Recent papers in Breakwaters
A B S T R A C T This paper reviews the available models for the estimation of mean wave overtopping rate at berm breakwaters. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on selected models in order to study the influence of input variables on... more
The paper aims at providing a simple model for evaluating piling-up, overtopping, filtration and rip currents for low crested structures. The model is essentially based on mass and momentum balance and on resistance laws that relate... more
The entire costal zone of Dubai is currently undergoing a major reshaping. Offshore marine sand is being dredged and deposited where it forms now a great asset to Dubai economy. The reclaimed land is forming the largest offshore... more
In the year 2011 until 2016, Coastal Erosion news gets the media's attention and the government as they try to find a solution for the erosion problems at Pantai Teluk Lipat, Dungun Terengganu. The beach is listed as among the six severe... more
Many breakwaters and jetties have become permeable to sand transport and wave transmission, a condition that results in increased operations and maintenance dredging costs and increased risks and delays to navigation. First-cost savings... more
The present case study serves the two-fold objective of firstly addressing the less documented design context of single layer armoured breakwaters nearby a curved step-like bathymetric feature, while secondly striving for accurate design... more
A structural member is considered to be of 'small diameter' when its diameter is less that about 0.15 times the wave length; for example, members of Jacket structures and piled jetties.
coastal and seashore will degradation if we not build a construct to prevent this from wave. Indonesia have made a composite for the rubble mound of break water. but its still need more experiment to build the best design.
Perencanaan Breakwater di Pantai Barombong, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
The geographic location of the ancient Ptolemaic harbor settlement situated on the border of Pamphylia and Cilicia Trachea was first identified by Beaufort, with reference to Strabo. The current settlement was documented as an ancient... more
Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper imagery (ETM) of 2002 and aerial photography of 1955, combined with published charts and field observations were used to interpret geomorphological changes in the coastal zone between Kitchener drain and... more
The purpose of this study was to analyze the December 1993 breach at Grays Harbor, WA, and assess the threat to the Federal Navigation Project had the breach not been filled the following fall. The study was conducted by quantifying... more
In 1995, Suh and Park developed a numerical model that computes the reflection of regular waves from a fully perforated-wall caisson breakwater. This paper describes how to apply this model to a partially perforated-wall caisson and... more
This report documents a study performed for the U.S. Army Engineer District, Seattle to identify and evaluate feasible methods for reducing annual maintenance dredging in the outer Federal navigation channel at Grays Harbor, WA, by... more
This paper compares the output from four methods used to predict the mean overtopping discharge at the root of the South Breakwater of Póvoa de Varzim Harbour ͑Portugal͒: two numerical models AMAZON, based on solving the nonlinear... more
Publié le 29 avril 2022 sur Les ruines du brise-lame principal du port forment les façades ouest et sud du port extérieur. Les blocs de couronnement de cet ouvrage culminent aujourd’hui à -2.5 à... more
Wave overtopping nearshore coastal structures, such as shore-parallel breakwaters, can significantly alter the current circulation and sediment transport patterns around the structures, which in turn affects the formation of tombolos and... more
The weather and environment have changed drastically after the Vizhinjam International deep water Multipurpose Seaport construction began. The fishermen have lost their sense of safety. The direction of the waves has shifted. The... more
This study proposes a new technique to separate incident and reflected higher harmonic waves using four or more spatially separated probes. Both the free and locked modes in the higher harmonics of the regular waves can be isolated. The... more
Numerical and physical modeling studies were performed by the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to investigate the spatial and temporal behavior of waves and wave-induced currents near jetties of... more
The Fresnel integrals in the diffraction analyses of Penny and Price [Penny, W.G., Price, A.T., 1944. Diffraction of water waves by breakwaters. Misc. Weapons Development Technical History 26, Artificial Harbors, Sec. 3D; Philos. Trans.... more
Las ondas de infragravedad, conocidas también como ondas largas o de baja frecuencia, dominan el espectro de energía del oleaje en aguas poco profundas y en la zona de lavado, lo que juega un papel importante en el transporte de... more
The unsteady two-dimensional Navier -Stokes equations and Navier -Stokes type model equations for porous flows were solved numerically to simulate the interaction between a solitary wave and a submerged porous breakwater. The free surface... more
The hydrodynamic efficiency of a proposed type of breakwaters was studied using numerical and physical models. The breakwater consists of caisson supported on a pile system and thin plates suspended on the piles under the caisson. A... more
The world is heavily dependent on fossil fuels since most of its energy requirements are fulfilled by conventional methods of burning these fuels. The energy demand is increasing by day with growing population. The energy production by... more
: This Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) provides improved predictive equations for coastal rubble-mound stone-armor stability. The engineering methods outlined apply to breakwaters and revetments exposed to wave... more
Abstract: The renewal energy technologies are increasingly popular to ensure future energy sustenance and address environmental issues. The tides are enormous and consistent untapped resource of renewable energy. The growing interest in... more
The world is heavily dependent on fossil fuels since most of its energy requirements are fulfilled by conventional methods of burning these fuels. The energy demand is increasing by day with growing population. The energy production by... more
Climate change is considered one of the hottest global environmental problems facing the world community. The sea level rising (SLR) is a associated phenomena to this climate change. This phenomenon has directly affected on many sectors... more
A comparative assessment of available formulae for the water setup inshore of submerged breakwaters is made on the basis of a wide and varied dataset derived from basin and flume laboratory experiments. Formulae derived from a simplified... more