Recent papers in Bosnia
Since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on December 14th in Paris 1995, the political but also general social scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been overwhelmed with the issues of reforms and changes in regard to the... more
The admittance of individuals into a chivalric order was an important tool of late medieval diplomacy which contributed significantly to the reinforcement of political and cultural ties between the order’s leader and admitted member and... more
The book endeavours to show how research based on poststructuralist discourse analysis can yield analytically beneficial and methodologically sound insights. It largely delivers on these promises. Part I provides a lucid explanation of... more
The European Union (EU) has closely correlated different aspects of the peace process in Bosnia with progress towards European accession. The ‘power of attraction’ of EU membership would presumably induce the Bosnian authorities to accept... more
Before the former Yugoslavia was divided by wars, its inhabitants successfully lived side by side in peace. This collection seeks to explain how former neighbors became enemies, with the hope that understanding what drove these peoples... more
İÇİNDEKİLER ÜÇÜNCÜ BÖLÜM ARNAVUTLUK 1. Analysis on Existing Ottoman Heritage Buildings inside Fortress Walls of Elbasan City Brunilda BASHA–Zafer SAĞDIC 09 2. Arnavut Edebiyatında İslâm Dini Yansımaları ve Söylemsellik Modelleri Nysret... more
Τhe EU has attempted to push forward essential reforms for the stabilisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, presenting them as conditions for progress towards EU accession. However, this Europeanisation approach has not produced the expected... more
This article argues that the post-Dayton political organisation of Bosnia represents an exemplary illustration of the difficulties associated with the empirical application of the pluralist model of “consociational democracy”. The... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
In this article for Just Security, the authors explain how the EU institutions (European Commission and External Action Service) and the US are pressing forward with a package assembled by Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, which... more
This paper investigates how national ideologies are able to contribute towards the preparation of the path to genocide. It looks at a concept of 'othering' where ideology can dehumanise the other and looks at the cases of Bosnia and... more
The article discusses the efforts to undertake economic reconstruction in Bosnia following the end of the war. It argues that, despite certain successes such as the rehabilitation of infrastructure and the privatization of the banking... more
PREDGOVOR NIKOLAJA LEVAŠOVA ,13 januara 2011 godine : " Ova knjiga je postala Hima heroja iz proslosti, čija imena su osudjena na zaborav, kao Isidora, ili sećanja iskrivljena o Radomiru i Magdaleni. Svetlana je uspela da vrati dobro... more
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
For centuriesrape has been considered as an inherent part of war-culture, as a natural expression of hatred, and as a way for soldiers to release sexual energy. After the recent atrocities committed by Serbian forces in Bosnia however, it... more
Widespread sexual abuse of men during the war years remains off the agenda in Bosnia, with victims receiving little or no support.
Przedstawiona w ramach niniejszego artykułu próba klasyfikacji różnych sposobów oddziaływania religii na tożsamość narodową pokazuje z jak złożonym fenomenem mamy do czynienia. Przeprowadzone analizy odnoszą się zarówno do historii, jak i... more
Tracing the influence of institutional Islamic Public Administration in Europe, the chapter looks at the four European Muslim-majority countries, Turkey, Albania, (the Federation of) Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. All are successor... more
Rad je dio turističkog preglednika "Gradačac: Grad Zmaja od Bosne" kojeg je izdala Općina Gradačac i sastavni je dio projekta "Upravljanje rizikom od mina i društvenoekonomski razvoj u zajednicama ugroženim minama u Bosni i Hercegovini u... more
This paper critically addresses the identification of transitional, retributive and restorative justice, ICTY, and historiographical memory as the moral foundation of conflict transformation and peace-building normativeness in... more
The Srebrenica Commission was formed by the Republika Srpska government to investigate the events that occurred in and around Srebrenica in July 1995. The Commission was formed by a decision of the Human Rights Chamber (HRC) of Bosnia and... more
The 11 new marble headstones erected at the small village cemetery at the outskirts of Hegići in late July 2007 outnumbered the number of people who had returned to the village. Only the dates of death engraved on the white headstones... more
Book Review of František Šístek (ed.), Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe: Representations, Transfers and Exchanges (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books 2021) by Dejan Jović REFERENCE: Jović, Dejan. "František Šistek (ur):... more
The paper presents a short review of historiography examining the Ottoman conquest of the Bosnian Kingdom in 1463, with an emphasis on opinions and evaluations of historians from the Ragusan writers and chroniclers of the sixteenth and... more
Ferdinand Velc was a painter, photographer and also very important person in the czech ethnography. By his camera he documented mostly the life of village peoples in some czech regions and also in Bosnia, where he teached in Sarajevo... more
Šta bi pod K-143 modelom bilo promijenjeno u sistemu uprave u BiH?
Assessment of AFBiH capabilities, performance, handicaps and weaknesses, including politicization in the ranks and potential fracture along ethnic lines under pressure.
The concept of scapegoating has widely used descriptive power with respect to reporting and understanding social violence. It is helpful, though, to review the limits of this concept with respect to explaining and redressing the causes of... more
Приказ књиге: Есад Куртовић, Из хисторије банкарства Босне и Дубровника у средњем вијеку (Улагање новца на добит), Историјски институт, Посебна издања, Књига 59, Београд 2010, стр. 173.
This article examines whether there is a steady pattern of celebrity engagement with humanitarian issues through a study of the involvement of U2 and Angelina Jolie in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The activism of these two celebrities was... more