Recent papers in Butterflies
With the publication of an extended editorial titled 'Animal Studies and Art: Elephants in the Room' by Giovanni Aloi, Editor in Chief of 'Antennae', the journal embarks on a new and challenging year-long project constituting somewhat of... more
Ananas comosus var comosus (L.) Merr. is the third most important tropical fruit in the world production and the leading foreign exchange earner among fresh fruits exported from Ghana. A survey was conducted in pineapple farms in the... more
Climate change is one of the most influential drivers of biodiversity. Speciesspecific differences in the reaction to climate change can become particularly important when interacting species are considered. Current studies have evidenced... more
A comparative chemical analysis of the larval nectar secretions and hemolymph from three unspecifically and facultatively ant-attended lycaenid species (Polyommatus coridon, P. icarus, and Zizeeria knysna) was performed by using... more
During the last 50 years, the distribution and abundance of many European butterXy species associated with semi-natural grasslands have declined. This may be the result of deteriorating habitat quality, but habitat loss, resulting in... more
Butterflies, bees, parasites
Managed landscapes in which non-native ornamental plants are favored over native vegetation now dominate the United States, particularly east of the Mississippi River. We measured how landscaping with native plants affects the avian and... more
method in a citizen science context with laypeople could support both the long term monitoring of butterfly habitat quality, as well as the efficient selection of sites for professional in-depth assessments.
Seit den 1970er Jahren spielt das Stechen von Tattoos eine immer größere Rolle als künstlerisches Verfahren. Ein prominentes Beispiel in der zeitgenössischen Kunst ist Damien Hirsts Werk 'butterfly, divided' – ein auf einer Vulva... more
We examined the correlation between color and structure of wing scales in the nymphalid butterflies Bicyclus anynana and Heliconius melpomene . All scales in B. anynana are rather similar in comparison to the clear structural differences... more
Animals display incredibly diverse color patterns yet little is known about the underlying genetic basis of these phenotypes. However, emerging results are reshaping our view of how the process of phenotypic evolution occurs. Here, we... more
The authors have surveyed different habitats in and around the Unakoti Archaeological Site and documented a total of 216 species classified under 6 families, 23 subfamilies and 126 genera of the order Lepidoptera. The study was conducted... more
Note su molti Ropaloceri visibili nel territorio di Lignano e zone limitrofe
The outer surface of the facet lenses in the compound eyes of moths consists of an array of excessive cuticular protuberances, termed corneal nipples. We have investigated the moth-eye corneal nipple array of the facet lenses of 19... more
Here's the entire book, for free. I found it posted several places on the internet, so even though it's still in copyright, I thought I'd post it here. I am currently working on a book that's a kind of sequel, except the new book will... more
The diversity of Butterflies in Seshachalam Bio-reserve forest was studied with periodically filed exploration. Nearly 106 butterfly species were recorded from 5 families in the environs of Seshachalam bio reserve forest area (2015-16).... more
Bonai Forest Division is part of the southern portion of Chotanagpur Plateau falling in the biogeographic zone of Deccan Peninsula distinguished for its high sal forests associations, metallic mineral resources and dominated tribal... more
Resumen. Con base en un análisis exhaustivo de la bibliografía de Lepidoptera relacionada con México y en la revisión de la megabase MARIPOSA (>500 000 registros y ejemplares), se presenta una síntesis sobre la riqueza mundial, sus... more
By sexually objectifying his prey and re-classifying them as inhuman creatures with preternatural powers, Humbert Humbert, the protagonist in Nabokov's ground-breaking novel LOLITA, is able to then cast himself as victim. This craft essay... more
Türkiye'nin en güneyinde bulunan Hatay ilinde yapılan araştırma ve gözlemler, bölgenin 162 kelebek türüne ev sahipliği yaptığı ortaya konmuştur. Bu türlere ait Hatay dağılım haritaları, beslenme bitkileri ve uçuş zamanları kelebek... more
Butterflies are well studied group of insects taxonomically, however, no research had been done on butterflies found in urban areas especially in Davao City. Thus, a survey was done in selected areas in the city to record and identify the... more
The unpalatable and warning-patterned butterflies Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene provide the best studied example of mutualistic Mü llerian mimicry, thought-but rarely demonstrated-to promote coevolution. Some of the strongest... more
: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna 1 R.I. Vane-Wright & R. de Jong With contributions from P
Bogotá,pesedecontenerlamayorconcentraciónurbanadelpaís,consusgrandesextensionesdeasfaltoyconcreto,aunalbergaciertonúmerodeespeciesdeMariposasdiurnas(Lepidoptera-Papilionoidea).Especialmenteenlasmontañasorientales(CordilleraOriental)querespa... more
An updated checklist comprising 159 species of butterflies of Chhattisgarh, based on field data collected between September, 2013 and November, 2019 and compilation of previous works is presented. 19 species have been added of which 8 are... more
We collected 423 species of diurnal butterflies (Rhopalocera) during 250 days of observations from March 1997 through January 2000 in the region of Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. We present a list of 428 species recorded for Calakmul. This... more