Recent papers in Bryozoan
1. Habitat-forming bryozoans are here defined as extant, heavily-calcified species which regularly attain sizes over 50 mm in three-dimensions and which contribute significantly to benthic habitat structure as living colonies. 2. Records... more
The study of the uppermost section of the Early Cretaceous Agrio Formation in northern Patagonia (Neuquén Basin) where dinosaur tracks assigned to cf. Therangospodus pandemicus are exposed (tracksites I and II) evidence mixed marginal... more
A new exceptionally preserved marginal marine biota is reported from the Late Ordovician Big Hill Formation of Stonington Peninsula in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The new Lagerstätte hosts a moderately diverse fauna of medusae, linguloid... more
The Gulf of California is recognized as one of the most diverse and productive seas of the world. Nevertheless, marine native fauna is threatened by the current introduction of invasive species. The aim of this study was to detect exotic... more
Thirteen cheilostome bryozoan species from intertidal habitats of Maceió, Alagoas State, Brazil, are reported here. We describe four new species: Aetea cultrata n. sp., Biflustra marcusi n. sp., Biflustra sphinx n. sp. and Jellyella... more
The transition from uniserial to multiserial forms in the evolution of the bryozoan order Cheilostomata resulted from the change from a proxipetal sequence of development of buds in zooids to a distopetal. Possible morphogenetic... more
Aim To describe the distribution of biodiversity and biogeographical patterns of intertidal organisms in southern temperate and polar waters. We hypothesized that there would be differences in community structure between the Antarctic,... more
Post-Cretaceous examples of Electridae, a primitive family of cheilostome bryozoans, are poorly represented in the fossil record, probably because of their thinly calcified zooids and preference for nearshore environments. Two new... more
The state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico harbors the highest faunistic and floristic biodiversity of the region; however, to date, research effort has focused on terrestrial flora and fauna. Despite this bias, there is a large amount of... more
Although hexactinellid sponges occur exclusively in deep and/or cold waters, three species of hex-actinellids have been reported from shallow and warm waters in Oligo-Miocene deposits of the Pirabas Formation in northern Brazil:... more
Here we present the taxonomy of the cheilostome genera Adeonellopsis MacGillivray, 1886 and Reptadeonella Busk, 1884 in Brazil. Of the six species previously reported in Brazilian waters, we include redescriptions of Adeonellopsis... more
The bryozoan Electra posidoniae Gautier is found solely on the leaves of the Neptune grass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, dominating the leaf epifauna of this seagrass. Epiphytes of marine angiosperms (or seagrasses) often play an... more
Short overview of published data concerning the marineand freshwater bryofauna from the Baltic Sea area with focus on their history,ecology, distribution, species list and taxonomy. More than 140 years history ofthe Baltic Sea studies... more
Bryozoans constitute an important component of marine-fouling communities of anthropogenic substrata. Many species have been reported as exotic or widespread around the world, typically in ports and harbors of non-polar regions. Here we... more
Cosmopolitan nature of the marine bryozoan Electra pilosa was studied to clarify geographic structure and to outline evolution and phylogeography of the species. Several local populations from the Northeast Atlantic (North Sea and Baltic... more
L’alga vermella Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F. Schmitz es considerada una espècie aliena a la Mar Mediterrània. Creix a un ampli rang de substrats afectant les comunitats d’invertebrats. L. lallemandii s’assenta a rizomes i fulles... more
We describe the first evidence of sclerobiont bryozoans found loose in the pelagic Maiolica Fm. of the Umbria-Marche Basin (Monte Acuto Massif, Northern Apennines, Italy). The material is represented by three small sub-circular colonies... more
Ernst, A., & May, A., & Marks, S. (2012): Bryozoans, corals, and microfacies of Lower Eifelian (Middle Devonian) limestones at Kierspe, Germany. - Facies, 58: 727-758, 11 figs., 8 tabs.; Erlangen.... more
Ernst, A., & May, A. (2012): Bryozoan fauna from the Lower Devonian (Middle Lochkovian) of Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain. - Journal of Paleontology, 86 (1): 60-80, 12 figs., 10 tabs.; Lawrence/Kansas. A bryozoan fauna containing 11... more
The myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease (PKD), a highly damaging disease of cultured salmonid fish. Within this study, phylactolaemate bryozoans were collected from a... more
21.5.2008 Waulsort …………………………………………………………….…..….. 2 Dinant …………………………………………………………………...….. 2 Anhee ………………………………………………………………………. 3 Watisse ………………………………………………………………….….. 3... more
This study describes and discusses bryozoan taxa and borings associated with carbonate fragments and bioclasts from Destacamento Río Salado Member, Canal de las Escobas Formation, mid-Holocene of northeastern Buenos Aires Province,... more
Three groups of cheilostome bryozoan species, formerly classified in the genus Electra Lamouroux, and possessing branching spines – the feature strictly discriminating them from all other electrids, are placed in three new genera based... more
There are serious concerns that ocean acidification will combine with the effects of global warming to cause major shifts in marine ecosystems, but there is a lack of field data on the combined ecological effects of these changes due to... more
A new species of cheilostome bryozoan of the genus Electra is described from the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Japan. The species Electra korobokkura sp.n. can be distinguished from the closely related species E. arctica by colony morphology... more
Samples from the ESSO petroleum exploration drill core “Groper-1” from the south-eastern Australian continental shelf intersect Early Oligocene sediments and span a time period that saw the first major glaciations of the Cenozoic (“Oi1”... more
Bryozoans belonging to the suborder Malacostegina are commonly found in ports and bays around the world. They are often related to bioinvasion events and can be adapted to life on floating substrata, show tolerance to environmental stress... more
This study investigates the morphogenesis of eolonies of living bryozoans of the order Cheilostomata and the evolution of the pattern of its development. New data on the morphogenesis of more than ten species of living White Sea bryozoans... more
The new genus Einhornia is established for five species of cheilostome bryozoans formerly assigned to the genus Electra. The diagnostic features of the new genus are the presence of a single proximedial spine in zooids and a calcified... more
In 1931, Borg distinguished five ‘‘varieties’’ as morphologically differing from what he perceived as the ‘typical form’ of Electra crustulenta (Pallas, 1766). Taxonomic status has not been resolved for all of those morphotypes. One of... more
The microbial-sponge-bryozoan-coral bioherm of Kongul Yayla in the Central Taurides (South Turkey) contains a rich and diversified fauna. Sponges and rugose corals are of particular interest. The most common taxa are Siphonodendron... more
Morphological and molecular analyses have proven to be complementary tools of taxonomic information for the redescription of the ctenostome bryozoans Amathia brasiliensis Busk, 1886 and Amathia distans Busk, 1886. The two species,... more
The state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico harbors the highest faunistic and floristic biodiversity of the region; however, to date, research effort has focused on terrestrial flora and fauna. Despite this bias, there is a large amount of... more
Post-Cretaceous examples of Electridae, a primitive family of cheilostome bryozoans, are poorly represented in the fossil record, probably because of their thinly calcified zooids and preference for nearshore environments. Two new... more
The Pirabas Formation in Pará State, Brazil, contains a very rich and diverse fauna of Early Miocene age, including several groups of invertebrates and vertebrates. Previous studies of bryozoans from Brazil included two species of... more