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The bio-medical image processing is the application of image processing to process medical data. The techniques of feature extraction and machine learning are efficient techniques brain tumor detection. In this paper, various brain tumor... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTechnologyEducational Technology
Adults diagnosed with primary brain tumours often experience physical, cognitive and neuropsychiatric impairments and decline in quality of life. Although disease and treatment-related information is commonly provided to cancer patients... more
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      Psycho-oncologyDoctor-patient communicationPatient Information (wayfinding)Brain tumours
Objectives. Prognosis for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) has remained poor. Th ere is almost always recurrence postresection and adjuvant treatment, the majority of which is local. Several preclinical models exist that recapitulate the... more
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    • Brain tumours
Engineers have been actively developing tools to detect tumors and to process medical images. Medical image segmentation is a powerful tool that is often used to detect tumors. Many scientists and researchers are working to develop and... more
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      Brain tumoursEngineering and Computer ScienceComputer Science And EngineeringComputer Science Engineering
Medical image processing has dramatically revolutionized the health care sector by helping clinicians towards early and accurate diagnosis of the disease. MRI is one of the most versatile and widely used imaging modality. Brain tumours... more
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      Image ProcessingImage segmentationBrain tumoursMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
"This chapter presents findings of ethnographic work in a neuro-oncology clinic in Israel. It is claimed that patients, close-ones and physicians engage in creating metaphorical visions of the brain and brain tumours that reaffirm... more
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Apopleksi pituitari ditandai dengan peningkatan mendadak volume kelenjar pituitari akibat iskemia, nekrosis, perdarahan, dan/atau infark, yang biasanya disebabkan oleh adenoma pituitari. Teori terjadinya apopleksi pituitari salah satunya... more
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      Brain TumorBrainBrain tumoursBrain Drain
The diagnosis of a brain tumour poses severe challenges to patients as well as their caregivers. As caregivers, women play an important role. However, most of the literature on brain tumours has failed to emphasise the invaluable services... more
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      Social WorkFamily Caregivers/CarersBrain tumoursNeeds Assessment
Brain tumour segmentation can improve diagnostics efficiency, rise the prediction rate and treatment planning. This will help the doctors and experts in their work. Where many types of brain tumour may be classified easily, the gliomas... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingMachine LearningImage segmentation
To builds the endurance pace of the brain tumor patients and to have an improved treatment system in restorative picture preparing, brain tumor segmentation is basic technique for finding. The early and right conclusion of brain tumours... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingBrain tumours
This article aims to explore and record the role of shadowing in preparation for a qualitative study involving children and families with sensitive health issues. The researcher was engaged for a study involving qualitative research... more
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      Research MethodologyQualitative ResearchChronic illnessPaediatrics
Three main properties of the tumor hampers its successful treatment:
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      NeuroscienceNeurosurgeryEducationScience Education
The tumour vasculature plays an important role in tumour growth and metastasis. Tumour angiogenesis provides more oxygen and nutrients to growing tumour cells, is not as tightly regulated as embryonic angiogenesis, and do not follow any... more
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      Targeted Drug DeliveryHyperthermiaAngiogenesisBrain tumours
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      NeuroscienceCancerBrain cancerBrain Tumor
Diagnosis of a brain tumour is not always a straight forward process with the signs and symptoms overlapping with other neurological diseases which can mimic brain tumours on neuroimaging and histological examination. The current... more
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      PathologyNeuropathologyBrain tumoursHistopathology
Meningioma brain tumour discrimination is challenging as many histological patterns are mixed between the different subtypes. In clinical practice, dominant patterns are investigated for signs of specific meningioma pathology; however the... more
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      Brain tumoursGabor filtersTexture AnalysisFractal Dimension
The occurrence of wide-scale neuroplasticity in the injured human brain raises hopes for biomarkers to guide personalised treatment. At the individual level, functional reorganisation has proven challenging to quantify using current... more
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      Clinical NeuroscienceMRISpeech and LanguageFunctional Connectivity
With the rapid development in serious games, health games have been demonstrated as a useful tool to enhance treatment effects with respect to some problematic behaviors. Every health game has its own game design which can affect the... more
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      PsychotherapyBrain tumoursPsychological Illness
Meningiomas are one of the most prevalent primary brain tumors. Our study aims to obtain mechanistic insights of meningioma pathobiology using mass spectrometry-based label-free quantitative proteome analysis to identifying druggable... more
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      Clinical ProteomicsBrain tumoursMeningiomas
The number of available breast cancer cell (BCC) lines is small, and only a very few of them have been extensively studied. Whether they are representative of the tumours from which they originated remains a matter of debate. Whether... more
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      CancerBreast CancerCancer BiologyGene expression
With the rapid development in serious games, health games have been demonstrated as a useful tool to enhance treatment effects with respect to some problematic behaviors. Every health game has its own game design which can affect the... more
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      PsychotherapyBrain tumoursPsychological Illness
Pasien dikeluhkan mengalami penurunan kesadaran sejak 2 hari yang lalu. Pasien tidak bisa dibangunkan keluarga sejak 2 hari yang lalu. Sebelumnya pasien memiliki riwayat nyeri kepala kronis sejak dan pandangan kabur sejak 1 tahun yang... more
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      NeuroscienceCancerBrain cancerBrain
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      NeuroscienceCancerBrain cancerBrain
Background: Pituitary tumor-transforming gene (PTTG1) has been implicated in several oncogenic processes. The aim of this study was to determine PTTG expression in brain tumors. Materials and Methods: We investigated 88 benign and... more
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    • Brain tumours
Increased lactate production through glycolysis in aerobic conditions is a hallmark of cancer. Some anticancer drugs have been designed to exploit elevated glycolysis in cancer cells. For example, lonidamine (LND) inhibits lactate... more
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      Brain ImagingBrain tumours
A significant number of patients diagnosed with primary brain tumours report unmet information needs. Using concept mapping methodology, this study aimed to identify strategies for improving information provision, and to describe factors... more
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      Concept MappingDoctor-patient communicationBrain tumours
The objective of this research was to develop a question prompt list aimed at increasing question asking and reducing the unmet information needs of adults with primary brain tumours, and to pilot the question prompt list to determine its... more
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      CancerPsycho-oncologyDoctor-patient communicationBrain tumours
Aneuploidy with chromosome instability is a cancer hallmark. We studied chromosome 7 (Chr7) copy number variation (CNV) in gliomas and in primary cultures derived from them. We found tumor heterogeneity with cells having Chr7-CNV commonly... more
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      Mathematical BiologyCancerBiologyCancer stem cells
Prostate Cancer is one of the common cancers in the world. It could primarily disseminate to the bone and can lead to death. In order to address its life-threatening distant metastasis, it is important to diagnose it earlier for timely... more
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      Prostate CancerBrain tumoursRenal cell CarcinomaOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
• Mencakup 36,6% dari keseluruhan tumor otak primer dan 53,2% dari tumor otak primer jinak, meningioma merupakan jenis tumor primer pada otak yang paling sering ditemui di Amerika • Fakhri et al. dari data register tumor di RSUD Dr.... more
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      NeuroscienceCancerBrain TumorBrain tumours
Brain tumour segmentation can improve diagnostics efficiency, rise the prediction rate and treatment planning. This will help the doctors and experts in their work. Where many types of brain tumour may be classified easily, the gliomas... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingMachine LearningImage segmentation
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      Brain tumoursAmnesiaSensecamNeuropsychological Rehabilitation
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      Brain tumoursAmnesiaNeuropsychological Rehabilitation
Aneuploidy with chromosome instability is a cancer hallmark. We studied chromosome 7 (Chr7) copy number variation (CNV) in gliomas and in primary cultures derived from them. We found tumor heterogeneity with cells having Chr7-CNV commonly... more
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      Mathematical BiologyCancer stem cellsMathematical ModellingBrain Tumor
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      NeuroscienceCancerBrain cancerBrain Tumor
Background: The current standard of care for dif-fuse astrocytoma, specifically partial resection fol-lowed by chemotherapy and/or radiation, remains ineffec¬tive due to the infiltrative nature of the tu-mour, in addition to the... more
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      Brain tumoursAstrocytomaTelomerase Inhibitor
With the rapid development in serious games, health games have been demonstrated as a useful tool to enhance treatment effects with respect to some problematic behaviors. Every health game has its own game design which can affect the... more
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      PsychotherapyBrain tumoursPsychological Illness
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      MetabolismParkinson's DiseaseCancerMitochondria
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      Brain TumorBrain tumoursPediatric brain tumorsPrimary brain tumors
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      Brain TumorBrain tumours
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      Brain TumorBrainBrain tumoursPediatric brain tumors
A significant number of patients diagnosed with primary brain tumours report unmet information needs. Using concept mapping methodology, this study aimed to identify strategies for improving information provision, and to describe factors... more
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      Concept MappingDoctor-patient communicationBrain tumours
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      CancerPsycho-oncologyDoctor-patient communicationPatient Information (wayfinding)
Written information is commonly used to inform patients about their disease and treatment but must be evidence-based and understandable to be useful. This study assessed the quality of the content and the readability of information... more
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      Patient Information (wayfinding)Brain tumoursReadabilityTrust and Trustworthiness