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The purpose of this study is to find longitudinal evidence of the effect of targeted peer victimization (TPV) on depressive cognitions as a function of victimization type and gender. Prospective relations of physical and relational peer... more
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      Clinical PsychologyDepressionBullyingPeer Victimization
Two studies employing a mixed experimental design were conducted to determine if perceptions of bullying, attitudes towards victims, and students' sense of safety at school were influenced by bystanders' reactions to different types of... more
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      School violenceSchool Violence PreventionBullyingSchool Bullying
Ambiti di interesse e finalità Civitas educationis. Education, Politics and Culture è una rivista internazionale peerreviewed che promuove la riflessione e la discussione sul legame fra educazione e politica, intesa come dimensione... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureBullyingComics and Graphic Novels
Aims. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between bullying and burnout and the potential buffering effect psychological detachment might have on this relationship. Background. There is evidence to suggest that bullying is... more
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Η επιθετικότητα και βία στα σχολεία είναι ένα όλο και συχνότερο φαινόμενο, ιδιαιτέρως μάλιστα περίπλοκο, με ποικίλες εκδηλώσεις. Έτσι, το σχολείο αντιπροσωπεύει την περιοχή εκδήλωσης συγκρούσεων μεταξύ παιδιών και μεταξύ ενηλίκων και... more
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      BullyingΚοινωνική Ψυχολογίασχολικός εκφοβισμός
about contact donate submit articles photos videos mixed media the medes is a volunteer collective of academic writers, artists, photographers and videographers advocating for social change workplace violence (part one) by ken johnson.... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
La Sentencia T-713 de 2010 de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia resolvió el caso de un estudiante de un colegio privado que fue sancionado por haber participado en un grupo de la red social Facebook creado bajo la denominación “Yo... more
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      Social NetworksBullyingSchool BullyingFreedom Of Expression
Gresham, F. M. & Elliott, S. N. (2016). Inventário de Habilidades Sociais, Problemas de Comportamento e Competência Acadêmica para Crianças: SSRS Manual de aplicação, Apuração e Interpretação [Del Prette, Z. A. P., Freitas, L. C.,... more
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      PsychologyEducationPsychometricsEmotional/Behavioral Disorders
Bullying occurs at approximately the same rate in kindergarten as in elementary school, but few studies inquired into preschool years . This study aimed at: (1) verifying the presence in preschoolers of two additional participant roles... more
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7. CONSECUENCIAS DEL BULLYING…………………………………………29 7.1. Para la víctima……………………………………………………………..…29 7.2. Para el agresor/a…………………………………………………………...…29 7.3. Para los/as espectadores/as………………………………………………..…30 8. VARIABLES INFLUYENTES EN LAS... more
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      Sports MedicineErgonomicsEvidence Based MedicineHuman Factors
sfruttare le potenzialità del "digitale forte", guidandone gli usi secondo un'idea coerente di quali siano gli obiettivi formativi da raggiungere. E pertanto capace di fornire le competenze necessarie perché tutti i soggetti riescano a... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderBullyingSchool Bullying
Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η κριτική ανάλυση του άρθρου των Kyriakides et al. (2014), που αφορά τον σχεδιασμό στρατηγικών και δράσεων αντιμετώπισης του σχολικού εκφοβισμού, με τη χρήση της δυναμικής προσέγγισης της σχολικής... more
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      EducationEducational LeadershipBullyingSchool Bullying
What is the 19 Days Prevention Campaign? It is a multi-issue CALL TO ORGANIZE FOR ACTION to change social behavior, educate, and mobilize diverse organizations and civil society partners – including young people – to become involved in... more
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      Child abuse and neglectViolence PreventionBullyingChild Labor
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
The aim of the current study was to examine whether moral disengagement and defender self-efficacy at individual level and collective efficacy to stop peer aggression at classroom level were associated with defending and reinforcing in... more
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      Social PsychologyAggression (Psychology)Educational PsychologySelf-Efficacy
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      PsychologyBullyingAdolescentPeer group
We conducted a systematic review to examine first generation immigrant adolescents' likelihood of experiencing bullying, violence, and suicidal behaviours compared to their later-generation and native born counterparts, and to identify... more
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      ViolenceSuicideBullyingImmigrant children
Reducing youth suicide in the United States (U.S.) is a national public health priority, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) youth are at elevated risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention... more
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      Research DesignSexualityImplementation ScienceSuicide
Literature on aggression often suggests that individual deficiencies, such as social incompetence, psychological difficulties, or troublesome home environments, are responsible for aggressive behavior. In this article, by contrast, we... more
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      Social NetworksAggression (Psychology)BullyingSchool Bullying
Since the kick-off in 2015 of the last presidential campaign, a climate of fear and intimidation has dominated national life in the United States to a degree rarely seen before, poisoning our politics and reaching into our very... more
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      Political TheoryWorkplace BullyingPopulismBullying
Research into workplace bullying has only recently begun to investigate preventative measures. This paper continues that emphasis by examining the management of bullying in a sample of New Zealand organisations. In this study, the survey... more
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      MarketingOccupational Health & SafetyWorkplace BullyingBullying
Currently, there are just over 3 million registered nurses in the US, but only 85% are actively working. Approximately 44.7% of the total is 50 years of age or older (HRSA 2010). The aging workforce would ordinarily suggest an imminent... more
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      NursingEmotional intelligenceOrganizational CultureLeadership
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial InteractionBullying
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      PsychologyHierarchical Linear ModelingAdolescent DevelopmentBullying
Objective: This study investigated the extent to which selflabeling as a victim of workplace bullying mediates or moderates the relationship between exposure to bullying and the target's health outcomes. Methods: Data were collected by... more
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      BullyingHealthSocial PerceptionWorkplace
Drawing from an approach-avoidance perspective, we examine the relationships between subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision, fear, defensive silence, and ultimately abusive supervision at a later time point. We also account... more
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyFear
Guía didáctica con actividades para trabajar contra la LGBTIfobia en escuelas secundarias a partir del visionado del documental "Abriendo ventanas".
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      BullyingHomophobiaLGBT StudiesDiversidad Sexual
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      Medical EducationWorkplace BullyingBullying
This study on bullying, carried out in Peru, draws on a mixed research approach (qualitative and quantitative) to assess a prevention program based on social and interpersonal competence. The procedure includes a quasi-experimental design... more
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      Program EvaluationViolence PreventionBullyingSchool Bullying
Work is an important yet understudied life domain for adolescents that has important implications for their development and well-being. Work relationships, particularly with supervisors and coworkers, are critical influences on teens. To... more
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      ErgonomicsHuman FactorsWorkplace BullyingYouth Work
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      Mental HealthSchool PsychologySuicideBullying
Résumé L’étude de cas présentée dans cet article permet d’examiner certaines particularités de l’expérience participative des médias sociaux par les adolescents. L’examen du contenu vidéo mis en ligne sur YouTube par une adolescente... more
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      Social MediaBullyingAdolescentsMédias Sociaux
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This study aimed to examine whether being bullied, fighting, and injury, regarded in terms of frequency and nature, were significantly associated with psychological distress and suicidal behavior, independent of substance abuse and... more
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Poiares, Nuno (2007), “A escola e os comportamentos desviantes: novas tendências”, Questões Sociais Contemporâneas, livro de Atas das VIII Jornadas do Departamento de Sociologia, pp. 227-238, CISA-AS, Universidade de Évora. ISBN:... more
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      BullyingSchool BullyingPoliciaViolencia Escolar
The researcher aimed to determine the bullying behaviors of students as perceived by teachers, guidance counselors and administrators and identify the policies in addressing and preventing such behaviors in Valenzuela City District 1.... more
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Curso de acoso escolar, bullying y ciberbullying. Clausura y desarrollo
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      Workplace BullyingBullyingSchool BullyingConvivencia y Clima escolar
This paper introduces some of the ideas encompassing the bullying problems that are affecting LGBT individuals.
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      LGBT Issues (Education)Bullying
Dominant understanding of LGBTQ students' school experiences has been shaped by discourses that reduce "the problem" to bullies who express homophobic attitudes by targeting LGBTQ peers. In turn, interventions typically focus on... more
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      Queer StudiesSociology of EducationYouth StudiesLGBT Issues (Education)
During the school years, bullying is one of the most common expressions of violence in the peer context. Research on bullying started more than forty years ago, when the phenomenon was defined as 'aggressive, intentional acts carried out... more
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El proceso de formación de pareja se inicia con la coincidencia afortunada de complementaridades idóneas - el amor - , cristaliza después en un pacto, al menos implicito, de relación estable, y se mantiene con el cumplimiento de sus... more
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      BullyingMobbingAcosomaltrato psicológico
This study examined the role of pro-victim attitudes, personal responsibility, coping responses to observations of bullying, and perceived peer normative pressure in explaining defending the victim and passive bystanding behavior in... more
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      PsychologyPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Coping StrategiesSocial Interaction
El maltrato escolar es un tema de reciente investigación en México. El tipo de estudio fue comparativo, expostfacto y transversal, con un muestreo probabilístico; participaron 1552 estudiantes, ambos sexos, con promedio de edad de 14... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyBullyingPsicología
Background: In the Westernised world, numerous children are overweight and have problems with bullying and mental health. One of the underlying causes for all three is postulated to be a decrease in outdoor free play. The aim of the... more
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      Health PromotionMental HealthSocializationBullying
Objective: To evaluate the potential of a 60-minute sexuality diversity workshop to address bullying in secondary schools. Methods: Students completed pre- and post-workshop questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise... more
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      LGBT Issues (Education)Gay And Lesbian StudiesEquality and DiversityBullying
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      PsychologySocial WorkSex and GenderChild abuse and neglect
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      BullyingSchool BullyingLearning DisabilitiesDisability
Using the qualitative participatory action methodology, collective memory work, this study explored how transgender, queer, and questioning (TQQ) youth make meaning of their sexual orientation and gender identity through high school... more
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      BullyingDocumentary FilmLgbtq