Brothers Grimm
Recent papers in Brothers Grimm
This paper focuses on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. The paper discusses, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Cinderella, Snow White and the Sever Dwarfs among other fairy tales from a feminist perspective.
The metafictional nature of the Sleeping Beauty tale has gone largely unappreciated. Underlying the story's obvious themes and motifs-birth, death/sleep, rebirthand complicating its gender dynamic is a preoccupation with orality and... more
Los cuentos de Grimm nacieron en el seno de la literatura germánica; los de Andersen, en el de la escandinava. Sin perder de vista su cuna en sus tradiciones respectivas de la Europa Septentrional, desde hace ya bastantes años esos... more
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, attitudes toward history and national identity fostered a “romantic” rediscovery of folk and fairy tales. This is the period of the Golden Age of folk and fairy tales, when European folklorists... more
Abstrakt: Die Einleitung des Märchens Der Hase und der Igel ist gleichsam eine Anleitung, wie Märchen und Mythen zu verstehen sind. Nämlich in keiner Weise wörtlich, wie manche Gläubige die Heiligen Schriften sehen, sondern als Parabel... more
Der Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe und Tieck beginnt im Jahr 1798 und endet am 24. September 1829. In diesen 31 Jahren ist aber die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Dichtern voller Spannungen und Missverständnissen. Man kann nicht einen... more
A Grimm testvérek világhírű mesegyűjteménye, a Kinder-und Hausmärchen több mint kétszáz esztendővel ezelőtt jelent meg először. A19. századi magyar folklórkutatás, különösen a népmesegyűjtés, -kiadás és -értelmezés története... more
Zarys treści: Baśnie braci Grimm należą do kanonu literatury światowej, a zainteresowanie nimi nie słabnie. Czytelnik (naukowiec) polski zwykle obcuje z baśniami Grimmów za sprawą przekładu, więc recepcja baśni w Polsce zależy od... more
A Brief Look at the Role of Fairies in Grimm's Fairy Tales
La Teoria dels Polisistemes ofereix l'oportunitat de fer una lectura dels contes de Perrault i dels Grimm a partir del seu context històric, a partir del paper que té la literatura infantil en cada segle, i ens ofereix entendre quines... more
BOOKS Alice in Transmedia Wonderland. Curiouser and Curio ser New Forms of a Children’s Classic. Jefferson: McFarland, 2016. (forthcoming) Body-Texts in the Novels of Angela Carter. Writing from a Corporeagraphic Point of View . Lewiston,... more
Today’s well-known fairy tales date back to the 19th century. At the beginning, they were both for adults and children but nowadays fairy tales are written for children only. These tales have had an important role in societies;... more
Kleine Formen – großes Werk. Die Arbeitsmaterialien im wissenschaftlichen Nachlass der Brüder Grimm Das Forschungsprojekt nimmt den umfangreichsten, bislang aber am wenigsten erforschten Teil des Nachlasses der Brüder Grimm in den Blick:... more
Masallarla Toplumsal Cinsiyet bağlamında Grimm Kardeşler - Uyuyan Güzel ve Samed Behrengi - Küçük Kara Balık İncelemesi
Voici mes notes et le diaporama "papier" que j'ai présenté lors de la soutenance de ma note d'investigation de Master 1 (IED - Sciences de l'éducation - EFIS - Education tout au long de la vie)
A certain strata of the Hungarian folk tales comes from the Grimm brothers’ Kinder und Hausmärchen. Even if the volume of István Nagy entitled Gyermek s házi regék (1861) is considered the first translation of the collection, this volume... more
Scrutinizes a short Latin poem written in the first quarter of the eleventh century, and refutes Alan Dundes's dismissal of literary evidence and to underscore the pertinence of studying medieval literature in coming to grips with that... more
Fairy tales for the time of crisis: The paper concerns a conference „Grimm2 – The Power of Two Brothers. On the 200th anniversary of the first edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen” which was organized in Warsaw on 16-17.03.2012 by Fairy... more
Discussing relevant passages in both the Grimms’ original appendix to their collection and Bernhard Heller’s essay contribution to Bolte and Polívka’s “Notes” to the Grimms’ tales, the present essay explores the connections between the... more
This is an investigation into the idea of a link between literature and nation-building, proposed by Benedict Anderson, Timothy Brennan, Salman Rushdie, and Salman Rushdie. This paper utilizes their ideas to interpret well-known Grimms'... more
This term paper deals with the characterization of (evil) witches in literature. How does it change and what type of women are represented.
Este artigo propõe uma análise estilística de fragmentos do conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho nas versões de Charles Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm, apontando suas diferenças.
“Hansel and Gretel” is not only one of the brothers Grimm’s most famous tales, but has been used for educational purposes since its publication in 1812. During the 19th century, the Grimm’s Children and Household Tales even were, together... more
The fairy tale or folk tale is the most widespread and possibly oldest form of literature: an unpretentious, dreamy type of story, without an identifiable author, recounting miraculous events that are set in some indefinite place and... more
Nel mondo esistono diverse versioni della stessa fiaba. In Italia, Giambattista Basile ha raccolto nel suo Pentamerone molteplici fiabe tra cui: La Gatta cenerentola, Sole, Luna e Talia, Gagliuso, Petrosinella, Ninnillo e Nennella e La... more
The Brothers Grimm were criticized by contemporaries for having altered the form and content of the originals they had collected, and also because they retained elements that might wound the sensibilities of younger readers. This... more
This research paper is about in The Little Red Riding Hood how patriarchal discourse reveals itself in the attitudes of characters and their way of acting, also it is directly related the traditional values towards women during the 17 th... more
This is a literary translation of the fairy tale “Petrosinella”, present in the book Lo cunto de li cunti ovvero lo trattenemiento de peccerille (The tale of the tales or the entertainment of the little boys), also called Pentamerone... more
The concept of "fairy tale" was introduced to China in the early twentieth century. Subsequently, a wave of collecting and publishing fairy tales, along with other genres of folklore, spread all over China. By the early 1930s, the most... more
"I don't remember:" The Mythology of Retelling Fairy Tales.
University of Amsterdam, 2013.
research master Cultural Analysis
"I don't remember:" The Mythology of Retelling Fairy Tales.
University of Amsterdam, 2013.
research master Cultural Analysis
Fairy tales are an archive of each era’s societal norms and dynamics. In particular, this paper studies feminine empowerment across generations by comparing one such tale, the Brothers Grimm’s 'Little Briar-Rose', more commonly referred... more
The present announcement is part of the postgraduate dissertation "Narration and Fairy Tales: The Contribution of Theater/ Drama in Education on the Revision of the Grimm Brothers’ Tales" which is part of the Postgraduate Degree in... more
K. Kowalczyk, Sfilmuję ci bajeczkę… Pornograficzne adaptacje baśni na przykładzie Czerwonego Kapturka [w:] Bękarty X Muzy. Filmowe adaptacje materiałów nieliterackich, red. K. Kowalczyk, P. Dudziński, R. Dudziński, Wrocław 2015, s. 83–95.
Grimm tales in 19th-century Hungarian chapbooks. Review of a forthcoming source collection. The paper and the accompanying extract present a collection of texts bearing the working title Grimm Tales in Hungarian Chapbooks (1860–1900). The... more
Dolgozatom középpontjában az 1860-as években Vachott Sándorné Csapó Mária által különböző kiadványokban elszórtan közölt Grimm- és Andersen mesefordítások állnak. A történeti folklorisztika szempontjából a meseszövegek fordítás- és... more
O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a importância de Jacob e Wilhelm Grimm para as ciências humanas e a sua progressiva transformação em “heróis culturais”. Primeiramente os autores situam a obra dos irmãos Grimm no contexto histórico,... more
This is the second edition of the 3-volume "Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales." Revised and expanded, "Folktales and Fairy Tales" has over 100 additional, new entries and a 4th volume that is an anthology of fairy-tale... more
Jacob Grimm and the Lithuanian Language - I. Studies and Correspondence This article summarizes Jacob Grimm’s research on the Baltic languages and cultures, Lithuanian in particular. Although Grimm never published an exclusive textbook... more
The paper explores the fairy tale of Rapunzel and other tales typed as Aarne-Thompson 310. Rapunzel lives a magical, enchanted life but is also imprisoned and detached. She has great potential but something must happen for that potential... more
"Jan M. Ziolkowski not only provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical debates about fairy tale origins but includes an extensive discussion of the relationship of the fairy tale to both the written and oral sources. Ziolkowski... more
La Bella addormentata nel bosco è una celebre fiaba europea. Il tema della fanciulla addormentata è difatti un elemento ricorrente nel folklore europeo; ciononostante, questo racconto di fate ha una tradizione orale limitata. Questo... more
Riflessioni storiche e giuridiche sulla fiaba popolare "Frau Holle" pubblicate a p. 42 del giornale diocesano pavese "Il Ticino" nel giorno 24.12.2021
Dieser Artikel verfolgt die These, dass Armut nicht nur ein allgegenwärtiges Geschichtenmotiv darstellt, sondern – als greifbare Manifestation von Mangel – sogar als Konstruktionsprinzip bzw. als Grundbedingung fürs Erzählen... more