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In this chapter we consider the afterlife of the remains of unidentified migrants who have died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Albania and North Africa to Italy. Drawing on insights from long-term, multi-sited field... more
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      AnthropologyMediterraneanMigration StudiesAnthropology of Death
This article focuses on Russian Novoselitsa, a small town on the Russian-Austro-Hungarian-Romanian border, which served as the sole border crossing between Russian Bessarabia and Austrian Bukovina. As of 1893, it was also an important... more
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      Romanian HistoryBorder StudiesBukovinaUkrainian History
Publicat a "Ibix 9. Annals del Centre d'Estudis Comarcals del Ripollès 2014-2015", 2016, p. 113-132.
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      Early Modern HistoryProtestantismBorders and FrontiersPyrenees
The city of Rijeka/Fiume underwent an array of transitions in the long twentieth century, from the port of Hungary in the Dual Monarchy to a free city, to D´Annunzio´s Italian Regency of Carnaro, annexation by Italy, incorporation into... more
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      UrbanismContested Spaces (Anthropology of space)Urban And Regional PlanningYugoslavia (History)
Las fronteras, espacios críticos de la soberanía de los Estados, son construcciones humanas, cuya delimitación precisa fue consecuencia de la irrupción del nacionalismo y el liberalismo, a lo largo del siglo XIX. En este estudio se... more
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      National IdentityPortugal (History)Borders and FrontiersFronteras
This insightful book analyzes the evolution of the operational tasks and cooperation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawAsylum LawIrregular Migration
La rappresentazione cartografica ha negli ultimi anni attratto attenzioni crescenti e diversificate che vanno inquadrate nel rinnovato interesse che le scienze sociali hanno rivolto alla spazialità e alla visualità. I geografi sono stati,... more
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      CartographyHistory of CartographyCritical CartographyBorders
As India successfully positions itself as one of the core, influential nations of the world, its security scenario has become more vulnerable and complex. The roots of India's security challenges lie not only at the regional and... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryInternational RelationsBorder Studies
This book aims to address ‘boat migration’ with a holistic approach. The different chapters consider the multiple facets of the phenomenon and the complex challenges they pose, bringing together knowledge from several disciplines and... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawHuman Rights
For the last two decades, my sexual-emotional relationships have happened within what has come to be known as non-monogamy, a field in which I am an activist, theorist, consultant and who knows what else. And despite all that, and despite... more
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      AnthropologyFeminist TheoryFamily studiesGender and Sexuality
This is the Performing Borders Study Room Guide curated by Alessandra Cianetti and published by the Live Art Development Agency (LADA). It explores physical and conceptual orders through live art. Artists working in this aspect talk about... more
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      Installation ArtArt Practice as ResearchEmbodimentPerformance Art
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      Borders and FrontiersMaritime Boundary Delimitation
Ceuta y Melilla, las ciudades fronterizas de la Unión Europea en África, pueden ser definidas como territorios de excepción. Fundamentalmente por dos motivos. El primero: el estatus jurídico-político diferenciado que la arquitectura... more
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      Border StudiesBorder PolicyMigration StudiesAnthropology of Borders
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawHuman Rights Law
Tristano Matta Direttore responsabile: Diego D'Amelio Redattore: Fabio Todero Direzione, redazione e amministrazione: Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione nel Friuli Venezia Giulia Salita di Gretta 38, 34136... more
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      Italian StudiesBorder StudiesContemporary HistoryPolitical Science
This short essay explores the meaning of crossing borders in contemporary times. Borders are proliferating at a rapid rate, and paradoxically they are also being eroded at a rapid rate. This essay claims that this 'making and unmaking of... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementSociology
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
According to William Zartman “Borders run across land but through people. On maps they appear as fine one-dimensional lines, whereas on the ground they have many dimensions. Borders are boundaries in depth, space around a line, place... more
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      Border StudiesCross-border cooperationCaucasusAnthropology of Borders
Borderlands 2016 Table of Contents and Introduction The images of migrants and refugees arriving in precarious boats on the shores of southern Europe, and of the makeshift camps that have sprung up in Lesbos, Lampedusa, Calais and... more
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      GlobalizationBorder StudiesMigrationCosmopolitanism
Osmanlı Devleti ile Venedik Cumhuriyeti arasında, küçük birtakım mücadeleleri kenara bırakırsak en temelde yedi ayrı savaş meydana gelmiştir. Savaşların son üçü ise incelediğimiz tarih aralığında yaşanmıştır... bu savaşların çoğu... more
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      Ottoman HistoryWar StudiesBorders and FrontiersHistory of Venice
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      Social MovementsSocial TheoryEuropean StudiesPolitical Philosophy
En este trabajo se realiza una síntesis de los antecedentes y la relevancia histórica de las poblaciones originarias que habitaron la región que incluye los actuales partidos de Azul, Tapalqué y Olavarría. Se presta particular atención a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryLatin American StudiesArchaeology
Based on long term archaeological ethnography on the border island of Lesvos situated on Europe's margins, this article explores the regimes of eating and the role of food practices in the refugee camp/processing centre of Moria. Starting... more
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      ArchaeologySociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodLiminality
随着资本主义、殖民主义和民族国家体系的扩张,19、20世纪,全球土地被“领土化”。划分和争夺背后,折射的是全新的地理认知和政治意识形态。民族国家以人为划定的边界来塑造身份认同,传统的地域空间认知被国际法准则彻底改造。本文对日本殖民官僚兼学者篠田治策的“间岛”(中朝边境图们江以北)论述做“知识考古”,并将此论述放到19世纪的国际法及殖民知识体系中认知。提出的问题包括:为何篠田坚持将图们、鸭绿两江以北地区称为“无人地带”?他依靠哪些史料,并如何利用这些史料?更为重要的是,这些史料... more
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      CartographyInternational LawJapanese ColonialismBorders and Frontiers
In this paper I use a trans-border lens to investigate the region encompassed by the Russian Far East, northeast China, eastern Mongolia, northern Korea, and the Sea of Japan. We need to transcend the framework of nation-states and... more
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      East Asian StudiesEurasiaAsia Pacific RegionBorders and Frontiers
The paper focuses on the interpretation of Roman Italy and its geographical borders in the Early Modern period, with particular attention to its rebirth in Biondo Flavio’s work - Key words: Italia romana, historical borders, regiones,... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryRoman HistoryRenaissance Humanism
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la creación del Parque Nacional Iguazú en tanto parte del proceso de consolidación de la presencia del Estado nacional sobre la zona de frontera internacional del noreste argentino, en el... more
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      State FormationArgentina HistoryNational ParksFrontier Studies
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      African StudiesMiddle East StudiesIranian StudiesSlavery
La zone frontalière dans la tourmente · L’accession à l’indépendance du Soudan du Sud en 2011 n’a pas mis un terme au plus vieux conflit africain. Au contraire, la rébellion contre Khartoum a repris dans les États soudanais du Kordofan du... more
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      Border StudiesCross-border cooperationAnthropology of BordersBorderlands Studies
et al. 298 × 216 mm. xvi + 712 pp. Numerous b/w and colour illustrations. ISBN 978 1 8421 7519 4. Price £85.00.
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      Ancient IranBorders and FrontiersSasanian ArchaeologyGurgan
Book review: Nationalism in Central Asia: a biography of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan boundary, by Nick Megoran, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh University Press, 2017, 368 pp., $29.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-0822964421
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      HistoryBorder StudiesCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia
This article examines the role of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the implementation of the European Union (EU) migration and asylum policy in Niger.... more
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      European StudiesMigration StudiesBorders and FrontiersExternalisation
This short article is from Card Talk, the magazine of the Toronto Postcard Club, and discusses a few postcards from my collection that relate to the border between the United States and Canada.
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      Canadian HistoryPostcardsBorders and FrontiersHistory of Postcards
En la década de 1890, en pleno boom del caucho, los barcos de vapor comienzan a recorrer lentamente la Amazonía boliviana. El escenario es prometeico: la goma construye fortunas en medio de la selva, se planean ferrocarriles que... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesLatin American StudiesAnthropology
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      European StudiesCriminal LawCriminal JusticeEuropean Law
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      Borders and FrontiersFRONTEX
Although, the Sahara Wall was built, at first, in a specific context and for a specific goal, today it reflects multidimensional aspects of a long-term conflict –the Western Sahara issue that still threatens the stability of the Maghreb... more
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      Border StudiesBorders and FrontiersWallsWestern Sahara
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      Critical Security StudiesUS-Mexico BorderlandsBorders and FrontiersNew Materialism
While media and scholarly attention on the ‘clandestinity’ of migrants is commonplace, and while ‘visibility’ and ‘invisibility’ feature prominently in the vocabulary of migration scholars, it seems researchers rarely interrogate borders... more
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      Critical GeopoliticsVisual CultureImmigrationSecurity Studies
In the face of the ‘refugee crisis’, many European governments, even in traditionally liberal states, unilaterally introduced a number of restrictive and, often, controversial migration, asylum, and border control policies. The author... more
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      Border StudiesMigrationIrregular MigrationEuropean Union
840 a 260 a.C.), lo cual significaría una presencia larga por parte de los grupos costeños en la sierra. Ante este contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es indagar sobre los patrones de control, interacción y el tipo de frontera... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyBorders and FrontiersBoletin de Arqueologia PUCP (4)219-252Nazca archaeology
In a collective action to reclaim the label of the Eastern Queendom—a legendary matriarchal kingdom—the villagers in Suopo township, Danba county, Sichuan take advantage of the media and a newly founded tourism association to press their... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsGender StudiesAnthropology
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    • Borders and Frontiers
Identifying the correct HS code has been perceived as a kind of tacit skill of some specifics in the past. With the implementation of ENS-Entry Summary System (or AMS- Advanced Manifest Submission to Customs authorities) it became a buzz... more
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    • Borders and Frontiers
As an artist-scholar, I query: In what ways does border perform, (dis)connect, alter, shift dissolve and (re)imagine identity? Migration is essential to human existence in this present 'postnormal times' characterized by chaos,... more
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      Applied Drama/TheatrePerformanceMigration StudiesBorders and Frontiers
This paper aims to review the detailed elements of the context situation at the Maghreb borders with a focus on the Algerian ones, shared, moreover, with all the countries of the Maghreb region and even the Sahel. We intend to analyze the... more
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      Border StudiesMaghreb studiesMediterranean and North AfricaBorders and Frontiers
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      Security StudiesCapitalismApartheidMigration Studies
Eileen Truax | translated by Diane Stockwell | An excerpt from How Does It Feel To Be Unwanted? | Beacon Press | September 2018 How many times can you start your life all over again from zero? If there’s anyone who knows the answer to... more
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      ImmigrationImmigration LawMigration StudiesIndigenous Peoples
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      German HistoryBorder StudiesCold WarCold War history
_______________________________________________________________ Abstract The present paper is intended to review No Borders movement and its practical political experience. First of all, this article will investigate its radical... more
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      Social MovementsMigration StudiesAnthropology of BordersBorders and Frontiers