The efficiency of photovoltaic modules depends mainly on the cell operating temperatures. Performance enhancement of building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) panels by passive cooling has been investigated both experimentally and with... more
The efficiency of photovoltaic modules depends mainly on the cell operating temperatures. Performance enhancement of building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) panels by passive cooling has been investigated both experimentally and with... more
On the road towards Low or Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB), both a reduction of energy demand and on-site electricity generation from renewable energy systems becomes necessary. Recently, Photovoltaics (PVs) have been widely used in modern... more
Renewable energy policies emphasize both the utilization of renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency. Over the past decade, built-in photovoltaic (BIPV) technologies have mostly focused on using photovoltaic ideas... more
In this paper, the methodology used to assess the probability of no impact of space debris and meteoroids on a spacecraft structure was applied to the space station solar array assembly. Starting with the space debris and meteoroids flux... more
This Research is focusing to design technical and financial viability of Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) from a study case of existing building in Jakarta, first by reduce Building’s energy consumption and employing renewable energy... more
This study evaluates thermal comfort and energy efficiency in residential buildings in Oran and Béchar, Algeriaregions with contrasting climates. Using TRNSYS dynamic simulation, it examines how three types of building envelopes affect... more
Design and performance of photovoltaic power system
Numerous increases in CO2 emissions are recognizable nowadays. Consequently, building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) glows up as a trendy future solution. BIPVs are introduced by substituting one of the building components with a green... more
One of the biggest challenges is towards ensuring large-scale integration of photovoltaic systems into buildings. This work is aimed at presenting a building integrated photovoltaic system power prediction concerning the building’s... more
A significant part of the world global energy consumption is used to heat and/or and cool buildings. While insulation regulations are gradually strengthened in several counties, decentralized energy generation (such as the... more
A significant part of the world global energy consumption is used to heat and/or and cool buildings. While insulation regulations are gradually strengthened in several counties, decentralized energy generation (such as the... more
Photovoltaic semi-transparent materials (STPV) integrated into glazing systems can offer good potential for energy saving to buildings, influencing heating loads, cooling loads, and lighting, as well as electricity production. Moreover,... more
The paper outlines the basic information on photovoltaic conversion of solar radiation on solar cells made of different materials (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous silicon, etc.), as well as on building integrated photovoltaic... more
The paper outlines the basic information on photovoltaic conversion of solar radiation on solar cells made of different materials (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous silicon, etc.), as well as on building integrated photovoltaic... more
The paper focuses on the analysis and assessment of the possibilities of building integrated PV (BIPV) systems of 1 kW electricity generation in Banja Luka in the Republic of Srpska. Special attention was paid to average monthly sum of... more
This work presents various models developed and implemented within the SOPHIA European project in order to thermally characterize PV modules in a rooftop BIPV configuration. Different approaches have been considered, including a linear... more
Currently, the use of renewable energy sources in electrical networks has increased more than ever before, owing to its clean, low-cost, and long-term characteristics. In small-scale networks, such as hybrid networks, energy management... more
The availability of energy is a key factor affecting sustainable development. Consumers losing electricity supply due to constraints on electrical power utilities is very common in developing countries. In this paper the technical and... more
The availability of energy is a key factor affecting sustainable development. Consumers losing electricity supply due to constraints on electrical power utilities is very common in developing countries. In this paper the technical and... more
The evaluation of the impact of a transparent BIPV glass on an office building energy demands is presented for two climatic areas in Spain. The BIPV glass evaluated is a currently in development innovative technology consisting of a... more
Kumdere is a village located in İpsala, Edirne Turkey. This village's drinking water needs is provided with drawn water from the well. Water in the well is sent to the tank by a pump. The water, located in tank, meet the drinking water... more
Technological advancement in Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) has converted the building façade into a renewable energy-based generator. The BIPV façade is designed to provide energy generation along with conventional design... more
In this thesis, three BIPV-installations has been simulated, the simulated results of each system have been compared to actual production for the real system. The parameters which are assessed in this thesis are production, performance... more
In this paper, analytical expressions have been derived for room air temperature of building integrated semitransparent photovoltaic thermal (BISPVT) and building integrated opaque photovoltaic thermal (BIOPVT) systems each integrated to... more
Numerous increases in CO2 emissions are recognizable nowadays. Consequently, building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) glows up as a trendy future solution. BIPVs are introduced by substituting one of the building components with a green... more
Performance, quality and reliability issues are becoming more and more important for the emerging photovoltaic markets worldwide. PV-grid connected systems allows consumer to reduce energy consumption from the electricity grid and, also,... more
This paper is aimed to provide a holistic understanding on the issues related to partial shading: its causes, the theoretical and physical reasons behind it, its implications on the BIPV system. Furthermore the possible mitigation... more
In the building sector there is a new tendency to integrate solar thermal technologies into buildings. These systems are known as Building-Integrated Solar Thermal (BIST) systems and offer several advantages in comparison with the... more
The paper is focused on analyzing a first grid connected PV system recently installed in the building of Institute of Geosciences, Energy, Water and Environment, composed by two sets of 12 panels of crystalline silicon modules connected... more
Developing Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NyZEB) represents a path toward sustainable communities and is required by international regulations, starting with 2018. Combined measures for reducing the energy demand and increasing the share... more
Climate change is a global concern that has a significant impact on urban environments. Cities contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, estimated to be 75% of global CO2 emissions. To combat this issue, it's necessary to... more
One of the most abundant renewable energy resources is solar energy. In the construction sector, buildings are the largest human fabric intercepting solar radiation; they are a driving sector for developing solar energy uses especially... more
h i g h l i g h t s • The energy analysis of a-Si semi-transparent PV module integrated on Trombe wall faç ade is evaluated. • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been applied to predict the temperature and velocity distribution in the... more
Most issues carried out about building integrated photovoltaic (PV) system performance show average losses of about 20%-25% in electricity production. The causes are varied, e.g., mismatching losses, partial shadows, variations in... more
This study aims at making an environmental assessment of the integration of active solar energy systems on building envelopes in southern Europe. More specifically, it focuses on energy production of active solar systems, as well as on... more
Building-Integrated Solar Thermal (BIST) systems are a new tendency in the building sector and provide multiple advantages in comparison with the Building-Added (BA) installations. The present paper is a critical review about solar system... more
Building-Integrated Solar Thermal (BIST) systems are a new tendency in the building sector and provide multiple advantages in comparison with the Building-Added (BA) installations. The present paper is a critical review about solar system... more
By the growth of global energy consumption and the increasing integration of renewable energies to the building, it becomes urgent to find innovative materials while increasing efficiency from energy conversions and lowering manufacturing... more
Building retrofitting is seen as an efficient method for improving a building’s energy performance. On the other hand, when historical buildings are considered for this procedure, retrofitting gets more complicated. As historical... more
In this paper, the basic information of BIPV systems and results of theoretical and experimental investigation of electrical energy generated by differently oriented PV modules as elements of BIPV systems in Banja Luka, are given. It was... more
Photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system showed that it can combine the thermal energy system and the photovoltaic energy system to form a composite photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system. The system generates both thermal and electrical energy... more
Buildings consume large amounts of energy, and their transformation from energy users to producers has attracted increasing interest in the quest to help optimize the energy share, increasing energy efficiency and environmental... more
This paper discusses applications of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) to retrofit residential buildings in Egypt to self-produce their own Energy needs, as the residential sector is the largest consumer of fossil fuels in Egypt.... more
Optimization of Passive Solar Design and Integration of Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) System in Northern Housing and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of complies with the regulations... more
Green Economy is a sustainable economic activity to be able to improve people's welfare without neglecting the impact that causes damage to the environment. This concept prioritizes economic activities with low carbon emissions.... more
This paper show on impact of temperature decrease applied in Building Integrate Photovoltaics (BIPV) dimensioned on a photovoltaic solar tile with a superimposed photovoltaic arrangement model, in conditions of simulation of Standard Test... more