Buddhist Studies
Recent papers in Buddhist Studies
What implications does the Srin-mo, a pre-Buddhist deity who traverses across almost all of the periods of time in Tibetan religious life, have on the social status of women? Embodying the places and spaces of Tibet, a malevolent demoness... more
Cet article examine le traitement d'une problématique essentielle de l'oeuvre, et en particulier des ateliers de comparaison de Marcel Detienne, l'essentialisme, à travers ses publications concernant le Japon.
and Erik Braun (University of Virginia), provides a series of essays from scholars in the humanistic disciplines-religious studies and philosophy in particularon the issues surrounding the recent surge of scientific studies of Buddhist... more
2016 Madison South Asia Conference Abstract - Indian Buddhist ritual texts (ca. 6th-7th centuries CE) detail a systematization of mantra families (kulas) through which female deities gain new importance in Mahāyāna ritual and... more
This paper examines the influence of Christianity in the formation of new Buddhism and the reformation agenda of traditional Buddhism during the first half of the twentieth century in Korea. By new Buddhism, I am specifically referring... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
In order to create a better future in the struggle with climate change, many people are turning to Buddhism and its environmental principles of interconnectedness and compassion. But do Buddhist values really lead to ecological... more
A study of Buddhist sculptures of women at Sāñchī and Kanaganahalli, with profound implications for Buddhism and for the understanding of the origin of Christianity. (A revision which I recently made is this: I have replaced the earlier... more
The Western reception of Buddhism has long been tied in knots over the seemingly intractable question: is it a religion or a philosophy? French philosopher Pierre Hadot's constructive redeployment of Ignatius Loyola's idea of "spiritual... more
“Stuart has elected not to describe the nature of Goenka’s practice and the detailed (and easily accessible) theory that underpins it. … [T]he biographer describes Goenka as ‘dedicated to serving as a powerful channel for his teacher’s [U... more
A jegyzetek a fordító, Fórizs László, és a szerkesztő, Szamanéra Gambhíró megjegyzései. Kiadta: Aruna Publications, Aruna Ratanagiri Buddhist Monastery, Harnham Hall Cottages, Harnham, Belsay, Northumberland, NE20 0HF UK © 2012Harnham... more
Lecture published in Religion and Family in East Asia edited by George Devos and Takeo Sofue. Senri Ethnological Studies 11. National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka, 1984
Souvent présentée comme incertaine, l'étymologie du mot « pagode » peut être clarifiée et considérée comme la rencontre de deux mots, l'un indien, l'autre chinois. Ce que ce mot désigne a fortement évolué : autrefois polysémique, « la... more
Academic study of the tantric traditions has blossomed in recent decades, in no small measure thanks to the magisterial contributions of Alexis G. J. S. Sanderson, until 2015 Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at Oxford... more
Poceski, Mario. Introducing Chinese Religions. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. Also available in an e-book format, as Chinese Religions: The eBook (published by JBE Online Books), and in a Portuguese translation: Introdução às... more
Nagarjuna, philosophe bouddhiste fondateur de l'école du Madhyamaka du Milieu au II° siècle, est reconnu comme un Patriarche autant par les écoles tibétaines que par le zen japonais. Il influencera notament l'Hanna Shingyo, le célèbre... more
In this work, I will show that the central doctrine of the Four Noble Truths spells out the Buddha's objection to the imaginary great Self in the Upanishadic thought.
2017 The ten ox-herding pictures are some of the most famous illustrations in Buddhism. The commentaries that have been written on these pictures are vast and wide. In this workbook I've taken the opportunity to share my views about the... more
This is the handout for a presentation I gave in February of 2020 in Heidelberg at the workshop "Textual and Visual Sources on Buddhist Meditation: 56 Years after the First Publication of the ‘Buddhist Yoga Manual.’" The talk was... more
The question of how buddha nature (tathāgatagarbha) relates to Yogācāra psychology, and this tradition's idea of a substratum consciousness (ālayavijñāna) in particular, has long been a focus of intense discussion and debate among... more
Buddhism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It began in the 6th century BCE in Nepal. Today, it has an international following of over 500 million people. But Buddhism isn’t a single set of beliefs or practices. In fact,... more
The relationship between Buddhist psychology and the Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapeutic model is notable. Both assert that what we commonly think of as our 'self' is actually an aggregate of myriad parts acting from unmet desires,... more
The Buddha: From Birth to Renunciation "Monks, there is a unique Being, an extraordinary person, who has appeared in the world for the welfare of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world, for the good,... more
This article deals with an important festival in Tibet dedicated to the future Buddha Maitreya. It was held on three days in summer when three giant thangkas showing Buddhas Amitābha, Śākyamuni and Maitreya were put on public display.... more
Membership in Newar Buddhist monasteries includes individuals from the Vajrācārya and Śākya castes who serve as Tantric Buddhist householder monks. Of this population, the ten eldest members of each monastery are known as the Daśa... more
The book is a critical biography and select translation of Sahodaran Ayyappan one of the lead disciples of Narayanaguru and a pioneer of letters, journalism, democracy and human rights in Kerala. He was a champion of the dalit rights and... more
This spreadsheet compares the three teachings, in the way I believe the Buddha instructed monks to do in Council in DN 29, for the purpose of keeping the teaching pure. Link to the document:... more
Designed a poster for the twelve links (nidāna): Dependent Origination (paṭiccasamuppāda). This was a desideratum as I am running a Monday Q&A session on every nidāna. Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 12.2) and Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta, (MN 09) are my... more
As an incredibly diverse religious system, Buddhism is constantly changing. The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism offers a comprehensive collection of work by leading scholars in the field that tracks these changes up to the... more
The story of the discovery and interpretation of India for the European mind is really exciting. Not-so we shall regret the discovery geogrdfico, linguistic and literary, or shipments and searches, in a word, everything that constitutes... more
Paper for the panel: The Viṣṇudharma and the Śivadharma: points of influence and divergence, 33. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Jena, Germany, 18–22 September 2017 * Published now in the Introduction to the book "A Śaiva Utopia" on... more
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