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Purpose – The conducted research aimed at estimating the technical efficiency of didactic activity in the group of universities of technology in Poland using the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. Research methodology... more
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    • Business and management education
Authors study the nature of insolvency both from the legal point of view and scientist position as well as updating tendencies of an insolvency of enterprises in recent years. The subject of the study has been selected company’s survival... more
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    • Business and management education
This paper considers, in a series of reflections, how existentialist philosophy might be used to inform the teaching and management of the traditionally conceptualized and conventionally elective "soft" university courses of Accounting... more
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      Critical Management StudiesAccounting EducationJean Paul SartreBusiness and management education
Stress and the associated correlates, such as depression, alcohol abuse, and suicidal ideation, are a global issue among college and university students. We assert that character is a personal resource that students have at their disposal... more
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      LeadershipWellbeingBusiness and management educationPsychological distress
This paper outlines an experiential learning exercise designed to improve business students' ability to apply flexible leadership. The exercise is a two-step process for which students complete a simulation and then write a... more
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      LeadershipHigher Education StudiesLeadership TheoryBusiness and management education
The Masters in Business Administration (MBA) programme is a global educational qualification with different forms of values for individuals and organisations and varying degrees of attractions from persons and companies in developed and... more
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      MBABusiness and management education
The article analyses the good practice of Finland, which reconstructed the path changing towards building innovation-based economy, and Denmark, where the several programmes for network building and enhancement of collaboration between... more
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      NetworkingClustersBusiness and management educationInnovation
The chapter offers a critical take on the concept of the 'hidden curriculum' and discusses how it can be used as a heuristic tool for responsible management educators to interrogate taken-for-granted assumptions and practices.
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      Higher EducationBusiness and management educationHidden CurriculumHidden Curriculum in Higher Education
The Masters in Business Administration (MBA) programme is a global educational qualification with different forms of values for individuals and organisations and varying degrees of attractions from persons and companies in developed and... more
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      MBABusiness and management education
¨Formación ética transversal en la currícula universitaria. Emprendimos el caminoS ilvia Martino-Universidad Austral I SEMINARIO IBEROAMERICANO SOBRE MODELOS DE DOCENCIA E INVESTIGACION EN RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL Formación... more
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      Business EthicsInnovation and Creativity (Business)Business and management educationBusiness Management
The Masters in Business Administration (MBA) programme is a global educational qualification with different forms of values for individuals and organisations and varying degrees of attractions from persons and companies in developed and... more
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      MBABusiness and management education
Purpose – the purpose of this article is to review a quasi-experiment study examining whether business students’ math anxiety is reduced after participating in mandala coloring activities. Research methodology – the research methodology... more
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      PsychologyMandalasAnxietyBusiness statistics
In 2009 we presented a paper at the EAD conference in Aberdeen, UK, that, recognising a growing impetus in supporting designers’ input into business ventures, called for a collaborative design and business education providing a new... more
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      DesignDesign educationDesign ManagementDesign multi-disciplinary practice
Although business and management education research has made great strides over the last decade, concerns about the area's legitimacy and attraction of new scholars continue to require attention. One of the obstacles that may impede the... more
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      Management EducationHigher Education ManagementBusiness and management educationBusiness Education
The purpose of this study is to examine and explain the effects of simultaneous among Work Family Conflict, Teamwork, and job satisfaction of the Performance Officer Office of Kendari Basarnas. To examine and explain the effect of Work... more
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    • Business and management education
This presentation refers to the challenges for Management Education over the next five years.
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      ManagementTeaching and LearningEducationHigher Education
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      Business EthicsChicago SchoolBusiness and management educationBusiness and Society
Purpose: The objective of this study was to identify the profile of academic research on blended learning in the world and propose a research agenda for the topic. Theoretical framework: Recent literature has reported good results in... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationResearch Methodology
Purpose – the purpose of this article is to review a quasi-experiment study examining whether business students’ math anxiety is reduced after participating in mandala coloring activities. Research methodology – the research methodology... more
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      MandalasBusiness statisticsBusiness and management educationMathematics anxiety
For global business and design management to thrive in a consensual learning environment there are various pedagogical approaches that can be applied. In particular, following designers from their native design environments in search of... more
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      Design ManagementDesign pedagogyDesign Pedagogy (Education)Business and management education
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    • Business and management education
There are several teaching methods a teacher can use in delivering lesson content, as a result of this, this study examined the Effect of Co-operative and Discussion Teaching Methods on Business Studies Students in Academic Performance of... more
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      EducationAccounting EducationCurriculumBusiness and management education
Since the introduction of the concept of BELF (English as a business lingua franca; Louhiala-Salminen et al., 2005) it has inspired a number of researchers in applied and socio-linguistics, in business communication in particular, and... more
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      Higher EducationInternational Business CommunicationBusiness CommunicationCommunity of Practice
The six categories of Bloom's taxonomy are not just a scheme of classification, but are a hierarchical organization of cognitive processes according to levels of complexity for the development of expected cognitive objectives. This paper... more
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      Business and management educationCompetence DevelopmentBloom's Taxonomy
Purpose: The demand for accountants is increasing from time to time because of the increase in the complexity of the business environment. Higher education institutions are responsible for producing well qualified and ethical accountant... more
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    • Business and management education
This study investigates all available literature related to critical thinking in business education in a survey of publications in the field produced from 1990-2019. It conducts a thematic analysis of 787 articles found in Web of Science... more
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      BusinessCritical ThinkingArgumentation Theory and Critical ThinkingHigher Order Thinking
The purpose of this paper is to examine ways entrepreneurship is taught and learned across all levels and all industries academically or commercially in a uniform, systematic, and applied way worldwide. The case study included a pilot... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipCorporate EntrepreneurshipIncubation Centers and Clusters for Innovation
The aim of this article is to present two models for teaching business ethics: ethics of business and ethics for business. In the article, I defend the thesis that business ethics taught in corporations (ethics for business) is not a... more
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      Business EthicsInformation EthicsBusiness and management educationSocial Science Research Network
Purpose – Purpose of current study is to explore, impact of workplace environment i.e Physical Environmental Factors and Behavioral Environmental Factors on employee productivity (EP) through mediating role of employee health (EH).... more
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      BusinessEmployee engagementBusiness and management educationemployee research
Transcript: Hi everybody. This is Robert from Freedom Factory and I want to talk to you about it a pretty serious topic today, and it's the biggest reason that deals don't close. Now, personally, my close rate on deals has been really... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipBusiness and management educationInvesting
The study examined the influence of auditing reform on fraud control in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. Three hypotheses formulated and tested. Survey research design was adopted for study. The population of the study... more
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    • Business and management education
This article presents the findings from a research project on the Polish model of Hoshin Kanri identified in Japanese subsidiaries operating in Poland. It begins with an overview of the basic models of the method described in literature.... more
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      StrategyBusiness and management educationTotal Quality ManagementHoshin Kanri
The last decades' serious organizational scandals that mainly stem from corruption and conflicting interests but also from bribery, favoritism and other wrongdoings have accentuated the need for finding instruments for achieving more... more
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    • Business and management education
The paper focuses on the issue of project management education as the tool of positive influence on the success of project implementation in corporate practice. The aim of the authors is to identify the ways of training project managers,... more
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    • Business and management education
Behavioural finances became especially important in recent years. Majority of studies covers individual investor decision making factors while corporate customers' investment behaviour, as a rule, encompass liability side (capital... more
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    • Business and management education
Globally the apparatus of formal business education is over 150 years old. It has witnessed phenomenal growth over this period. The trained managerial manpower produced by the business schools has led the industrial sector successfully as... more
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    • Business and management education
This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims to provide a platform for... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationBusiness and Economic EducationCounselor Education
In a world of supercapitalism, the tensions between business and public interests are expected to rise, thereby calling corporations to assume new roles in society. In response to this trend, corporations will be in demand of an... more
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      Business EthicsLeadershipCritical ThinkingCritical Management Studies
Business history can be a valuable, even critical element in teaching international management – not only at elite institutions and at postgraduate level, but at universities of applied sciences and in undergraduate education, too. It is... more
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryPolitical EconomyTeaching and Learning
Purpose – Purpose of current study is to explore, impact of workplace environment i.e Physical Environmental Factors and Behavioral Environmental Factors on employee productivity (EP) through mediating role of employee health (EH).... more
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      EducationHigher EducationBusiness and management educationBusiness and Management
The need to incorporate and develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within university programs is necessary for future leaders, managers and entrepreneurs. Within the framework of CSR and stakeholder theory the paper contributes a... more
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      Case Study ResearchBusiness and management educationStakeholder TheoryCorportate Social Responsibility
The Discussion Method produces significant student learning outcomes. In a time where we are only beginning to witness artificial intelligence’s disruption of work and the economy, these learning outcomes are crucial to personal and... more
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      Business and management educationHumanistic Management
Purpose – Purpose of current study is to explore, impact of workplace environment i.e Physical Environmental Factors and Behavioral Environmental Factors on employee productivity (EP) through mediating role of employee health (EH).... more
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    • Business and management education
Purpose – This research discussed ethics, shared values, university image, and trust as factors of student loyalty. This investigation is performed to discover aspects that influence loyalty. Student loyalty factors were previously... more
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      BusinessBusiness and management education
The idea of creativity is becoming more and more relevant and is ob­served in various fields, such as contemporary economics, technology and science. This article is based on the creative ecology theory which has emerged from the creative... more
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Persistent concerns about college graduates' foundational skills for workforce preparedness compels educators to continue exploring ways to address them. Although effective communication is widely regarded as essential for entry-level... more
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      EmployabilityHigher EducationBusiness and Economic EducationCommunication Skills
It is axiomatic that educators hope that students use their skills to improve their communities. “Doing good” in the world outside of academia can often translate into “doing well” in academic work. This is the philosophy of Business... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationEthnographyApplied Anthropology
This paper based on secondary research addresses the holistic dimensions of 'Readiness for Online Teaching and Learning' in the Work From Home format
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      Online LearningResearchBusiness and management educationManagement Consulting