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Purpose: Cancer is one of the serious diseases of our time, claiming the lives of many people annually. Numerous experiments have been conducted to treat various types of cancer, but most have not yielded satisfactory results. The aim of... more
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      CancerDigital Signal ProcessingCymaticsNeuroprosthetics
is a new, overnight work in which four performers fall asleep while wearing custom designed EEG sensors which monitor their brainwave activity. The data gathered from the EEG sensors is applied in real time to different audio and image... more
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      Computer ScienceSignal ProcessingNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionReal Time
In a study published in PNAS Nexus, Alexander Genevsky and colleagues explore neuroforecasting, blending neuroscience, technology, and metaphysics. Using fMRI, neuroforecasting taps the nucleus accumbens to predict collective behavior,... more
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      NeuroscienceCollective BehaviorPsychologyQuantum Physics
One of the main challenges for current neurosciences is to comprehend how information is encoded in neural networks. One technical approach to study distributed multi-neuronal activity patterns is recording from brain slices with... more
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El desarrollo de las Interfaces Cerebro-Máquina (BCI) ha surgido como una tecnología revolucionaria que permite la comunicación directa entre el cerebro humano y dispositivos inteligentes. Este estudio evalúa la efectividad de diversas... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceBrain-computer interfaces
The governance of data is a vital component for every organization, but it is of utmost significance in situations when there are a significant number of users both within the organization and beyond its boundaries or boundaries. To... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSecurityData Governance
The advent of AI-powered computer-brain interfaces (CBIs) marks a transformative era, where technology extends human cognitive and physical abilities far beyond previously imagined limits. CBIs, driven by cutting-edge advancements in... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBrain-computer interfacesHuman Potential
Objective: to identify theoretical and legal problems associated with the steadily increasing spread of digital and biotechnologies’ development products; to assess the risks associated with this process that can change the position of a... more
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      Digital TechnologyBiotechnologyGenetic EngineeringRobots
This research introduces a groundbreaking hypothesis on the existence of electromagnetic parasites and their potential impact on the human nervous system. The hypothesis is uniquely based on the researcher's personal clinical observations... more
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Presently, the in vitro recording of intracellular neuronal signals on microelectrode arrays (MEAs) requires complex 3D nanostructures or invasive and approaches such as electroporation. Here, it is shown that laser poration enables... more
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    • Electrophisiology
Brain-to-brain communication (B2B) is an emerging field that explores the possibility of direct thought exchange between individuals using neuroinformatics, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), and artificial intelligence (AI). Recent... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
Abstract The human brain's remarkable plasticity renders it susceptible to various external influences that can alter its structure and function. This comprehensive review examines the concept of "brain hacking," referring to the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBrain-computer interfacesInformation EthicsMedical Ethics
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      PhilosophyEthicsBrain-computer interfacesAutonomy
A direct line of communication between humans and machines is provided by a brain-computer-interface (BCI). Over past few decades, it has been successfully applied in numerous ways. These days, Machine_Learning and Deep_Learning approach... more
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    • Signal and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine learning, Feature Extraction and Classification of Biomedical signals, Brain Machine Interface (BMI), and Computational Neuroscience
Brain-machine interfaces can provide intuitive control of robotic prosthetic legs, exoskeletons, and other assistive technologies. However, a grand challenge is the design of the neural decoding algorithms used to transform brain signals... more
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      RoboticsNeuroscienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) using electroencephalography (EEG) have the potential to assist individuals with paralysis or neuromuscular diseases. However, the development of EEG decoding models remains a challenge due to inter-subject... more
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      RoboticsNeuroscienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
La foudre, phénomène naturel à effets directs et indirects, apporte souvent des désastres. A Madagascar, à cause des coûts élevés des parafoudres et paratonnerres, les gens pratiquent plutôt la prévention par prévision traditionnelle.... more
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Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008
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operational efficiency in resource-constrained environments. By processing real-time neural signals, the study explores how BCI can support decision-making processes, automate repetitive tasks, and monitor employees’ cognitive... more
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      AlgorithmsMilitary IntelligenceInformation SecurityMachine Learning
In a groundbreaking exploration at the intersection of neuroscience and technology, this study delves into the innovative integration of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) with brain organoids. By harnessing advanced machine learning... more
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      Brain-computer interfacesOrganoids
Single channel EEG systems are very useful in EEG based applications where real time processing, low computational complexity and low cumbersomeness are critical constrains. These include brain-computer interface and biofeedback devices... more
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      Differential AlgebraComputer ScienceElectroencephalographyParameter estimation
Abstract: Brain tumor is inherently serious and life-threatening disease. Brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain or inside the skull, which can be cancerous or noncancerous. Early detection and classification of brain... more
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      Brain TumorArtifacts
The future of human-computer interaction is poised for a revolutionary shift. While current approaches often rely on physical gestures or invasive methods, this paper explores the potential of non-invasive neural interfaces. By leveraging... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEye trackingNon Invasive Brain StimulationHuman-Computer Interaction
Die Schriftenreihe Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Germanistik bietet Wissenschaftler*innen der Germanistik weltweit eine Plattform zu neuen, zeitgenössischen und zukunftsweisenden Studien an. In Anbetracht der Komplexität der heutigen... more
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IntraCavi utilizes natural pathways such as the oral cavity, palate, nasal mucosa, ear canal, and eye muscles to enable comprehensive neurostimulation. This method combines electrical impulses with vibration mechanisms and the integration... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMedical SciencesRehabilitation MedicineBiomedical Engineering
Questo lavoro esplora il campo delle neuroscienze computazionali e delle simulazioni cerebrali, con un focus sulle tecnologie emergenti, le applicazioni in ambito medico e le implicazioni etiche. Attraverso l'analisi delle neuroscienze,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAlzheimer's DiseaseParkinson's DiseaseBrain-computer interfaces
Contemporary culture is imbued both implicitly and explicitly with the ideas of transhumanism. Using principles such as (self-) optimisation and technologisation, transhumanism suggests the idea of constantly transcending the boundaries... more
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      Brain-computer interfacesHuman EnhancementPosthumanism and TranshumanismEthical aspects of Human Enhancement
Accurate neural decoding of brain dynamics remains a significant and open challenge in brain-machine interfaces. While various signal processing, feature extraction, and classification algorithms have been proposed, a systematic... more
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      NeuroscienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningBrain-computer interfaces
In today's interconnected global economy, the importance of tax and risk compliance cannot be overstated. Businesses face an array of challenges-from regulatory changes and economic uncertainties to the complexities of digital... more
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    • Business
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【Abstract】 The ethical governance of brain-computer interface (BCI) research in mental disorders is crucial to effectively prevent ethical risks of technology, and promote responsible innovation by various stakeholders. As a key research... more
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    • Brain-computer interfaces
The pursuit of a unified theory that captures the intricacies of the brain and mind continues to be a significant challenge in theoretical neuroscience. This paper presents a novel, triune framework that utilizes the concept of collective... more
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      ElectrophysiologyBrain-computer interfacesMagnetoencephalographyDiffusion Tensor Imaging
In the states, penetration of mobile platforms at an equal speed is completely changing things around for people and enterprises making life easy and accessible. This move, however has new baggage of cyber threats associated with it that... more
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    • Cyber Security
As online banking continues to grow and change, solid fraud detection is a must in order for financial data not be lost and instead live up to the significance of trust from customers. Cybersecurity at the Next Level: Advanced Cyber... more
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    • Cyber Security
Our previous study showed that embodied cultured neural networks and spiking neural networks with spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) can learn a behavior as they avoid stimulation from outside. In a sense, the embodied neural... more
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      Computer ScienceEmbodied Cognition
The metaverse is a hypothetical iteration that combines physical reality with virtual reality. Companies have begun investing in the metaverse, concurrently with a growing concern for a secure metaverse. In this paper, we delve into the... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Engineering
Resumo O presente trabalho apresenta um método baseado em reconhecimento de padrões proteômicos para o diagnóstico precoce do câncer de próstata, utilizando técnicas computacionais, aplicadas na base de dados de padrões proteômicos... more
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      Pattern RecognitionIndependent Component AnalysisProstate CancerSupport vector machine
Spectral decomposition has provided a means for observing those features in seismic data that are not always clear in the time domain. There are several approaches that can be used to produce a spectral decomposition of a seismic trace. A... more
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Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology holds promise for revolutionizing interaction between humans and machines, enabling direct communication pathways based on neural signals. However, optimizing BCI applications requires overcoming... more
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      Brain-computer interfacesAdaptive FeedbackNeural Signal Processing
The rapid advancement of technologies enabling human enhancement, from cognitive augmentation to life extension, has sparked significant philosophical debate. However, current posthumanist discourse often focuses on the means of... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceHuman Computer InteractionPhilosophy
In the last chapter, Janna van Grunsven, Caroline Bollen and Bouke van Balen show how the phenomenology of communication can inform the field of augmented or alternative communication technology (AAC-tech). AAC-tech is a set of... more
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      CommunicationBrain-computer interfacesEmbodimentPhenomenology
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a robot/machine communication based on brain activity. The main purpose of BCIs are facilitate the living of disables which has hearing, vision or mobility disabilities. The first and most basic step of... more
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      Computer ScienceElectroencephalographyBrain Computer Interface
Using the GPT algorithm originally developed by OpenAI in February 2019, a skewed or ‘sicko’ AI character was created as a real-time entity running in the Google cloud. The algorithm allows imitations of human dialogue that produce fake... more
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      Performance StudiesBrain-computer interfacesInteractive NarrativeInteractive and Digital Media
AIBO is an embodied, immersive, interactive love story about our infatuation and trust in artificial intelligence, and how AI hierarchies over our experienced emotions. The performance takes place between a human character Eva and AIBO... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBrain-computer interfacesSurveillance StudiesDigital Signal Processing
In 1875, Richard Caton, an electrophysiologist, discovered that the human brain could create electrical signals and promptly reported his findings to the British Medical Association. In 1929, the German scientist Hans Berger published a... more
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      Digital HumanitiesHistory of ScienceBrain-computer interfacesSurveillance Studies
Since 1972, when Bryan Jennet and Fred Plum coined for the first time the expression "vegetative state", they distinguished "wakefulness" from "awareness", equalizing "consciousness" with observable responses to behavioral stimuli. Recent... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsBioethicsMedical Ethics
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    • Art
Multielectrode arrays for interfacing with neurons are of great interest for a wide range of medical applications. However, current electrodes cause damage over time. Ultra small carbon fibers help to address issues but controlling the... more
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      FiberInterfacingElectrodeMultielectrode Array
The advent of brain-machine interface (BMI) technology has led to a new paradigm in various fields, notably in military technology. BMIs, also known as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), involve direct communication between the brain and... more
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      Brain-computer interfacesMilitaryBrain-Machine Interface