commerce
Za cel artykułu przyjęto pokazanie, w jaki sposób podejście do wykorzystania internetu przez młodzież uczącą się w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych i na studiach może wpływać na funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstw w przyszłości. Zagadnienie zostało... more
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      Internet & SocietyYoung PeopleBuying Behavior
Today, the advancements of the Internet and new technologies have affected consumer behavior. This has led to the emergence of more and more channels which is causing consumers to change their purchasing habits. The omnichannel refers to... more
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      MarketingMarketing ResearchMarketing StrategyMarketing Management
In Recent years, the gigantic increase of internet usage and information technology have transformed the way of goods are bought and sold, resulting to the exponential growth in the online shoppers and for better marketing performance.... more
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      E MarketingConsumer BehaviorOnline MediaQualitative and Quantitative Social Research
How to get a registered German driver's license, ID card and passport. WhatsApp ........ +1{571} 348 2725 The German driving licence can be obtained after finishing driving school and passing both a theory and a practical examination. In... more
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      Real EstateReal-time SystemsAugmented RealityReality television
behavior shown by customers while purchasing laptops. The study is based on a primary data collected from 250 students from different courses in Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India. The data is analyzed using various... more
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      Brand ImagePurchase IntentionWord-Of-MouthBuying Behavior
This paper intends to appraise and understand celebrity advertising and its effectiveness. By deeply examining and addressing the components of celebrity advertising, the advantages and disadvantages associated with it, and the elements... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchCelebrity and AdvertisingCelebrity Endorsement
This study is based to identify the factors that influence the consumer buying behavior of the two wheeler Bikes at Allahabad, Lucknow and Varanasi cities of Uttar Pradesh. The survey is mainly focused on the buying behavior of the... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorSatisfactionConsumer
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to understand the packaging product role in influencing children preference by doing a persuasive act that influence children’s product purchasing decision by parents. Design/methodology/approach... more
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      MarketingHuman Resource ManagementPurchase IntentionProduct Packaging and Innovation
The Textile Industry occupies a vital place in the Indian economy and contributes substantially to its exports earnings. Textiles exports represent nearly 30 per cent of the country's total exports. India has one of the prominent... more
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      MarketingApparel IndustryBuying Behavior
This study aims to investigate the effect of online shopping towards consumer buying behavior. The respondents were comprised of Commerce Department in Polytechnic Ungku Omar. The objective is to identify whether the consumer's risk,... more
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      Consumer BehaviorBuying Behavior
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorImpulse BuyingBuying Behavior
The research aimed to reveal real behavior of consumers in fashion clothing according to the four main factors between men and women consumers to find out factors which one will impact them the most before make buying-decision. The four... more
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      Consumer BehaviorClothingFashionBuying Behavior
The paper highlights different reasons (or simply the “why”) for which consumers purchase Apple’s products as well as “why” this company can retain employees in view of the “why” and “golden circle” concepts presented by Simon Sinek in... more
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      AppleConsumer Buying BehaviourMarketing Strategy of Apple Inc.Buying Behavior
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      Consumer BehaviorLuxuryLuxury BrandsConsumer Buying Behaviour
CSR is a highly emerging topic around the world, and the debate about CSR raised many questions about the effectiveness of being socially responsible; however, it also motivated many companies around the world to implement CSR strategies.... more
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      Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Buying Behavior
Social media is providing possible opportunities to users and marketers to communicate to customers in large numbers. The concept of social media marketing has led to an emergence of social media influencer marketing and individuals may... more
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      MarketingSocial MediaConsumersBuying Behavior
Automobile units play a vital role in the industrial development of a nation. By considering the facts, the author has chosen the topic as pertinent to the current situation in car market. Hence an in-depth study of satisfaction of... more
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      MarketingIndian studiesCustomer SatisfactionMarketing Research
This work aims at investigating the forces influencing individual and organizational buying behavior when purchasing engineering software. It further examines differences and similarities between both behaviors.
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      Software EngineeringConsumer BehaviorBuying Behavior
When man learns to understand and control his own behavior as well as he is learning to understand and control the behavior of crop plants and domestic animals, he may be justified in believing that he has become civilized". Backed by the... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementVegetableBuying Behavior
Online Shopping has become an important medium for sales and marketing transaction. In fact, many people are switching from the traditional form of trading goods and now joining the Online Shopping craze. Businesses are taking advantage... more
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      LogisticsPromotional StrategyBuying BehaviorConsumer Purchase Decision Process
The Textile Industry occupies a vital place in the Indian economy and contributes substantially to its exports earnings. Textiles exports represent nearly 30 per cent of the country's total exports. India has one of the prominent places... more
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      MarketingApparel IndustryBuying Behavior
The research identified the consumers' awareness of CSR, consumers' buying behavior relating to Jollibee Foods Corporation's (JFC) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs as well as to JFC as an organization, determined... more
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      BusinessDescriptive ResearchConsumer awarenessBuying Behavior
In this era or technology there are numerous brands of laptops available in the market. Companies adopt different strategies to attract customers. This study aims to understand the decision making styles for purchase of laptops from the... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer Buying BehaviourBuying Behavior
Human behavior is associated with culture, subculture and the social environment. Every human being's action is the direct outcome of anticipation of society. Hence the behavior of humans is built on a set of systematically defined... more
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      MarketingMarketing ResearchKarnatakaConsumer Buying Behavior
This paper will propose a type of message appeal to be used in the advertising, making sure to explain the rationale behind the appeal, it will analyze the different cultures this product will appeal to and make recommendations on which... more
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      Strategic PlanningConsumer BehaviorConsumer CultureMarketing Strategy
As consumers use products, particularly during a trail purchase, they evaluate its performance in light of their own expectations. There are three possible outcomes of these evaluations that are actual performance matches expectations,... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorMarketing ResearchConsumer Research
This study is based to identify the factors that influence the consumer buying behavior of the two wheeler Bikes at Allahabad, Lucknow and Varanasi cities of Uttar Pradesh. The survey is mainly focused on the buying behavior of the... more
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      SatisfactionConsumerFactorsTwo Wheeler Industry
Consumers buy products not only because of need to them but also because of sudden urge to buy them. The impulse buying have been investigated by consumer behavior researchers and marketing academician more than a half century. The aim of... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchImpulse shopping behaviourConsumer Buying Behaviour
Frozen food has been contemplated and viewed as artificial form of food but yes in the growing and health conscious times of this era it has noticeably become a part of our lives and is a affecting the consumer's buying decision when it... more
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      RegressionConsumersBuying Behavior
The purpose of this paper is to study the factors that may influence impulsive buying behavior. A good store environment will encourage customers to patronize the store and this can be achieved through effective marketing activities,... more
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      ManagementMarketingMarketing ResearchRetail Marketing
The research identified the consumers' awareness of CSR, consumers' buying behavior relating to Jollibee Foods Corporation's (JFC) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs as well as to JFC as an organization, determined the... more
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      Descriptive ResearchConsumer awarenessBuying BehaviorCSR
We are your one-spot shop for verified and #registered Ielts,Toefl, Pte, Esol, Toiec, Oet, Gmat, Gre, Nebosh, SAT, ACT, GED, Usmle, Psat, lsat, Celban, FCE, CAE,CPE, BEC, Fle, Tesol Certificates with or without exam Buy IELTS certificate... more
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    • Buying Behavior
The research identified the consumers' awareness of CSR, consumers' buying behavior relating to Jollibee Foods Corporation's (JFC) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs as well as to JFC as an organization, determined... more
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      BusinessDescriptive ResearchConsumer awarenessBuying Behavior
The present study is concerned in the field of consumer buying behavior, especially e-shopping in Pakistan. E-commerce has created easiness and innovativeness in humans' life. Online consumer buying behavior is not like a physical market... more
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      InnovativenessBuying Behavior
The research identified the consumers' awareness of CSR, consumers' buying behavior relating to Jollibee Foods Corporation's (JFC) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs as well as to JFC as an organization, determined... more
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      BusinessDescriptive ResearchConsumer awarenessBuying Behavior
From time to time, marketers have concentrated on adopting various marketing techniques to attract consumers. Viral Marketing through internet is one such approach which breaks the traditional brick-and-mortar model of marketing. The... more
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      MarketingCommunicationPublic RelationsSocial Media
The impulsive buying behavior is a phenomenon that made variety of researchers engaged with inconsistent research findings. This paper offers the review of the research on impulsive buying behavior summarized in three waves of research.... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchConsumer Buying BehaviourImpulsive Buying Behaviour
The objective of this study is to investigate the factors affecting customer's satisfaction on buying residential apartments and to find out the effect of the quality of indoor and outdoor environments on the customers' buying behavior.... more
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      MarketingHousing & Residential DesignCustomer SatisfactionBuying Behavior
Purpose-The purpose of this research is to understand the packaging product role in influencing children preference by doing a persuasive act that influence children's product purchasing decision by parents.... more
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      Purchase IntentionPreferenceBuying BehaviorProduct Packaging
India is a nation of shopkeepers with over 12 million retail outlets. It has one of the highest densities of retail outlets in the world with one retail outlet for ~90 persons. It can be said to have entered the second phase of retailing... more
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      Brand LoyaltyConsumer BehaviorCustomer LoyaltyShopping Experience
Over the past two decades in Iran the effect of the children on consumer behavior has often been overlooked. However, consumer decision making within the family has begun to receive a growing amount of attention with the increased... more
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      Food ProductionConsumer Buying BehaviourFamily Buying DecisionsPurchased decision
Globe Tattoo, one of the leading sub-brands of Globe Telecom in the Philippines, used Branded Entertainment as an advertising tool to increase its earnings as one of the players in the Philippine telecommunication industry. Using a... more
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      AdvertisingBranded EntertainmentBuying Behavior
Aims To estimate the pooled prevalence of compulsive buying behaviour (CBB) in different populations and to determine the effect of age, gender, location and screening instrument on the reported heterogeneity in estimates of CBB and... more
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      AddictionMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewObsessive-Compulsive DisorderImpulsivity
The study investigates theoretical framework of non-store retail management and online retail management in the first chapter and types of buying and compulsive buying in the second. For this purpose, the study investigated the... more
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      MarketingImpulse BuyingDijital PazarlamaPazarlama araştırmaları
Consumer behavior and factors affecting their buying behavior is one of the important issues in marketing and sales that many factors affect this process. Using celebrities as endorsers and their presence in advertisements is one of the... more
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      Celebrity CultureYoung PeopleCustomer BehaviourCelebrity
This present paper explores the celebrities appearing on television advertisements. The purpose is to identify the influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying intention in Sri Lanka. Television Advertising is one of the... more
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      Celebrity EndorsementBuying Behavior