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J. Reinhard, S. Steiner-Osimitz, Unverhofft kommt oft: Wiederentdeckung der ehemaligen Ziegelei auf der Schützenmatt in Zug. 33. Bericht der Stiftung Ziegelei-Museum 2016, 51-62.
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Brick and TileBricksStadt Zug
This report presents results of historical and archaeological investigations of the Vitrified Products Corporation manufacturing plant, an architectural ceramics factory that operated in San Diego from 1923 to 1942. The factory site is... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyIndustrial ArchaeologyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Californian archaeology
The composition and production of pre-modern glazed tiles in Pakistan are not well understood. Here, 38 glazed tile samples sourced from various monuments at Makli Hill and Lahore Fort in Pakistan, dating mainly from the sixteenth and... more
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      ArchaeometryBrick and tile (Archaeology)Ceramic Glaze TechnologyAncient Glass Analysis
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Wooden ArchitectureWrocław
Im Ermland haben sich gut 40 mittelalterliche Landkirchen ganz oder teilweise erhalten. Sie entstanden in ihrer großen Mehrheit nach der Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts, manche erst im 15. Jahrhundert. Gegen 1350/60 entwickelte sich der Typus... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryArchitectural History
Ceramic material is certainly a key element in the cultural heritage, particularly in historical buildings. This material involves specific problems when addressing preservation, as well as conservation and restoration interventions. This... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
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      Historical ArchaeologyArchitectural ConservationBrick and tile (Archaeology)Brickmaking industry technology
The elevation of Ravenna as a new Imperial see, at the beginning of the 5th century, determined a redefinition of the housing space and the creation of new buildings destined for the Court and for the display of Imperial power. In this... more
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      ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchitecturePolish HistoryBrick and tile (Archaeology)
The volume (published in Romanian, Magyar and English) is a brief presentation of the results of the archaeological investigation recently performed at Ardud Fortress, in north-western Romania (late medieval and early modern finds).
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Medieval Studies
In this study, the potentiality of Bangladesh zircon as a raw material for zirconia and zircon brick production was examined. Decomposition of zircon (ZrSiO4) into zirconia (ZrO2) was attempted by using caustic soda (NaOH) as the... more
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      DecompositionDensity-functional theoryBrick and tile (Archaeology)HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
The article collects the modest information on the use (and possible production) of ceramic building material by the Roman army in Colchis, using it as a backdrop for presenting the exceptional richness, in quantity as much as diversity,... more
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      Military ArchitectureBuilding Materials (Archaeology)Roman ArmyBrick and tile (Archaeology)
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      Building Materials (Archaeology)Brick and tile (Archaeology)Gallo-roman archaeologyRoman brick and tile
In this work the author would like to describe the latest findings in the enviroment of the roman castell "Locus Felicis" near Wallsee-Sindelburg (Lower-Austria). The findings suggest that there had been at least one (maybe more) unknown... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArmyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Roman Provincial Archaeology
(In Finnish) Medieval brickmakers’ marks are a poorly studied set of signs used by brickmakers to sign their production. This article concentrates on the marks found in Aboa Vetus Museum, Turku. These bricks can be dated to late 15th... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of BuildingsBrick and tile (Archaeology)
In der nachfolgenden Arbeit soll die neu aufgefundene römische Baukeramik, welche um St. Pantaleon-Erla und Wallsee-Sindelburg zu Tage trat bearbeitet und der Forschung zugänglich gemacht werden.Weiters wird am Ende der Abhandlung... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman brick and tileBrick and Tile
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Brickmaking industry technologyBricksPRODUCCION DE LADRILLOS
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    • Brick and tile (Archaeology)
Onderzoek naar de vormontwikkeling van de tegulae in het Romeinse militaire (grof)keramische productiecentrum op de Holdeurn bij Nijmegen. Daarbij is inzicht verkregen in de ontwikkeling van de baksels, vorm van de onderuitsnijdingen,... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman brick and tileRoman ceramic building materialRoman Brick Industry - Brickstamps
Overzicht van de stand van zaken van een langlopend onderzoek naar de productie en het gebruik van Romeinse grofkeramiek in het Maasdal tussen Roermond in Venlo (Nederlands-Limburg).
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman brick and tileRoman ceramic building materialRoman Brick Industry - Brickstamps
Özet Abstract Bu çalışmada antik yapı malzemesi kil kullanılarak üretilen tuğla ve kiremit tanımlanmış, fiziksel özellikleri, üretim biçimleri, süreci ve üretimi etkileyen faktörler hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Bunun yanında tuğlanın... more
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      ArchaeometryBrick and tile (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureArchaeology of ArchitectureBrick and tile (Archaeology)
A large number of plastic wastes have been collected from several places such as tourist and public places etc., High density polyethylene bags are collected, cleaned, and used as a replacement for cement in the manufacturing of Paver... more
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      Civil EngineeringConstruction MaterialsConcrete TechnologyBrick and tile (Archaeology)
Arnold) 860 2. Forschungsstand 867 3. Die mittelalterliche Architektur im Ordensland 869 4. Der Burgenbau 871 4.1. Funktionsweise und bauliche Struktur der Konventsburgen 871 4.2. Die frühen Deutschordensburgen (1230 bis um 1270/80) 871... more
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      Medieval HistoryGerman HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
During the archaeological research (2011–2012) on the area of the Piast Castle in Ostrow Tumski in Wroclaw, two types of architectural studies were carried out. A typical research conducted on the chronological stratification took into... more
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      StatisticsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Architecture
This book studies six vaulting techniques employed in architecture outside of Rome and asks why they were invented where they were and how they were disseminated. Most of the techniques involve terracotta elements in various forms, such... more
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      Roman BritainRoman ArmyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Roman North Africa (Archaeology)
Thanks to the 2014 excavations campaign at Tol-e Ajori, Persepolis (Fars), the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission has been able to acquire new information on this building, which can now be safely interpreted as a monumental... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyIranian ArchaeologyAchaemenid PersiaBrick and tile (Archaeology)
Concrete Vaulted Construction in Imperial Rome examines the methods and techniques that enabled builders to construct some of the most imposing monuments of ancient Rome. Focusing on structurally innovative vaulting and the factors that... more
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      Building Materials (Archaeology)Concrete TechnologyAncient construction (Archaeology)Brick and tile (Archaeology)
Lo scavo realizzato nell'area del Foro di Augusto delle strutture murarie e delle stratigrafi e relative alle fasi post-antiche ha consentito di documentare al loro interno sia la presenza di laterizi di età imperiale, in taluni casi... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Medieval Brick and Tile
U kasnorepublikansko i ranocarsko doba na prostoru provincije Dalmacije dolazi do naglog procesa urbanizacije koji s manjim zakašnjenjem zahvaća i njene unutrašnje oblasti. U stanju povećane građevinske aktivnosti javlja se i velika... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Roman EconomyArchaeology of Roman Dalmatia
The results of the typological study of the Old Kievan bricks of the premongol period are presented. Three main technological traditions of brickmaking, based on the mould types, are revealed, which were in use consequently from the late... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Old Rus'Russian ArchitectureBricks
La production tégulaire est un élément important dans la structure économique de la province de Dacie. Les produits tégulaires ont été réalisé dans des of¿ cines civiles ou particuliers. En Dacie ont été identi¿ é 24 des fours et plus du... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman brick and tileBrick and TileRoman Brick Industry - brick stamps
The Grand Master's Palace is one of the most outstanding princely residences of the European late Middle Ages and deserves a detailed study, which is even more worthwhile due to its excellent state of preservation and a comprehensive... more
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      HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Construction MaterialsBrick and tile (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)Gallo-roman archaeology
Wooden ships wrecked in Caribbean waters seldom preserve their structural integrity. Often only ferrous artifacts and ballast remain as cultural indicators. Recently ballast has been utilized more as a tool to interpret a wreck site. In... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCosta RicaBrick and tile (Archaeology)Shipwrecks
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      Ottoman HistoryIndustrial HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
Im Preußenland, dem Gebiet zwischen Weichsel und Memel, existierte vom 13. bis zum frühen 16. Jh. der Staat der Deutschordensritter. In der Zeit der Ordensherrschaft entstand eine reiche Architekturlandschaft, die vor allem durch ihre... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesMedieval Church History
Kompendium zamków krzyżackich i biskupich Wydawnictwo ARTES Niniejszy tom ma na celu wprowadzenie w fascynującą historię architektury zamków w państwie zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach, może być również przydatny jako przewodnik w podróży.... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
ИЗраЗЦы в культурНом слое Нового ИерусалИма: плаНИграФИя, статИстИка, атрИБуЦИя © 2013 г. о.Н. глазунова Институт археологии РАН, Москва ([email protected]) Ключевые слова: изразцовое производство, декоративное искусство,... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)TilesStove Tiles
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      Architectural HistoryBuilding Materials (Archaeology)Brick and tile (Archaeology)Late Medieval Archaeology
The Indus Valley Culture (IVC), often denoted by its major city Harappa, spanned almost two millennia from 3200 to 1300 BC. Its tradition reaches back to 7000 BC: a 4000 year long expansion of villages and towns, of trading activity, and... more
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      Ancient HistoryAnthropologyCivilizational Collapses as Non-Linear System Avalanche EventsClimate Change Adaptation
So called lids made of brick clay as archaeological objects from Wittenberg and Einbeck with the differences and common grounds between these towns
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)MittelalterarchäologieSpätmittelalter
Per le concessioni e l'attività di ricerca dell'Università di Salerno si veda DE ROSSI 2009, 78. Questo studio è stato compiuto su invito di 1 Giovanni M. De Rossi (Università di Salerno) quando questi era Direttore del Museo Archeologico... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCoastal and Island ArchaeologyLatin Epigraphy
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      Eastern European StudiesLate Middle AgesArchitectureMedieval History
About archaeological finds of lids made of red clay used for bricks. The function of the massive, well and individual made objects is almost unclear. The article shows that there is really no functional context with heatings or stoves.... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMedieval ceramics (Archaeology)Brick and tile (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)
Der vorliegende Band will in die faszinierende Geschichte der Burgenarchitektur im Preußenland einführen und ist auch als Reisehandbuch bestens geeignet. Den Schwerpunkt der Darstellung bildet die Zeit des Mittelalters. Die Erläuterungen... more
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      CrusadesGothic StudiesHistory of CrusadesMedieval Architecture
Die Auswertung der Altgrabungen im Bereich einer Ziegelei in der Flur Liebrüti östlich von Kaiseraugst (AG, Schweiz) hat ergeben, dass dort die Ziegel der Legio I Martia bereits Anfang des 4. Jahrhunderts verbaut waren und wohl auch... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Roman Brick Industry - BrickstampsRoman legions
SOMMARIO E. Papi, Introduzione Προκόπιος Παυλόπουλος, Σημεία ομιλίας του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας
 κ. Προκοπίου Παυλόπουλου κατά την έναρξη του συνεδρίου «Αθήνα-Ρώμη 117-2017 μ.Χ., αφιέρωμα στον Φιλέλληνα Ρωμαίο Αυτοκράτορα και Αθηναίο... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Greek EpigraphyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
The roof tiles found at the fortified establishment of Kastraki, in Agathonisi belong to plain undecorated tiled roofs of the so- called corinthian type. From the data which have been so far revealed in the course of the excavation, the... more
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      Building Materials (Archaeology)History of construction technologyTimberArchaeology of Buildings