We report measurements of direct CP-violating asymmetries in charmless decays of neutral bottom hadrons to pairs of charged hadrons with the upgraded Collider Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Using a data sample corresponding to 1 fb −1... more
We report measurements of direct CP-violating asymmetries in charmless decays of neutral bottom hadrons to pairs of charged hadrons with the upgraded Collider Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Using a data sample corresponding to 1 fb −1... more
We report measurements of direct CP-violating asymmetries in charmless decays of neutral bottom hadrons to pairs of charged hadrons with the upgraded Collider Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Using a data sample corresponding to 1 fb −1... more
A search is performed for the decay Λb → pKη′ using pp collision data collected with the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of √ s = 7 TeV and √ s = 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1. The search is performed... more
The magnetic moments of heavy sextet J P = 1 2 + baryons are calculated in framework of the light cone QCD sum rules method. Linearly independent relations among the magnetic moments of these baryons are obtained. The results for the... more
We report measurements of direct CP-violating asymmetries in charmless decays of neutral bottom hadrons to pairs of charged hadrons with the upgraded Collider Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Using a data sample corresponding to 1 fb −1... more
We report measurements of direct CP-violating asymmetries in charmless decays of neutral bottom hadrons to pairs of charged hadrons with the upgraded Collider Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Using a data sample corresponding to 1 fb −1... more
We discuss the possible searching for the oscillation by coherent ΛΛ̅ production in J/ψ→ΛΛ̅ decay process. The sensitivity of measurement of Λ - Λ̅ oscillation in the external field at BES-III experiment is considered. These... more
An angular analysis of Λ 0 b → J/ψ Λ decays is performed using a data sample corresponding to 1.0 fb -1 collected in pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV with the LHCb detector at the LHC. A parity violating asymmetry parameter characterising the... more
An angular analysis of Λ 0 b → J/ψ Λ decays is performed using a data sample corresponding to 1.0 fb −1 collected in pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV with the LHCb detector at the LHC. A parity violating asymmetry parameter characterising the... more
A hybrid operator splitting method is developed for computations of two-dimensional transverse magnetic Maxwell equations in media with multiple random interfaces. By projecting the solutions into the random space using the polynomial... more
Branching ratios, lepton forward-backward asymmetries, and lepton polarization asymmetries for the flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) dileptonic decays of the Λb baryon to the ground state and a number of excited state Λ baryons are... more
Hadronic form factors for the rare weak transitions Λ b → Λ (*) are calculated using a nonrelativistic quark model. The form factors are extracted in two ways. An analytic extraction using single component wave functions (SCA) with the... more
In previous work we have introduced model predictive control (MPC) for max-plus-linear and max-min-plus(scaling) discrete-event systems. For max-plus-linear systems there are efficient algorithms to solve the corresponding MPC... more
In previous work we have introduced model predictive control (MPC) for max-plus-linear and max-min-plus(scaling) discrete-event systems. For max-plus-linear systems there are efficient algorithms to solve the corresponding MPC... more
The weak decays of charmed baryon multiplets into ground state baryons and mesons are investigated using current algebra technique. Some of the interesting results on the partial decays= rates and the asymmetry parameters for the ∆C=∆S=-1... more
The mass correction forms of the arbitrary spin heavy hadrons are derived by using the projection operator method. The Bjorken sum rule for finite mass is derived by using the results of here.
We obtain exact solutions of the (2+1) dimensional Dirac oscillator in a homogeneous magnetic field within a minimal length (∆x0 = √ β), or generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) scenario. This system in ordinary quantum mechanics has a... more
We present a detailed study of the two-body strong decays of light mesons.
We discuss various topics in the theory of heavy baryon decays. Among these are recent applications of the Relativistic Three Quark Model to semileptonic, non-leptonic, one-pion and one-photon transitions among heavy baryons, new higher... more
We introduce and study the properties of a class of coherent states for the group SU(1,1) X SU(1,1) and derive explicit expressions for these using the Clebsch-Gordan algebra for the SU(1,1) group. We restrict ourselves to the discrete... more
The main objective of this work consists of obtaining a new robust and stable Model Predictive Control (MPC). One widely used technique for improving robustness in MPC consists of the Min-Max optimization, where an analogy can be... more
In this paper we study the lepton polarization asymmetry for the simileptonic OZI-forbidden annihilation B^-_c->\eta' \ell^- \bar{\nu} decay where \ell=\mu, \tau. Our results show that the branching ratio turn out to be of order 10^{-4}.... more
We examine the unparticle CP-conserving phase effects on the direct CP asymmetry for both polarized and unpolarized leptons in the inclusive b→dℓ+ℓ- transition, where the flavor-changing neutral currents are forbidden at tree level but... more
In the mfimle mass limit one can separate unambtgously positive and negative panty contributions to baryomc correlators. We examine the rehabthty of the baryon sum rules m the heavy quark effective theory. Finite mass correcUons are found... more
The magnetic moments of heavy sextet $J^P = {1\over 2}^+$ baryons are calculated in framework of the light cone QCD sum rules method. Linearly independent relations among the magnetic moments of these baryons are obtained. The results for... more
We analyse the Lorentz structures of weak decay matrix elements between meson states of arbitrary spin. Simplifications arise in the transition amplitudes for a heavy meson decaying into the light one via a Bethe-Salpeter approach which... more
Assuming Coulomb-like as well as confining scalar potential, we have solved Shrödinger equation perturbatively in 1/m Q with a heavy quark mass m Q . The lowest order equation is examined carefully. Mass levels are fitted with... more
Perturbative QCD analysis of B(B → Xlν), charm yield n c in B decay, and τ (Λ b )/τ (B d )
π and η decay modes of light baryon resonances are investigated within a chiral quark model whose hyperfine interaction is based on Goldstone-boson exchange. For the decay mechanism a modified version of the 3 P0 model is employed. Our... more
We compute the leading order (in α s ) perturbative QCD and power (1/m 2 b ) corrections to the hadronic invariant mass and hadron energy spectra in the decay B → X s ℓ + ℓ − in standard model. The computations are carried out using the... more
We provide the definition of the complete set of light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) for the ground state heavy bottom baryons with the spin-parities J P = 1/2 + and J P = 3/2 + in the heavy quark limit. We present the... more
Branching ratios, lepton forward-backward asymmetries, and lepton polarization asymmetries for the flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) dileptonic decays of the Λb baryon to the ground state and a number of excited state Λ baryons are... more
We study some nonleptonic decays of Ab-baryon involving transition of a heavy to light quark, using nonrelativistic quark model for form factors. The decay rates for two such decays are consistent with the data available. Also these... more
We discuss the generalized eigenvalue problem for computing energies and matrix elements in lattice gauge theory, including effective theories such as HQET. It is analyzed how the extracted effective energies and matrix elements converge... more
We derive generic formulas for the polarization density matrix of leptons produced in νN and ¯ {ν }N collisions and briefly consider some important particular cases. Next we employ the general formalism in order to include the final... more
Using the responsible form factors calculated via full QCD, we analyze the Λ b → Λℓ + ℓ − transition in the standard model containing fourth-generation quarks (SM4). We discuss the effects of the presence of the t ′ fourth-family quark on... more
Hadronic form factors for the rare weak transitions Λ b → Λ ( * ) are calculated using a nonrelativistic quark model. The form factors are extracted in two ways. An analytic extraction using single component wave functions (SCA) with the... more