Brepols Publishers

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Brepols Publishers is an academic publishing house specializing in the humanities, particularly in the fields of history, art history, and cultural studies. Founded in Belgium, it is known for producing scholarly monographs, journals, and reference works that contribute to the advancement of research and knowledge in these disciplines.
Vent d'ici coutumier de venter de la sorte Cumule par Tourbillons ardents et fols Roussies sont feuilles devant ma porte Au temps où sont besoins d'envols. Aurais-je amertume d'être ainsi jetée Comme on chasse chien errant affamé Pour... more
This study investigates two models of L2 vocabulary acquisition at an advanced L2 level: L1 lemma mediation and the revised hierarchical models. Proponents of the L1 lemma mediation model postulate that advanced L2 learners map L2 words... more
Publié dans: Normes et Hagiographie dans l’Occident latin (VIe-XVIe s.), éd. par Marie-Céline Isaïa et Thomas Granier, Brepols, Turnhout, 2014 (Hagiologia, 9), p. 135-146. La... more
Death is the absolute destiny for all living beings in this universe. There is nerve in our soul when we remember about death. It is because there is an existential principal of anti-nothingness in the deepest of human existence to refuse... more
and Planning * This research is based upon a chapter of my PhD dissertation which is part of the research project 'Designing Architecture in the Sixteenth-century Low Countries' , funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). I wish... more
Objetivo: Analisar e comparar o gradiente timpanométrico e a compliância obtida nas sondas de 226 Hz e 1 kHz entre os grupos de lactentes com e sem refluxo gastroesofágico. Métodos: Cento e dezoito lactentes a termo e pré-termo, de... more
In a volume dedicated to bishop-saints and their cities, it may be appropriate to step outside of the bounds of the city walls for at least one contribution. This is especially fitting for the earliest Irish hagiography, where cities... more
The Court's Taking Clause holding, at pp 63-64, likely supports property owners arguments that courts as instruments of government cannot award successors and assigns of mortgages that are not Note Holders possession of property owners'... more
Negli ultimi anni è emersa sempre più l'importanza delle aree verdi urbane per la conservazione della biodiversità, sebbene questa risulti assai variabile in funzione della struttura intrinseca dell'area verde, e del contesto... more
Este artículo aborda la aplicación de métodos estadísticos avanzados, como el análisis de supervivencia, para estudiar las trayectorias académicas en la educación superior, destacando su valor frente a los modelos tradicionales, que a... more
The Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examinations among BS Accountancy graduates can be considered as the culminating direct measure on how an accountancy retention policy program in a school prepares students to becoming CPAs. This... more
This paper examines the idea of the confessio/confiteri in Augustine’s work, outside the context of the Confessiones. The concept of confessio is found abundantly throughout the works of the bishop of Hippo even before the composition of... more
left to his church at Crediton three service books --a missal, a pontifical, and an epistle book --together with a set of mass vestments. 1 Books which were personal to the bishop were thus transferred to his church, for use by future... more
II in the edition. Even before the Second Council of Lyon of 1274, there was broad agreement among Latin theologians that the Father and Son are one principle of the Holy Spirit, and this is what the council affirmed, the main issue of... more
Basic principles and new possibilities of using pressuremeter test results. Prz. Geol., 65: 725-736. A b s t r a c t. This article is an attempt to briefly summarize the achievements of the pressuremeter research methodology and its... more
The purpose of this article is to critically evaluate what is perceived as shortcomings in the scholarly field of African-centered psychology and mode of transcendence, specifically in terms of the existence of an African identity. A... more
When it appeared in 1992, Stefan Weinfurter's Herrschaft und Reich der Salier was quickly recognized as one of the most insightful and eminently readable studies of the German monarchy to appear in many years. Barbara Bowlus's new English... more
Revue d'épistémologie des langues et littératures du Moyen Âge 36 | 2015 Cultiver les lettres médiévales aujourd'hui Marqueurs d'identité dans la littérature médiévale : mettre en signe l'individu et la famille (XII e-XV e siècles
Vaccines are tools that aim to protect an individual or population from a particular disease. They imitate a natural infection and then can stimulate the immune system. They can be divided into live attenuated and inactivated, both... more
Extragalactic surveys provide significant statistical data for the study of crucial galaxy parameters used to constrain galaxy evolution, e.g. stellar mass (M$_*$) and star formation rate (SFR), under different environmental conditions.... more
A book review of Bjorn Weiler, Paths to Kingship in Medieval Latin  Europe, c. 950–1200, Cambridge University Press, 2021in Royal Studies Journal 11.1, June 2024.
"Background: Medication adherence is a major challenge in treatment of type 2 diabetes. Hence the present study was undertaken to assess the factors influencing drug adherence in Type 2 diabetes Bengaluru. Methods: A descriptive study was... more
SPRING SONG AND NARRATIVE ORGANIZATION IN THE MEDIEVAL ALEXANDER LEGEND Lo u is e M. Ha y w o o d Trinity Hall (Cambridge) Abstra c t In this article I examine seasonal and landscape descriptions which head episodes ('lyrics') in the... more
O apagamento da vogal postônica medial, processo que culmina a regularização de palavras proparoxítonas ao padrão paroxítono, é um fenômeno antigo em Português, com raízes no Latim. A redução de proparoxítonos é observada em diversas... more
Developing interventions that produce positive results for African American individuals and families continues to be a priority in the field of human services. This article begins with a review of the literature regarding Afrocentrism and... more
Spoken sentences have parts. Therefore they take time to speak. For instance, when you say, 'Socrates is running', you begin by uttering the subject term ('Socrates'), before carrying on to the predicate. But are the corresponding... more
O presente trabalho tem como objetivos extrair a fibra da folha do abacaxizeiro tipo Perola para obter bastoes (“whiskers) de celulose destas fibras tratadas quimicamente, para utilizacao como reforco na fabricacao de filmes de... more
A new species Anthaxia (Anthaxia) tichyi sp. nov. from Yunnan, Southern China, is described, illustrated, including male genitalia and compared with the most similar species Anthaxia (A.) cupressi Bílý, 2005. The new species belongs to... more
The Lógos Basilikós or Imperial oration, transmitted as the first speech in the Treatise II attributed to Menander Rhetor (s. III AD) , stands out among his works because of its literary quality and rhetoric excellence, as well as for its... more
RESUMO: O presente trabalho avaliou o desempenho de consumo de combustível e as emissões dos gases poluentes monóxido de carbono (CO), hidrocarbonetos (HC) e óxidos de nitrogênio (NO x) provenientes da combustão de combustíveis formulados... more
O presente trabalho avaliou o desempenho de consumo de combustível e as emissões dos gases poluentes monóxido de carbono (CO), hidrocarbonetos (HC) e óxidos de nitrogênio (NOx) provenientes da combustão de combustíveis formulados a partir... more
RESUMO Objetivo: Caracterizar os valores de reflectância e absorvância de banda larga em lactentes com integridade de orelha média. Métodos: Foram analisados os valores de reflectância e absorvância de banda larga, para os estímulos chirp... more
Muitas foram as pessoas que, direta ou indiretamente, contribuíram para a realização deste trabalho, em especial gostaria de agradecer: Ao meu orientador, João Borges Laurindo, por acreditar na minha capacidade, pelo apoio dispensado no... more
“Anadolu Âşıklık Geleneği” içerisinde son devrin önemli temsilcilerinden birisi olan Karslı Âşık Murat Çobanoğlu bu çalışmanın konusudur. Âşık Murat Çobanoğlu’nun âşıklık geleneği içindeki yeri ortaya konmuş ve âşık edebiyatı çerçevesinde... more
El proposito del trabajo es analizar las caracteristicas de la transferencia de conocimientos llevada a cabo por estudiantes de la carrera de Ingenieria Industrial de la Facultad de Ingenieria de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata... more