Building Technology and Civil Engineering
Recent papers in Building Technology and Civil Engineering
L'articolo riguarda la storia costruttiva e una proposta di riuso della Caserma Valfré di Bonzo di Alessandria
This paper describes the methodology and results obtained after productivity improvement work conducted on two consecutive building construction jobs. The first one was used to evaluate production rates and productivity, current... more
Construction progress monitoring has been perceived as one of the key factors that prompt the achievement of a construction project. However, assessing the progress is time consuming, costly and obliges specialized personnel to reduce... more
El presente artículo está escrito en memoria del Arquitecto Thomas S. Marvel, FAIA (1935-2015). Describe las vidas de Antonín Nechodoma y Frank Bond Hatch, arquitecto y contratista respectivamente quienes colaboraron en innumerables... more
Flat slab is a reinforced concrete structural system supported directly by concrete columns without the use of beams reinforced that includes either drop panels or column capitals at columns to resist heavier loads and thus permit longer... more
Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and Cow Dung Ash (CDA) are agriculturally based pozzolanic materials, these materials are available in huge quantities. This final year project report highlights and presents the results of the study on... more
Il saggio analizza in modo dettagliato l'evoluzione delle tecniche costruttive impiegate nelle caserme Italiane costruite tra l'Unità d'Italia e la seconda guerra mondiale, toccando anche il tema dei metodi di verifica statica, in... more
Article about the construction process of the main building of Telefónica company in Madrid, Spain.
According to the father of Organic Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright as rightly said, that the mother art is Architecture, without Architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization. Art and Architecture should live as a... more
The aim of this study is to develop a decision-making approach in multi-storey housing design that will allow for alterations in the layout of the dwellings at the time of the users' initial moving in and/or at later periods of the use,... more
Similar to concretes, soil cements have increasing strengths with age. More importantly, this type of material has lower elasticity comparatively to solely soils. Being used as road foundation materials, soil cements may have sufficient... more
Opportunities offered by the explosion of Information Technology (IT) tools are not being adequately used to solve productivity, schedule, cost and quality problems faced by the design and construction of industrial projects. The... more
This is an old age saying but ever new, and it is most befitting in context of river, lake or pond quality management. Due to rapid industrialisation and intensive irrigation the flow in our streams is ever decreasing, which is posing... more
It is very essential to consider the effects of lateral loads induced from wind and earthquakes in the design of reinforced concrete structures, especially for high-rise buildings. A computer program is developed to analyze the structural... more
Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas assesmen keandalan bangunan beton bertulang yang berusia lebih dari 30 tahun. Obyek penelitian berada pada 3 lokasi bangunan yaitu Struktur A berlokasi di Jakarta Pusat, Struktur B berlokasi di Tangerang... more
Objective of this paper is study of thermal behavior to a building roof which covered by water layer [add water to (0.64 m²) from roof area] and calculate time of evaporating. Water layer was added to a model the roof and measure the... more
student, Centre André Chastel (Paris, France), guest at Aarhus University invited by Mikkel Thelle, will hold a presentation on:
Infrastructure Asset Management is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing articles on the major aspects of asset management providing an invaluable source to those researching, practising or learning about infrastructure asset-intensive... more
Sinan, her defasında yeni terkipler sunan, bir sonrakine ve gelecek nesillere örnek teşkil eden eserleriyle muhayyilesi oldukça güçlü bir mimardı. Ayrıca, tabiata; fiziğe ve malzemeye yönelik olağanüstü duyarlılığı ile yetenekli bir yapı... more
Infrastructure Asset Management is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing articles on the major aspects of asset management providing an invaluable source to those researching, practising or learning about infrastructure asset-intensive... more
This research aims to analyze the effect of composite pile-PVD (hybrid pile) as the reinforcement in embankment on soft soil by the means of numerical simulation and Full-Scale Trial Embankment. The first phase cunducted by numerical... more
This paper explains the causes of poor communication between contractor and subcontractor and the need for effective communication which is vital to the successful completion of any construction project. Good communication can improve... more
Infrastructure Asset Management is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing articles on the major aspects of asset management providing an invaluable source to those researching, practising or learning about infrastructure asset-intensive... more
Infrastructure Asset Management is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing articles on the major aspects of asset management providing an invaluable source to those researching, practising or learning about infrastructure asset-intensive... more
Light envelopes are more and more frequently used in modern buildings but they do not present sufficient thermal inertia. A solution to increase this inertia is to incorporate a phase change material (PCM) in this envelope. This paper... more
Acoustic Comfort and Acoustic Silence are determinants of tranquility in a worship space. The results presented here are part of a study that investigates the behaviour of acoustically constituted worship parameters in six Catholic... more
Globally construction industry has enormous growth year by year. This leads to increase the need for construction materials. We are taking the materials from natural resources because of this natural resource depletion occurs at a faster... more
Light envelopes are more and more frequently used in modern buildings but they do not present sufficient thermal inertia. A solution to increase this inertia is to incorporate a phase change material (PCM) in this envelope. This paper... more
L'articolo riguarda la storia costruttiva e una proposta di riuso della Caserma Bixio di Casale Monferrato (PV)
... The methodology proposed for assessment of seismic vulnerability of existing buildings inhistorical centres concerns the application of simply kinematics models able to describe the mechanical behaviour of structural components and... more
This paper presents research results that describe how value generation can be improved in the design process of industrial projects when using computer advanced visualization tools ͑CAVT͒. The CAVT concept definition, prior studies about... more
A table of contents for 10 volumes each of seven chapters in astroparticle physics, energy & building, a summary of research work and innovation & ideas garnered over 20 years at the University of Zambia, University of the Witwatersrand... more
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning(IJCIVLE)is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. The journal is... more
Light envelopes are more and more frequently used in modern buildings but they do not present sufficient thermal inertia. A solution to increase this inertia is to incorporate a phase change material (PCM) in this envelope. This paper... more
Το διατηρητέο βιομηχανικό συγκρότημα της Ζυθοποίας ΦΙΞ, που βρίσκεται επί της οδού 26ης Οκτωβρίου στην Θεσσαλονίκη εμπίπτει στις διατάξεις του Ν. 3028/02 "για την Προστασία των Αρχαιοτήτων και εν γένει της Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς" (ΦΕΚ... more
Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal (CiVEJ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. The journal is... more
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning(IJCIVLE)is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. The journal is... more
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning(IJCIVLE)is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. The journal is... more
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning(IJCIVLE)is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. The journal is... more
Building projects are not a core competency of local government. Most local governments have someone in charge of facilities, but they have little internal expertise, when compared to a major corporate or institutional entity. As a... more