Recent papers in Breeding
Given current extinction trends, the number of species requiring conservation breeding programs (CBPs) is likely to increase dramatically. To inform CBP policies for threatened terrestrial vertebrates, we evaluated the number and... more
Estimados colegas, éste es el primer número de Noticias de Reproducción Bovina, publicación que tiene como propósito ofrecer información para los Médicos Veterinarios Zootecnistas que están trabajando en el manejo reproductivo de hatos... more
The genetic structure of sheep reflects their domestication and subsequent formation into discrete breeds. Understanding genetic structure is essential for achieving genetic improvement through genome-wide association studies, genomic... more
Background: Identification of genomic regions that have been targets of selection for phenotypic traits is one of the most important and challenging areas of research in animal genetics. However, currently there are relatively few genomic... more
SUMMARY The duration of electrocardiograph wave forms and intervals were determined in 179 Spanish-bred (Andalusian) horses aged from 1 month to 17 years. The values were compared with those of other breeds, and the relationship between... more
A commercial dog breeding unit experienced problems with acute diarrhoea, often haemorrhagic, in young German Shepherd Dog litters. No aetiologic diagnosis had been made. In order to determine whether coccidial infections were implicated,... more
Horse is a seasonal breeder and information on oocyte quality outside the breeding season is very limited. Ovaries obtained at the slaughterhouse are a convenient but often limited source of oocytes in this species. As the low quantity of... more
Genomic selection estimates genetic merit based on dense SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) genotypes and phenotypes. This requires that SNPs explain a large fraction of the genetic variance. The objectives of this work were: (1) to... more
Le pays normand. Paysages et peuplement (IX e-XIII e siècles) The Norman region. Landscapes and Population (9 th-13 th centuries
A case of juvenile nephropathy In a two-year-oid Weimaraner bitch Is reported. Although juvenile nephropathy has been described in several breeds of dogs, this is the flrst report In a Weimaraner. Clinical aspects, blood analysis, renal... more
Most wild and semi-wild species of the genus Gossypium are exhibit photoperiod-sensitive flowering. The wild germplasm cotton is a valuable source of genes for genetic improvement of modern cotton cultivars. A bi-parental cotton... more
A joint evaluation of all animals, uses all additive genetic relationships uses all data on all animal jointly It works as a linear model (correcting different effects for each other), jointly estimates animal effects and fixed effects... more
We have analysed the genetic information to be obtained from analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in domestic dogs studying the exclusion capacity in different populations and the correlation between mtDNA types and breeds or types of... more
Genetic (co)variances between body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW), milk production, and fertilityrelated traits were estimated. The data analyzed included 8591 multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows with records for BCS, BW, milk... more
P á g i n a 4 5 L a C h i r i c o c a Siguiendo la reproducción del Aguilucho de cola rojiza (Buteo ventralis): Reseña de un estudio por Heraldo V. Norambuena y Victor Raimilla Aguilucho de cola rojiza (Buteo ventralis), hembra, 04... more
in the modification of agronomic performance. Data will be provided from a range of sources including details of Transgenic crops are now grown commercially on sevapplications for the field testing of experimental material, eral million... more
Within-breed artificial insemination and between-breed embryo transfer were carried out in small pony (P) and large Thoroughbred (Tb) mares to create 4 types of horse pregnancy in which the fetus experienced spatial and nutritional... more
The present investigation was carried out using 51 diverse bitter gourd accessions as material for studying genetic diversity and relatedness using morphological and SSR markers. A wide variation was observed for morphological traits like... more
1. Quantifying the pattern of temporal and spatial variation in demography, and identifying the factors that cause this variation, are essential steps towards understanding the structure and dynamics of any population. 2. One critical but... more
A permanent mapping population of rice consisting of 65 non-idealized chromosome segment substitution lines (denoted as CSSL1 to CSSL65) and 82 donor parent chromosome segments (denoted as M1 to M82) was used to identify QTL with additive... more
To obtain a better understanding of a disease affecting dogs in which nodular mycobacterial granulomas are present in the subcutis or skin.
Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject preexisting knowledge into the network. To make use of... more
In this study, genetic analyses of diversity and differentiation were performed on five horse breeds raised in Algeria (Barb, Arab-Barb, Arabian, Thoroughbred and French Trotter). All microsatellite markers were highly polymorphic in all... more
Objective-To describe a method for radiographic measurement of the mechanical joint angles of the tibia in the sagittal plane and report reference ranges for a population of dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease, and specifically... more
This study was undertaken to determine management and seasonal effects on fertility in 1298 Finnish sow units over a 4-year period in 1992-1996. A multivariate analysis of the herd record data was undertaken to study the effect of various... more
In a survey of 900 Dalmatian dogs, brainstem auditory-evoked responses (BAER) and clinical observations were used to determine the incidence and sex distribution of bilateral and unilateral BAER abnormalities and their association with... more
We have mapped the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to sorghum downy mildew (Peronosclerospora sorghi; SDM) and Rajasthan downy mildew (P. heteropogoni; RDM), two species of DM prevalent throughout India. QTL mapping... more
Real-time ultrasound scanning (US) via the transrectal route, progesterone (P4) assay, and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) detection can be used to diagnose pregnancy at around 3 weeks after breeding. Although several studies have... more
Plasma NT-proBNP has previously been evaluated in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD). However, reference intervals (RI) established according to the Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute (CLSI) recommendations have... more
Evaluating the impact of plant domestication on the population structure of the associated pathogens provides an opportunity to increase our understanding of how and why diseases emerge. Here, we investigated the evolution of the... more
Callitrichids are cooperative breeders, characterized by obligate twinning, extensive paternal care, and monopolization of reproduction by the dominant female. This is the case in the common marmoset, and in common marmoset groups of more... more
Plant-based foods offer an array of nutrients that are essential for human nutrition and promote good health. However, the major staple crops of the world are often deficient in some of these nutrients. Traditional agricultural approaches... more
First we remind general considerations concerning biodiversity on earth and particularly the loss of genetic biodiversity that seems irreversible whether its origin is directly or indirectly linked to human activities. Urgent and... more
A u g u s t 2 0 0 7 Large-scale agriculture would become more sustainable if major crop plants lived for years and built deep root systems MODERN FOOD CROPS depend heavily on irrigation and other human inputs while depleting the land and... more
We developed two mutant populations of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) using EMS (ethylmethanesulfonate) as a mutagen. The populations were derived from the spring type line YN01-429 and the winter type cultivar Express 617 encompassing... more
Congenital portosystemic shunts were definitively diagnosed in 62 dogs over a period of 15 years. Maltese and Australian Cattle Dogs were significantly overrepresented, accounting for 14 and 13 cases, respectively. Maltese invariably had... more
Data on breeding soundness and libido evaluations in Belgian Blue (BB) bulls are scarce. The present study compared results of breeding soundness and libido evaluations of young BB bulls to young Holstein Friesian (HF) bulls prior to... more
The aim of this study was to compare the ecology of catalase-positive cocci (CPC) present in traditional fermented sausages produced using different breeds of pork, each of which was raised in two different environments and processed... more
This paper explores the many meanings attached to the designation,"the rodent in the laboratory" (rat or mouse). Generations of selective breeding have created these rodents. They now differ markedly from their wild progenitors, nonhuman... more
Abstract—Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject pre-existing knowledge into the network. To make... more