Buddhist Translation

26 papers
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Buddhist Translation is the scholarly practice of rendering Buddhist texts from one language to another, focusing on preserving the original meanings, cultural contexts, and philosophical nuances. This field encompasses linguistic analysis, historical context, and the impact of translation on the dissemination and interpretation of Buddhist teachings across different cultures.
The figure of bhikṣuṇī Mahāprajāpatī-the first recognized Buddhist nun-and the narratives surrounding her have been a constant source of validation for the ordination of women in Buddhism. Sometime in or around the fifth century CE, a new... more
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In this paper, I argue that the core, and probably also the earliest layer, of Devadatta’s image depicts him not as an evildoer, but as the first schismatic monk to appear during the Buddha’s lifetime. Many elements of his schismatic... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The “Dual Ordination” (erbuseng jie 二部僧戒) is a Vinaya-based ordination procedure introduced to China from Śrī Laṅkā in the fifth century; in the late imperial period it came to be included in the main ordination system. It stipulates that... more
本文编译自罗伯塔·瑞妮(Raine,2010;2011;2014)一系列有关藏传佛教翻译史的文章。文章通过文献调查的方式,就藏地佛经译者的组织形式、基本数据和译经规范进行了描述和分析。研究发现,藏传佛教“前弘期”的佛经译者以王室统一资助为主,而“后弘期”译者的组织则相对零散。译者数据方面,藏史中有记载的佛经译者总数为707人,包括本土译师336人及印度班智达371人,不过,译者传记中对翻译活动的记录十分有限。此外,“前弘期”还产生了《翻译名义大集》、《语合二章》等珍贵的翻译辞... more
Az aszkézis módjai az Udumbarika-sutta három kínai fordításában Az Udumbarika-sutta a páli nyelvű buddhista kánon, a Tipitaka ('Hármas kosár') Sutta-pitaka ('Beszédek kosara') egységében a legelső, 34 beszédből álló Dīghanikāya ('Hosszú... more
Copyright Notice: Digital copies of this work may be made and distributed provided no change is made and no alteration is made to the content. Reproduction in any other format, with the exception of a single copy for private study,... more
Copyright Notice: Digital copies of this work may be made and distributed provided no change is made and no alteration is made to the content. Reproduction in any other format, with the exception of a single copy for private study,... more
The institute of southeast asian studies (iseas) was established as an autonomous organization in 1968. It is a regional research centre dedicated to the study of socio-political, security and economic trends and developments in Southeast... more
As Buddhism travelled to the East, so did its languages. Sanskrit, and even some texts in Prakrits like Gāndhārī gradually found their way into China. But these sacred texts did not contain mere narratives—they also had mantras—potent... more
[摘要] “案本而传”的忠实翻译观在中国传统译论中始终占有重要位置,然而,翻译史的诸多事实显示,有关“变译”的案例不胜枚举。通过梳理佛经汉译相关文献,本文从词汇转换、文体调整及语篇构建三个层面,着重探讨了佛经翻译初期格义迂阔、偈颂变体、异本会译三种变译形式,撮要举隅,以期引发读者对佛经译史中诸多变译事实的思考。总之,佛经变译不仅是语言形式的转变,也是中印文化交融会通的代表,更体现着佛教思想在中国的本土化传播过程。 [关键词] 佛经汉译;案本而传;变译;文化交融... more
Many scholars are aware that the Taishō Tripitaka contains many errors: attribution, dating of the sutras, typography, punctuations, textual errors, etc. The correct punctuation of a sutra is not a luxury; instead it is a basic... more
As the first of three articles, the present essay explores the character of selected aspects of early Buddhism in order to assess its potential relevance as a reference point for those engaged in research on mindfulness in psychology. The... more
From the very beginning of the establishment of Buddhist communities, guidelines for the monastic life were set up. Among these guidelines, the rules for food and clothing occupy a particular position. Food and clothing became the symbols... more
Review of Jan Nattier's Studies on Buddhist Texts translated by Zhi Qian(支谦,fl. 222)
This paper reconsiders the long-held view that Chapter 36 of the Nanhai jigui neifa zhuan or "Record of the Inner Law Sent Home from the South Seas" written by the Chinese pilgrim Yijing is a translation of a long passage from the... more
In the latest decades the concept of translation has dramatically changed: we have gone from absolute equivalence to a widening of the definition of this field which sometimes reaches unforeseen limits. Translation certainly reflects the... more
This is the second of two articles on recently discovered and transcribed Prātimokṣasūtras with unusual features. It discusses an anomalous Prātimokṣasūtra fragment in a Saint Petersburg collection that cannot be matched to any known... more
הספר "מראה אל מסורת הזן" נכתב ב-1564 על ידי אחד מגדולי נזירי קוריאה, היו-ג'ונג, הידוע גם בכינויו "ההר המערבי". היו-ג'ונג ליקט מבחר ציטוטים ואזכורים מרכזיים מן הכתבים הבודהיסטים והוסיף פרשנויות על מנת לספק לתלמידי הזן מבוא ומפת דרכים... more
The transmission of Indian Buddhism to China is one comparatively successful example put forward by peace, in the communication history of ancient human civilization, in which Kumārajīva translating Buddhist scriptures is one important... more
The translation is not an easy task or career, especially for changeable linguistic development and contextual cross-cultural difference, such as translation from Sanskrit
1. T100《別譯雜阿含經》的翻譯為依據寫本,還是依據默誦?
2. T100《別譯雜阿含經》與T99《雜阿含經》的文本譜系關係。
An argument about the parallels among SN, T99 and T100
Réflexion autour du Kalama Sutra et la nouvelle traduction de ce sutra. Celui qui de ce sutra s'écarte d'un mot fait alors oeuvre du diable. « Les bouddhas désapprouvent la lecture littérale des sutras », dit une certaine tradition. Mais... more
Translation is one of the fundamental resources and conditions for religious propagation. As it relates so closely to the spread of Buddhist teachings, we may see translation as a specific manifestation of the Bodhisattva Way. Thus, we... more
This essay is an offspring of a graduate thesis in progress in Translation Studies about the life and activities of Dharma Master Kumarajiva (344-413), one of the most remarkable translators in history. Based on significant biographical... more
The translation of the Buddhist corpus to Chinese at the beginning of the 5th century was one of the highest summits in the history of Translation (Waley 1952) (Chandra 2011). In many aspects, it changed human civilization as a whole, as... more
Mit diesem kleinen Aufsatz möchten wir uns in dem Gedenken an unseren verehrten Kollegen und Freund Kōgi Kudara einem Werk zuwenden, dessen alttürkische Version auf das Wirken Šiŋko Šäli Tutuŋs zurückgeführt wird. Das Leben und Wirken... more
Translation is one of the fundamental resources and conditions for religious propagation. As it relates so closely to the spread of Buddhist teachings, we may see translation as a specific manifestation of the Bodhisattva Way. Thus, we... more
The translation of the Buddhist corpus to Chinese at the beginning of the 5th century was one of the highest summits in the history of Translation (Waley 1952) (Chandra 2011). In many aspects, it changed human civilization as a whole, as... more
This article looks at some of the different ways in which the use of the term " da zhangfu " or " great gentleman " is exercised in the writings of seventeenth-century Buddhist monks and laymen in reference to religious women. These uses... more
Women & femininity in the Tibetan Buddhist cultural area / Femmes et féminité dans l'aire culturelle bouddhiste tibétaine version 9 décembre 2015.
作者 無著比丘 Bhikkhu Anālayo              譯者 蘇錦坤 When studying the practice of healing in early Buddhism, a central source of information are Vinaya narratives, in particular those found in the Pāli Vinaya. Here particularly the cures... more