Brain-computer interfaces
Recent papers in Brain-computer interfaces
Donald Hoffman, Gerçekliğe Karşı kitabına "Kırmızı hapı sunuyorum." diyerek başlıyor. Evrim, gerçekliğin hakikatini bizim yararımıza olacak şekilde değiştirir diyor ve arayüz argümanını sunuyor. İnsanlığın tür olarak hayatta kalma... more
This paper discusses and evaluates the role of shared control approach in a BCI-based telepresence framework. Driving a mobile device by using human brain signals might improve the quality of life of people suffering from severely... more
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most severe types of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. Biotechnology and bioinformatics are nowadays involved in the establishment of advanced methods of diagnosis and... more
Penetrating neural probe technologies allow investigators to record electrical signals in the brain. The implantation of probes causes acute tissue damage, partially due to vasculature disruption during probe implantation. This trauma can... more
Muscle activity is the basis of many brain-machine interface (BMI) applications, but the mainstream EMG-based technology to decode muscle activity has significant constraints when long-term BMI usage “in-the-wild” is required (e.g.... more
sleep paralysis is not a common term for most of the people. This is a term related to psychology and neurology. Sleep paralysis is a problem which most often can be experienced during or before falling asleep and the person experiencing... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
This paper introduces a system that uses brainwaves, or EEG (electroencephalogram), information to steer generative rules in order to compose and perform music on the fly. The paper starts by noting the various attempts at the design of... more
New Inverse Kinematic based Brain Computer Interface (IK-BCI) system was proposed. the system performs aim selection intended by user through acquiring user's EEG signal, extract the signal's feature, classify the intention behind the... more
It is widely considered that technology gave birth and continues to play a vital role in film production around the globe. Technological advancements have shaped film language and the audience experience throughout history. With the... more
La riflessione sulle neuroscienze e il diritto è da tempo avviata. Occorre proseguire in essa e indagare le possibili nuove aggressioni e, di conseguenza, i nuovi bisogni di tutela per la persona umana da esse rivenienti e le molteplici... more
The Kalman filter is commonly used in neural interface systems to decode neural activity and estimate the desired movement kinematics. We analyze a low-complexity Kalman filter implementation in which the filter gain is approximated by... more
Real-time classification of eye movements offers an effective mode for human–machine interaction, and many eye-based interfaces have been presented in the literature. However, such systems often require that sensors be attached around the... more
This paper introduces a brain-computer interface (BCI) system that uses electroencephalogram (EEG) information to steer generative rules in order to compose and perform music. It starts by noting the various attempts at the design of BCI... more
Brain-computer interface research is a very current research area as is machine learning, although some of the concepts have been around for many years or even decades, these areas of research still garners a lot of interest. This project... more
Football is one of the most popular sports and is played all over the world thoroughly. The result of the football matches is highly dependent on referee rather than the football player skill regarding the violations of the offside rules.... more
A Brain Computer Interface (BCI) or Brain Machine Interface is a direct Communication path between a human brain and an external environment. It allows users to send their messages or commands without any muscle movement but through the... more
When designing target architectures for organizations, the discipline of enterprise architecture has historically relied a set of assumptions regarding the physical, cognitive, and social capacities of the human beings serving as... more
The human brain is a very complex structure. Over the past few decades, many researchers have established the connection between the human brain and digital devices. In this review researchers explained the new technology methods which... more
The current trend to use Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) with mobile devices mandates the development of efficient EEG data processing methods. In this paper, we demonstrate the performance of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA)... more
This paper it is offered as a roadmap and guide to the researchers and game developers approaching brain-controlled game. It reviews advancement made to date in this area considering the approach, techniques, tools and methods used to... more
Nowadays, smart home devices have started to take a part in everything in our life, which mainly have been developed to consist from brain computer interface (BCI). In recent months, Neuralink BCI (1024-Electode) has been approved to be... more
We proposed a classification technique of EEG motor imagery signals using Logistic regression and feature extraction algorithm using filter bank common spatial pattern (FBCSP).Main theme of FBCSP is that the signals decomposed into 5 sub... more
For a long time, one of my dreams was to describe the nature of uncertainty axiomatically, and it looks like I've finally done it in my co∼eventum mechanics! Now it remains for me to explain to everyone the co∼eventum mechanics in the... more
EEG based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) can be classified as one of the new communication channel that exists between the Human & Computers only through the biological signals by avoiding the use of muscular activity in association for... more
Anthropology of Race 725.51
Technology assessment is essentially an approach, a collective of the systematic methods used to scientifically investigate the conditions for and the consequences of technology and technicising and to denote their societal evaluation. It... more
P300-based brain–computer interface spellers employ the P300 component, which is derived from scalp measured electroencephalogram during the brain’s electrical response to a flash denoting an attended target character.The most popular... more
Noor: A Brain Opera is the world’s first EEG brainwave enabled opera. It is based on my research into the increase of network surveillance coupled with global governmental funding that aims to map every neuron in the human brain over the... more
Abstract—BCI allows users to communicate with others by using only brain activity without using peripheral nerves and muscles of human body. On BCI research the Electroencephalogram (EEG) is used for recording the electrical activity... more
Penetrating microscale microelectrodes made from flexible polymers tend to bend or deflect and may fail to reach their target location. The development of flexible neural probes requires methods for reliable and controlled insertion into... more
Advanced Extensible Interface (AXI) is the most commonly used bus protocols in the day-today because of its high performance and high-frequency operation without using complex bridges. AXI is also backward-compatible with existing AHB and... more
The ‘Mind-Upload’ hypothesis (MU), a radical version of the Brain- in-a-Vat thought experiment, asserts that a whole mind can safely be transferred from a brain to a digital device, after being exactly encoded into substrate independent... more