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We carried out experimental studies of a smooth submerged breakwater in a wave channel in order to study such a structure impacts on the changes of statistically and spectrally defined representative wave periods as waves cross it. We... more
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Perforated breakwaters are newer generation of vertical breakwaters in which somehow the problems of high wave reflection and forces exerted to the structure have been solved. In this paper the effect of hole shapes of Vertical Perforated... more
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      Turbulence modelingSolitary WavesVolume of FluidPerforated Plate
A more detailed understanding of porous flow inside a rubble-mound structure may have potential benefits in breakwater design. Numerical models are expected to be a useful additional research tool in this field, provided that their... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceNumerical ModellingPorous flow
The purpose of this Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) is to investigate the basic physics and numerical code of GenCade by running a series of simplified test cases and comparing the results to another numerical... more
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This report documents a numerical modeling study investigating sediment transport and morphology change adjacent to Merrimack Inlet, Newburyport, and nearshore in the vicinity of Salisbury Beach and Plum Island, Massachusetts. Concerns at... more
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Chapter 1 Introduction configured breakwater project was recently constructed in Cameron Parish in the western part of Louisiana and provides a model for designing a breakwater project at Grand Isle. This task reviewed the observed... more
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      GeographyGeologyClimateCoastal Erosion
This report documents the investigation of coastal processes and development of conceptual alternatives to reduce beach erosion at two sites in Matagorda County. Sargent Beach has experienced the greatest erosion rates on the Texas Coast,... more
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      GeographyCoastal EngineeringMorphologySea Level
The Colonial Beach, Virginia segmented detached breakwater and beach fill project consists of two sites, Central and Castlewood Park Beaches, constructed in October 1982 to protect a cohesive bluff (6 to 10 ft in height) eroding at a... more
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      GeographyCoastal EngineeringCoastal ErosionRECREATION
This study evaluated the present and future functionality of the Sabine Pass jetties considering planned deepening of the Sabine-Neches Waterway Navigation Channel from 42 to 48 ft mean low water (MLW) and possible rehabilitation of the... more
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      GeographyNumerical AnalysisStabilityNavigation
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In this research, the efficiency of a breakwater of caissons supported on piles was studied, as well as erosion around the piles under regular waves. The breakwater's hydrodynamic performance was studied by calculating wave reflection,... more
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In this study, erosion around the piles caused by regular monochromatic waves as well as the efficiency of a caisson with slotted supported on piles breakwater was investigated experimentally. By estimating wave reflection, transmission,... more
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Groins are one of the most important facilities used to protect coastal regions. In this research, groins made from a concrete cube were tested experimentally. This research investigates the impact of groin length (Lg) of 105, 135, and... more
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In this report, the results of a numerical parameter study on temperature stresses caused by hydration of cement in concrete breakwater elements are shown. Two different geometries were analysed namely hollow cubes and tetrapods. The... more
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      Materials ScienceCastingCementComposite Material
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      BiologyProteinLipidsHeavy metals
Akurasi pengukuran gelombang di laboratorium merupakan faktor penting penentu kualitas hasil pengujian. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi akurasi pengukuran tinggi gelombang di depan model pemecah gelombang terapung menggunakan metode kombinasi... more
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Wave run-up on a rubble mound breakwater is investigated. Prototype measurements are carried out on the Zeebrugge breakwater. Two 2D (1:30) and one 3D (1:40) scale models are tested. Measured prototype storms are simulated and parametric... more
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      GeologyCoastal ErosionErosionOvertopping
This report discusses the application of detached single and segmented breakwaters for shore protection and beach stabilization. Four single detached breakwaters and six segmented breakwater systems in the United States are reviewed.... more
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This paper describes the numerical modeling of waves, currents, and sediment transport at Pillar Point Harbor, CA. The Coastal Modeling System (CMS), developed at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) with fully... more
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      GeologySediment transportSediment Transport
Marine structures, such as groins, coastal walls, and detached breakwaters are built to improve and protect the coast against erosion resulting from changes in patterns of waves and currents on the coasts. Thus, marine mechanisms for... more
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      Development StudiesBreakwatersAdjacent Matrix
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      ManagementEngineeringGeomorphologySea Level
One of the usual methods of building breakwaters in Iran is to use rock mass structures. Most of the rocks in the south of Iran are sedimentary (limestone, sandstone and lomashell). Most of the regulations in present codes regarding the... more
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      MineralogyEngineering GeologyLimestoneSedimentary Rocks
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      Computer ScienceWavesLong Waves
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      EngineeringGeologyMarine EngineeringTurbine
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      EngineeringSri LankaSediment transportWaves
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      MathematicsReynolds Numbers
The European Manual for the Assessment of Wave Overtopping (“EurOtop”) was issued free on the internet in 2007 and is now used worldwide. The manual and the accompanying Neural Network give guidance on all aspects of wave overtopping. It... more
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Introduction and problem definition Allowable overtopping very often determines the crest height of a structure during the functional design. And for given structures overtopping under extreme conditions is required to say anything on the... more
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Manual on wave overtopping of sea defences and related structures An overtopping manual largely based on European research, but for worldwide application Second Edition
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      EngineeringWallsBreakwatersArtificial Neural Network
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceCoastal EngineeringNumerical Model
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      EngineeringDesignGeotechnical EngineeringClassification
The present paper deals with stability of berm breakwaters designed to be hardly or sometimes partly reshaping. Burcharth (2008, 2011) showed by comparison to the performance of a prototype berm breakwater that the Van der Meer formulae... more
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      EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical EngineeringStability
This paper gives first an elaboration of berm recession equations for berm breakwaters and then new deterministic design rules for the Icelandic-type berm breakwater. Safety optimization calculations have been performed for a mild depth... more
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      EngineeringIcelandicCoastal StructuresBreakwater
A 2-phases neural prediction method for wave overtopping is developed. The 'classifier' predicts whether overtopping occurs or not, i.e. q = 0 or q N 0. If the classifier predicts overtopping q N 0, then the 'quantifier' is used to... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyComputer ScienceCoastal Engineering
This paper describes a major programme of small-scale physical model tests to establish better the influence of armour type and configuration on overtopping. Specifically, 179 tests determined the relative difference in overtopping... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologyCoastal Engineering
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    • Geography
Recently, the investigations on the hydrodynamic performance of floating breakwaters have great interest to researchers because of its high advantages in protecting marinas and small craft harbors. For the purpose of improving the... more
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      Marine EngineeringBreakwater stabilityWave hydrodynamics, Wave forces on marine structures, Breakwaters, Submarine pipelines, Extreme waves and winds, Wave, Ocean thermal and tidal energyBreakwater
This paper describes a major programme of small-scale physical model tests to establish better the influence of armour type and configuration on overtopping. Specifically, 179 tests determined the relative difference in overtopping... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologyCoastal Engineering
James Island and Barren Island, in Maryland waters, are among the few remaining eastern shore islands in mid-Chesapeake Bay. Both islands are eroding at a rapid rate due to wave and storm action, as well as to relative sea level rise.... more
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      GeographyOceanographyBarrier IslandStorm
The design of breakwater armour units against tsunami attacks has received little attention in the past because of the comparative low frequency of these events and the rarity of structures designed specifically to withstand them.... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologyStability
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      GeologyWavesTechnology and EngineeringBreakwater
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringWavesTests
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The measurement of wave-induced impacts on structures involves significant scientific and engineering challenges. Regular nearly breaking pgbgand broken waves generated following cnoidal and first-order Stokes wavemaker theory have been... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologyPhysics
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringStructural EngineeringDissipation
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      Computer ScienceCoastal EngineeringStructural EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering
This paper presents a new low-reflectivity quay wall caisson based on the formation of cell circuits. The cell circuit lengths can be adapted to the specific wave climate conditions at the construction site to obtain the best performance.... more
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      EngineeringNeural NetworkCaissonReflectivity
This paper presents the results from a new set of 3-D physical model tests performed in a 6.5 m wide flume at the Centre for Harbour and Coastal Studies in Madrid. These results will contribute to enhance the existing knowledge obtained... more
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      EngineeringGeologyGeotechnical EngineeringDamage
A new semi-empirical model is used to estimate the coefficient of reflection for single-and double-perforated chambers in Jarlan-type breakwaters. This semi-empirical model is based on a potential flow theoretical model which was modified... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyCoastal EngineeringNeural Networks