British foreign policy (Political Science)
Recent papers in British foreign policy (Political Science)
Moscow will be irritated by the stridency of UK's support for Ukraine and might contemplate singling it out for specific action. How prepared are Whitehall and the public for retaliation, and how would allies react?
In an age where nothing seems clear-cut it is wonderful to have a hero and an even clearer villain. Putin is the new Hitler, an obsessive maniac with no respect for human life. The Ukrainians, by contrast, remind us of our parents and... more
This research Note has two complementary theoretical objectives. First, we shall attempt to place the form of interest representation and the involvement of interest groups in policy formation known as corporatism – or as democratic,... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Why did historical anti-poverty programs in Britain, Denmark and France differ so dramatically in their goals, beneficiaries and agents for addressing poverty? Different cultural views of poverty contributed to how policy makers... more
Brexit shocked liberal elites across Europe, instigating a burgeoning new field of research. Brexit scholarship tends to puzzle over two questions: what happened? What will happen now? This article addresses the latter and builds upon... more
Claims of inter-state ‘specialness’ are commonplace in international politics. But how do some relationships between states come to be seen and categorized as ‘special’ in the first place? And what impact, if any, do recurring public... more
Numerous empirical studies have examined the role of third-party peacekeeping in reducing violence around the world. Their results reveal an extraordinary relationship between peacekeepers and peace, notwithstanding a number of well-known... more
Advocates of proportional representation (PR) often cite its potential for increasing citizen involvement in politics as one of PR's fundamental advantages over plurality or first-past-the-post systems. The assumption is that plurality... more
Nations have historically sought power and prosperity through control of physical space. In recent decades, however, territorial empire has largely ceased. Most states that can take and hold territory no longer appear eager to do so,... more
Tomo I, Introducción. Correspondencia con la América Latina
The early 1980s were a momentous era in recent Irish political history. The post-Hunger Strikes rise of Sinn Féin threatened British policy in Northern Ireland and—alongside severe economic problems—also endangered what establishment... more
El profesor Waddell es un valor probado en obras similares a ésta cuya presentación es motivo de honra para mí. Nacido en Edimburgo (Escocia) en 1927, hizo sus estudios secundarios en la Roy al High S chool de Edimburgo, y los superiores... more
The latest batch of papers released by the Margaret Thatcher Foundation includes two letters from her then Japanese counterpart, PM Zenko Suzuki, dated 12 and 24 April 2013. They make interesting reading, illustrating the Japanese... more
“Conciliation is useless” wrote the 1937 Peel Commission “there can be no question of fusion or assimilation between Jewish and Arab cultures” (p.223). It was brave of Gardner Thompson, an expert on British colonialism in East Africa, to... more
Сборник статей V Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное творчество XXI века» отражает результаты научных исследований и содержит материалы по следующим основным направлениям: лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация;... more
This article analyses the relationship between the representatives and the represented by comparing elite and mass attitudes to gender equality and women's representation in Britain. In so doing, the authors take up arguments in the... more
Tomo II, comunicaciones con Estados europeos y los Estados Unidos
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
FOR too long now the Left has been embarrassed about the role of the state. Indeed, for too long it has acquiesced in the methodological individualism about values that lies at the heart of the Thatcherite agenda. These two faults are not... more
Preferences over jurisdictional architecture are the product of three irreducible logics: efficiency, distribution and identity. This article substantiates the following claims: (a) European integration has become politicized in elections... more
The article uses the legislative history of some 5,000 Parliamentary amendments (see to analyze the role of the Commission, the Parliament, and the Council in the two main legislative procedures in the... more
A raft of new research on the causes and effects of political corruption has emerged in recent years, in tandem with a separate, growing focus on the effects of political institutions on important outcomes such as economic growth, social... more
Bringing the State Back In Until recently, dominant theoretical paradigms in the comparative social sciences did not highlight states as organizational structures or as potentially autonomous actors. Indeed, the term "state" was... more
In recent years some of the best theoretical work on the political economy of political institutions and processes has begun surfacing outside the political science mainstream in high quality economics journals. This two-part paper... more
Work exploring the relationship between public opinion and public policy over time has largely been restricted to the United States. A wider application of this line of research can provide insights into how representation varies across... more
When a party or candidate loses the popular vote but still wins the election, do voters view the winner as legitimate? This scenario, known as an electoral inversion, can give power to candidates or parties in democratic systems who lose... more
Why is government corruption more pervasive in some societies than in others? In this article we examine public choice explanations that attribute corruption to a lack of competition in either political or economic arenas or both. The... more
Abstract: The paper conceptualizes a 'humanitarian dimension' of the UK's foreign policy. In doing so it analyzes activities of the Department for International Development, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other governmental bodies in... more
The determinants of the welfare state have received a great deal of attention in the comparative political economy literature. An analysis of the role that indirect taxation plays in the politics of advanced industrial societies is,... more
Elections to the Irish Presidency belong to the category of those in which hardly any political power is involved. In elections such as this one, according to second-order election theory, voter behaviour reflects mainly preferences in... more
This article analyses how institutional and contextual factors explain the approval of presidential initiatives -presidential legislative success -in highly disciplined and cartelized assemblies. Of particular importance is to test... more
Influential studies by Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson claim that colonial legacies explain the origins of development-promoting property rights and thus account for the modern world income distribution. Specifically, they argue that... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This paper presents a handful of Greek coins from the private collection of Sir Arthur John Evans (1851-1941), kept in the Heberden Coin Room of the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford. Evans, who was the Keeper of this museum from 1884 to 1908... more
Institutional arrangements influence the type of policies that leaders pursue. We examine two institutional variables: the size of the selectorate (S)--the set of people who have an institutional say in choosing leaders--and the size of... more
The making of society is the finding of common meanings and directions.
The later work of W.H. Riker (1921-93) has fervent admirers and fervent detractors. It has led to some extensions and qualifications. This review charts Riker's intellectual odyssey. Concentrating on his late works, it explores whether or... more