Buddhist Scriptures

32 papers
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Buddhist Scriptures are the sacred texts of Buddhism, encompassing a diverse collection of writings that include teachings attributed to the Buddha, commentaries, and philosophical discourses. These texts are foundational to Buddhist doctrine and practice, preserved in various languages such as Pali, Sanskrit, and Tibetan, and are categorized into different canons, notably the Tripitaka.
I initially wrote this article in French, then translated it into English and Lao, publishing each version separately: the Lao version titled Ariya-puggala - Lao A4 01.pdf, the French version Les êtres nobles - Corps 12 A4.pdf, and the... more
Aims: This paper aims to reject misinterpretations and to point out proper interpretation. Research problem: Why did Ven. Anuruddha explain ten fetters subdividing into two categories: Suttanta and Abhdiahmma? Research Method and... more
In this paper, I argue that latent tendencies (anusaya) in early Buddhism are not subconscious/unconscious entities, but that later schools came to view them as such because this view helps them to answer the question of how noble persons... more
Sacred Languages are languages that are considered to have a special, often religious, significance. They are used primarily for religious and spiritual purposes and are often believed to be divine or holy in nature. The conference... more
The earliest discourses of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, recorded in the Pali canon of the Theravada School, provide a refreshing, earthy wisdom that invites the listener into inquiry rather than belief. The Buddha lived... more
This paper is mainly concerned with the carving and publication of the Weimojie suoshuojing zhishu 維摩詰所說經直疏 in the Chosŏn Dynasty. It discusses in detail the carving onto woodblock of Buddhist scriptures in the Chosŏn Dynasty, the figures... more
Translation of the Guhyadhātudhāraṇī, Toh 507 / 883 The Dhāraṇī for Secret Relics, often referred to by its abbreviated Sanskrit title, Guhya­dhātu­dhāraṇī, or sometimes also by its alternative title Karaṇḍa­mudrā­dhāraṇī, is a short... more
Buddhism continues to play an important part in the lives of many in both China and India. This essay seeks to determine both the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of Buddhist development in China. Broadly, it first tackles the question of how Buddhism... more
The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) Haley’s model of human perceptual space category used to create the metaphorical expression of craving in the Tanha Vagga verse of the Dhammapada scripture, (2) the distribution of Haley's... more
The Journal of Daoist Studies (JDS) is an annual publication dedicated to the scholarly exploration of Daoism in all its different dimensions. Each issue has three main parts: Academic Articles on history, philosophy, art, society, and... more
This short piece concentrates on the question whether rape is included among actions to be avoided according to Buddhist universal ethics or not.
What distinguishes Mahua Buddhist prose from other Mahua prose is the selection of the Buddhist themes, accompanied by numerous quotes such as the teachings of Buddha and grandmaster in Buddhist Classics, rhymes and Zen case (Koan and... more
Not long ago, during my PhD research, I came across some texts which have a special connection to Fugen Enmei bosatsu 普賢延命菩薩, a unique deity of Japanese esoteric Buddhism. These texts and their core notion of longevity are intriguing,... more
晚明書畫家董其昌(1555-1636)對小楷用功甚深,他積極訪求古代作品作為學習對象,也為之進行品評、建立譜系,對時人及後代造成極大影響。董其昌在此過程中,拈出... more
Published in the International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 29(1), pp.237-243.
This article aims to understand the meaning, the types and the characteristics of Saṃyojana in Theravāda Buddhist Scriptures, and to understand the doctrinal principles in connection with Saṃyojana. From the study, it is found that... more
Explores definitions, distinctions, and contexts key to understanding the concept of moral injury, and provides abstracts of the other essays in the book. I've decided to upload the full version as it is already available via Google... more
The author points out the three stages of Dhāraṇī Studies since the beginning of 19th c. up to the present day. Thus, the first stage (the beginning of 19th c. — the first third of the 20th c.) is characterized by the fact that the study... more
this article is discussed the form of compilation of the dhammapada. I have given information Pali Language and Literature together with structure of Dhammapada, also language style as poetical way, and etc. As my thinking, it will be... more
Citation: 周文廣 (Jones, Charles B.). : “大藏經是’Canon’嗎?關於中國佛教選集中對“Canon”一詞的用法,” in 大藏經的編修‧流通‧傳承—《徑山藏》國際學術研討會論文集. Chinese trans. Paul Huber. ed. Shi Fazhuang 釋法幢. Hangzhou 杭州: Zhejiang guji publishing 浙江古籍出版社, 2017. p. 361-370.
Poceski, Mario. Manifestation of the Tathāgata: Buddhahood According to the Avatamsaka Sūtra. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1993 (published under the name Cheng Chien Bhikshu). Also published in a German translation, as Alles ist reiner... more
The Chinese Buddhist canon is a systematic collection of all translated Buddhist scriptures and related literatures created in East Asia and has been regarded as one of the “three treasures” in Buddhist communities. Despite its undisputed... more
In this collection, the first of its kind, prominent scholars explore the intersections of research on moral injury in contexts of war and violence and how scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and US civil religion depict... more
by PB Tan
This book provides an effective guide to especially Buddhist practitioners for gauging their daily progress as to path cultivation. It begins with a table of contents (mātikā), enumerating conventional Abhidhamma groups of the 5... more
On Dong Qichang(1555-1636)'s 1612 Landscape Painting.
This paper corrects the first owner of this painting.
It also provides the information about Dong's experience in Hubei and his connections with some other 1589 Presented Scholars.
During the period when Buddhism was initially transmitted to China, foreign monks played an important role, translating and copying Buddhist sūtras. On the basis of a comprehensive review of both literary sources and archaeological... more
Translation of Tibetan version of the Avalokiteśvaraparipṛcchāsaptadharmaka based on ten editions of the Tibetan Kanjur (bka' 'gyur)
The material of noon shadow preserved in the three different Buddhist Scriptures is analyzed and discussed. It is also exposed that these Indian material of noon shadow had been influenced by Babylonian astronomy before they were... more